
Combined JS File Using YUICompressor Causing Errors

I'm combining multiple js files using YUI Compressor. The command works successfully and outputs a combined file properly. When I point my page to it, however, it doesn't seem to be read properly and I get this error in the Javascript error console. YAHOO is not defined I've tried using the --nomunge and --preserve-semi options but ...

Tips when moving from YUI Datatable to Jquery Datatable

Hai guys, I thus far used YUI Datatable to render all my records... Since Jquery is very popular nowdays and a lightweighter one than YUi .. I ve decided to use it... What are the Learning curves when moving from YUI to jquery? Tips and tricks about Jquery Datatable? Can i configure paginator in jquery datatable? ...

How do I progrmatically (via JQuery) set the content of the YUI text editor?

Hey all, I expect this is a newbie question despite smashing my head against the YUI documentation. I have a page with a YUI Simple Editor (called 'myEditor'). It hooks to a text area called 'posttext'. New editing is fine, but the problem I am solving right now involves the user clicking on one or more existing elements, and putting...

Tracking opening of an Overlay element.

I'm using a Yahoo User Interface Overlay on a page, and wondered if there is anyway to track interaction with it, if only just how many times its been opened. The overlay is triggered by click on an image, is there something I could add to this event? ...

YUI MenuBar not showing submenus

So I'm trying to learn the YUI toolkit, and I'm having issues with my menubar having usable submenus. If I use the following code: <html> <head> <title>Web</title> <!-- Yahoo UI --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/combo?2.8.0r4/build/reset-fonts-grids/reset-fonts-grids.css&amp;2.8.0r4/build/base...

Why my yui datatable within an updatepanel disappears after postback?

I got my YUI datatable rendered with my json datasource inside an updatepanel... If i click a button within that updatepanel causes postback and my yui datatable disappears Why yui datatable within an updatepanel disappears after postback? EDIT: I am rendering YUI Datatable once again after each post back which is not a form submit....

Why does calling the YUI Datatable showCellEditor not display the editor?

Clicking on the second cell (any row) in the datatable causes the cell editor to display. But, I am trying to display the cell editor from code. The code looks like the following: var firstEl = oDataTable.getFirstTdEl(rowIndex); var secondCell = oDataTable.getNextTdEl(firstEl); oDataTable.showCellEditor(secondCell); When I...

Can jQuery throw an error from my event handlers ?

Hello I have an error that occurs in a specific event handler that I setup using jQuery and the code just breaks without any errors being displayed. When I used to code similar things in YUI I would setup YAHOO.util.Event.throwErrors = true; in my dev. version and that was telling YUI's event handler to throw errors. I can't find anythi...

How to remove a YUI Chart from a page

I need to create and remove YUI charts from a page. To remove, I am doing $('.chart').remove() to get rid of the containing DIV. However, this raises a null reference exception in this script: try { document.getElementById("yuiswf1").SetReturnValue(_flash_toXML(YAHOO.widget.SWF.eventHandler("yuiswf1",({category:"info",message:"resize...

YUI Dialogs: Instantiate one and show/hide several times? Or instantiate a new one each time?

If I was using the YUI to show a dialog which I might want to appear, say, five times in the course of a page, would it be better to: A) Instantiate one, and then show and hide it several times? or B) Instantiate a new one each time it's to be displayed, then dispose of it? First option seems like it'd be faster. Second option see...

Cross-platform JS access to local filesystem via plugin?

I have a javascript photo-organizer built on the YUI JS libs which can organize photos from many sites via REST api. I want to know if I can resuse any of this code to organize photos on the local filesystem. I need a cross-browser (i.e. PC/Mac) solution to the following (in order of increasing privilege): persistent file access to...

Is there a jQuery equivalent to the YUI, ASP.NET, or Google DataSource?

One of the things I like about the YUI framework is the DataSource control. A common widget that intelligently gets data from a variety of sources and plugs into other UI widgets in a standard way. So... you fetch tabular data into a DataSource and then have the option of plugging that data into a table, a chart, an autocomplete widget, ...

JQuery validation is not working for YUI editor. ASP.NET MVC

I'm using YUI(Yahoo UI) rich text editor control in my MVC view page. I need to do a jquery required field validation. It shows error message when submit without any value in that field but it stays after typing the value in the text editor. Please help me if anyone has tried it before or if you have any other javascript validation log...

YUI Rich Text Editor: Text coloring tools are not working.

I'm using YUI RTE (version: 2.8.0r4). Only the text coloring tools are not working. It is enabled when I highlight the the text, but when clicking on the icon is not opening the color picker. Pls look at the snapshot, var myEditor = new YAHOO.widget.Editor('body', { height: '300px', width: '99%', ...

Is EXT JS Fast Enough?

We are going to be producing a RIA that will also be available using Adobe AIR for database management and manipulation with a php back end. In an effort to speed up development we have decided on using YUI or EXT JS. It appears that EXT JS out of the box will produce a better looking application than YUI but being essentially 100% JS...

How to Implement YUI Data table header checkbox Control ?

I have an implementation for local datasource at http://javascript.kunalcholera.com/ I was wondering how we could extend this to datasources which are XHR and not local datasources. ...

YUI menu, handling "onclick" from markup

Hi all. Would like to know if is it possible to handle onclick event via Html markup. (link text) I know many YUI widgets can use yuiConfig to add configuration properties directly from markup ! (like Treeview) Anybody knows ? ...

javascript image slideshow (jquery or YUI)

I am looking for a javascript based image slideshow solution. Requirements I received: A few images are added to the slideshow, and it fades one image after another and then starts again from the first image There should be a navigation in order to manually go to the next / previous image There should be the option to pause the slidesh...

Information about how to use YUI to develop an interface for a Java Web Application

Hello Can anyone recommend some good sources of information on developing a user interface for a Java Web Application using YUI Should I take it as a bad sign that there is scant information about this combination on web? Thanks ...

PHP sending HTML to JS

I have a div on the page where the contents change depending on the value selected in a drop down. Because there is a large amount of formatted content in this div I want to have a php script supply html which is stored in a file on the system. I can't seam to figure out how to have php return the contents of that file, which essentiall...