
Remove Movie clip as3

Ok this has been driving me nuts for the past couple of hours and i know there is an easy answer. I have a scrollPane which has a movie clip called right_container_mc as it's source. Inside this right_container_mc I have other other movie clips called execiseBox that get added (in the correct positions on the stage) from an array with a...

Results with trying to convert AS2 to AS3

Hi. Previously I wrote on trying to convert some AS2 to AS3. It's a sliding panel. A big panel called bigSlide onstage contains to children MC's: slide1 and slide2. Onstage there are also buttons b1, b2 and closeb. Here's the AS2: stop(); var currentPosition:Number = bigSlide.slide1._x; var startFlag:Boolean = false; menuSlide = func...

as3 to .net, not receiving Event.COMPLETE callback

I created an image uploader for an app I am working on. I first used php for the server side script, and everything worked fine. I found out afterwards I had to use .net, so I created new serverside scripts. The problem I am having is that my event.COMPLETE listener is never firing. I can receive data back using a DATAEVENT listener, bu...

Improving counter with animation AS3

With what I’ve got now, which which is “dynamic text” counting, how can I improve it with animation? I want “scrolling” like and odometer, and also want “ticking” like an LED. Parts I’m having problems with a. have the counter push array with different images “half understand this” b. need animation to be a object I can change out “LE...

Trying to use a movieclip on a mesh...

Hi there, Im new here and I got a question, I need to use a movieclip on a mesh, I mean, make that the shape of my movieclip fits in a mesh, my movieclip now have a rectangular form, and I want it to adopt a cylindrical one. Obviously, I want that my moviecliip keep all its funcionality, buttons, animations, etc. Thx in advance. Cyas....

How can I isolate the Tweener class so that loaded .swfs are not interfering with my tweens

I am working on a UI that makes heavy use of the Tweener class, and which also loads an external .swf that I believe also uses the Tweener class. After tracking down all kinds of buggy behavior, I'm thinking that the problem is that the loaded .swf is making calls to Tweener.removeAllTweens() *(This is just an assumption) and stopping ...

In Flash Actionscript 3.0 how do I create smooth keyboard controls for player movement?

I am a beginner in Flash Actionscript 3.0 programming. I am trying to create smooth keyboard controls for player movement in a game. I'm currently using addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN) listening for a keyboard key press and then within the handler function moving a graphic by adding a number to its .x or .y property. This cr...

Is there a benefit to embedding ActionScript in MXML when developing Flex apps?

I always thought that separating the UI from the logic is the way to go like the use of class files in Flash CS3/CS4 or MVC in web frameworks but recently there are plenty of examples and posts using ActionScript embedded in MXML. Is there a benefit to doing this? Am I missing something. ...

Is it possible to make Flash 100% GPU accellerated, even if outside the browser?

I'm trying to figure out the extent of flash 10's GPU acceleration capabilities. Is it possible to get 100% of your code GPU accelerated, or is only certain sandboxed functions? Even if I have to go outside the browser to get it, or to know exactly how much and what kind of GPU acceleration I can achieve inside the browser. A link to a ...

Creating a parallax on a tiling background

I am using the blitting technique that jeff from uses for creating tiles. I am trying to paint 2 layers of bitmapdata onto a bitmap. One the first layer is the background ( 1 image). and the second layer is the tiles. In that class below. the updateMap is the method that gets called in the loop to repaint the image. packa...

as3 sorting xml data ?

I have xml data that I can load into my flex app; however, I need to sort it by node. I'm trying to create a combobox or listbox that can display a list of locations sorting them either alphabetically or by the category they are in... I can't get my head around how to format the xml or how to code the flash file to sort according to lo...

Flash AS3 - Problem posting XMLList Value in text area using htmltext

Well that's the problem. Creating an RSS reader. One feature is that should parse several "category" nodes from a feed. But when I load a feed, the category doesn't shows up in the text area. Flash returns no errors. Heres the code - var curStory =[] var catlist:XMLList = curStory.categor...

Why use a Flex framework like Cairngorm or Mate?

From what I understand a framework reduces complexity in areas that are common, like a log-in system. I use ASP.NET MVC at work and have done some work in Zend Framework but do not get how a framework helps with client side development. The reason ASP.NET MVC is used at work is for Unit Testing - does a Flex framework help with this too?...

[Flash n AS] How to check if sth alr exist on stage?

How to check if sth alr exist on stage? Shldn't it print out "doesn't exist" for the 1st one and "exist" for the second one? But it prints out "doesn't exist" for both. I added a timer cos I thought need to wait for a while for it to add to the stage, but it doesn't work. var idonnoe:TextField = new TextField(); if (Boolean(this.getCh...

Loading Vars into Flash (AS3) Happy Until HTML Tags Pop Up.

I'm working on a little blog app in flash and can't seem to load any variables with html embedded. Is there a way around this? flash code: var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest(path + "index.php")); urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showData); function showData(e:Event):void { var dataObj:URLVariables = n...

ActionScript syntax error 1084: expecting rightbrace before leftbrace and var 'colour' will be scoped to default namespace

I got an error which says 1084 syntax error; expecting rightbrace before leftbrace as well as var 'colour' will be scoped to default namespace. Im' not sure what is going on but it is interfering with my ability to debug. it is action script 1084 error package { import flash.display; import flash.display.Loader; import flash.di...

Weird behaviour reading stage.stageHeight when Bandwith Profiler is open

Anyone else has experienced weird behaviors and unexpected values when checking for stage.stageHeight while you have Bandwith Profiler open in Flash IDE? Say, I have been using this for testing Perlin Noise stuff: package { import flash.display.StageAlign; import flash.display.StageScaleMode; import flash.display.Sprite;...

how to restrict users to insert only numbers in a TextInput ?

I want that the users will be able to insert only numbers in a specific TextInput. Anybody knows how to do this ? ...

is there a way to cover a flash with a div when wmode is 'gpu' ?

i know this can be done by changing wmode to "transparent or opaque". But is there any way to show the div over the flash file using wmode "gpu" .. ...

AS3 transparent background

Hi, I'm creating a game for an assignment and am using Flash CS4. I'm figuring the best way to do this is to create each room setting in a separate file and insert the characters (it's first person, so you only see his back the entire time). I don't want to just animate him for every room because it's basically the same actions he does i...