
.Net Application Settings - Property Binding OnPropertyChanged()

I have a property on a label bound to a Setting in my App Setting file. What I am wondering, Can I hook a OnPropertyChanged() up to this some how? I know there are other ways I may accomplish this but this got my curiosity up so I thought I'd ask. EDIT The reason I am asking is when the bound property of my label - Tag(bool) chan...

Unexpected c# interface implementation compiler error

I just came across this weird behavior today: interface IFooBar { void Foo(); void Bar(); } class FooBar : IFooBar { void IFooBar.Foo() { } void IFooBar.Bar() { this.Foo(); } } The line this.Foo(); raises the compiler error 'MyProject.FooBar' does not contain a definition for 'Foo' and ...

problem installing .net 3.5

Hi, I was trying to install .net 3.5 on one of the servers but got an error saying [09/15/10,15:30:24] WIC Installer: [2] Error code 1603 for this component means "Fatal error during installation." [09/15/10,15:30:24] WIC Installer: [2] Setup Failed on component WIC Installer [09/15/10,15:30:26] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates WIC Insta...

How can I set known type for IEnumerable<T>?

For WCF I need to specify that the known type for any IEnumerable<T> is T[]. Is there any way that this is possible using the configuration section? Something like the following, though I know it doesn't work just like this: <system.runtime.serialization> <dataContractSerializer> <declaredTypes> <add type="System.IEn...

How do I troubleshoot PipeExceptions and CommunicationExceptions in WCF?

I have an application consisting of several WCF services, some of which are implemented in Workflow Foundation (.NET 3.5), others just plain C#. These services communicate with each other over a netNamedPipeBinding for performance reasons. The trouble is that I'm seeing more and more CommunicationExceptions and underlying PipeExceptions ...

JIT Compiler and its Types

I came across few forums where i found people saying there are three types of JIT Compiler and they are Pre JIT ECO JIT and Normal JIT Is this true/right? I searched in MSDN, i did not get anything about this classification. Can someone through some light on this? Ram ...

Checking if user created password matches corporate password policy

My company has some unique password policies (such as a pwd cannot be re-used for 6 months, aside from the must include #, special character, upper & lower case) Can anyone suggest how to go about ensuring that a new user's password complies with these policies (using forms authentication in .net 3.5 framework)? ...

How can I implement a custom QueryStringConverter for RESTful WCF?

I've implemented a customized QueryStringConverter class and hooked it up using a customized WebHttpBehavior subclass. When I make a service call, it hits my breakpoint in the CanConvert override (and I return true for this parameter), but it never calls my ConvertStringToValue override, and ends up just passing null to the service call....

How to show Datapoint lable values in legend in MS BAR Chart

Hi, Can any one please assist me on how to display label values of potential(15,13) shown in the following image link MS Chart Image in the legend which is currently showing #VAL. Actually not only the one point,can suggest on how to display the label values on each point in the legend. To get the values of important,critical points ...

Wanted: C# programming library for mathematics.

What I need is: plots creation, stuff for interpolation, stuff for counting such things as and where L(x) is an interpolation built from some data (points) generated from original known function f(x). meaning we know original function. we have a range (-a, a) - known. We need library to help us calculate data points in range. we ...

Using HTTPHandler in C# .NET 3.5 with jQuery Week Calendar

I've been trying to get this to work for weeks now, all to no avail. I am sure that my code must be failing through something fairly small and stupid, but having tried a number of different approaches I'm starting to really struggle as to what the problem might be. Has anybody else managed to get the jQuery Week Calendar (http://github.c...

Linq to mess up order of an array?

Update: False alarm! The source of the error was elsewhere. (See at the end of the question.) Is it possible that either Linq or foreach can mess up the order of an array? One of my testers reported to have experienced that the order of a list of items he fed in as input didn't match the order of the final list that was saved in the da...

Any way to make this LINQ faster?

I have a LINQ expression that's slowing down my application. I'm drawing a control, but to do this, I need to know the max width of the text that will appear in my column. The way I'm doing that is this: return Items.Max(w => TextRenderer.MeasureText((w.RenatlUnit == null)? "" : w.RenatlUnit.UnitNumber, this.Font).Width) + 2; Howeve...

Is there a way to find a file by just its name in C#?

We use absolut path or relatvie path to find a file in our C# application right now. Is there a way to find the file just by its name if the file is under the currect working directory or under one of the "paths"? Use absolute pathe is not good and use relative path is not good enough because we may change project structure by rename o...

Using Linq Aggregate to return array of values

I have something like this: long[] f = new long[4]{1,10,100,1000}; I want to divide 1000 by 100, 100 by 10 and 10 by 1 Is there a way to return results in an array with the results eg/ 10,10,10 UPDATE: This seems to confuse a few so here is another example long[] f = new long[3]{1,2,6}; I want to divide 6 by 2 and 2 by 1 with the ...

.Net web application behind a WebSeal reverse proxy

We are currently designing a solution that will run as a .Net Web application behind a WebSeal reverse proxy. I have seen some comments on the net where people have had various problems with this, for example rewriting of viewstate. Question is: Has anyone implemented this combination of techologies and got it to work? ...

Removing previous part from Reply emails

Hi, I'm trying to write application that periodically receives e-mails. It writes every mail into database. But sometimes i'm getting 'Re:' e-mail that looks something like this: New message On September 21, 2010 24:26 Someone wrote (a): | Old message | The format depends on e-mail provider. Is there any library that...

Why doesn't [NonSerialized] work on autoimplemented properties?

[Serializable] class MyClass { [NonSerialized] int Foo { get; set; } // error [NonSerialized] int bar; // ok } Why is this disallowed? I know about the workarounds such as implementing ISerializable switching to XmlSerializer/XmlIgnore switching to a manually-implemented property The question is specifically why is [NonSer...

Developing a data access layer using ADO.Net and LINQ

I have a potential project where I would be working on developing the "Data Access Layer" of a reporting application using ADO.Net and LINQToSQL. I have not specifically worked on a Data Access Layer project (middle tier), so I was wondering if anyone here could provide a sample / example / resource, where I can get an idea of what th...

.NET 3.5 - Open a PDF directly from stream in native viewer.

I'm working on a WinForms C# 3.0 / .NET 3.5 project involving building some canned reports. One of the requirements of the project is to export to PDF format, and currently doing so to disk is working just fine. The question was raised, however, if it's possible to export the file to a stream and open it directly in the native viewer o...