
iPhone + add controls dynamically

Hello, I want to add UILabel controls to my application dynamically from code (programmatically), please help me ...

adding multimedia files in a database

how to add multimedia files(such as images) in a database(SQL SERVER or ORACLE) ...

How to prevent Add row dialog from showing for detail grid when no row selected in master

I am using JQGrid 3.4 and have a master and detail grid. The grids employ the add record forms from a button click on the navigator. I want to prevent the display of the add detail row from when no master row is selected. I have figured out how to determine if it the master grid has a selected row or not and to show an alert message box ...

Django Admin: How to dynamically insert values into the add inline form

Let's say I have this model: class Foo(models.Model): bar = models.ForeignKey(Bar) currency = models.ForeignKey(Currency) # currency is just an example is_active = models.BooleanField() Now suppose Foo is an Inline of Bar. And I would always want to indicate a value on each currency? If I could replace those currency drop ...

Find and Add line in text file from batch

I would like to know if anyone can help me with this. I would like to search a text file for a certain line of text, add a new line under the specific line then add text to the new line. I will be using this to edit the firefox.js file to add the line of text to add support for Iprism. It will run on XP and Windows 7 machines. I would l...

Add new data into PHP JSON string

Hello. I have $data as JSON encoded data and I have this string: $new_data = "color:'red'"; that needs to be added to $data so that I can read it from it as a json string. How can I achieve this ? Thank you. ...

Add JavaScript object to JavaScript object

Hi all, I'd like to have JavaScript objects within another JavaScript object as such: Issues: - {"ID" : "1", "Name" : "Missing Documentation", "Notes" : "Issue1 Notes"} - {"ID" : "2", "Name" : "Software Bug", "Notes" : "Issue2 Notes, blah, blah"} - {"ID" : "2", "Name" : "System Not Ready", "Notes" : "Issue3 Notes, etc"} // etc...

When are ASP.NET GridView Rows actually added to the root Table?

Goal: For each row in the grid render a row under it that colspans all of the columns in the grid. Why: So that we can nest grids in that row or maybe a form for a quick edit or maybe an update panel. Challenge: In RowDataBound, RowCreated the row that you are working with has not yet been added to the root table. This makes it easy if...

Adding a block of XML as child of a SimpleXMLElement object

Hey all, I have this SimpleXMLElement object with a XML setup similar to the following... $xml <<< EOX <books> <book> <name>ABCD</name> </book> </books> EOX; $sx = new SimpleXMLElement( $xml ); Now I have a class named Book that contains info. about each book. The same class can also spit out the book info. in XML...

add / remove class on span inside a tag

I've tried various options but can't get the silly thing to work. How do I get the span inside an < a > tag within an < li > to change class to "active"; then remove it when another < a > is clicked? <ul id="dumb"> <li><a href="#">Something<span></span></a></li> <li><a href="#">Something Else<span></span></a></li> </ul> Clicking the <...

iPhone:add, update and remove contact programmatically

hi all, i am new to iPhone programming i want to ask that whether i can add, update or remove contact from iPhone contact list. Please suggest or provide me some helpful link. ...

Adding alt text to images with firebug

Can somebody please tell me how to add alt text to images on firebug? ...

add nodes to an existing xml file using element list has changed. The enumeration operation failed to continue error

hi friends, I have an xml file and i add a node to it using the following code. LoadXmlDoc.Load("first.XML") LoadXmlDoc_2.Load("second.XML") Dim NodeToCreateOrReplace_2 As XmlNodeList = LoadXmlDoc_2.GetElementsByTagName("SB") Dim NodeToCreateOrReplace As XmlNodeList = LoadXmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("SB") Dim newnode As XmlNode, currNod...

trying to add/remove controls to a form

plz keep in mind I'm very noobish... What I'm trying to do is add "blips" to my form. I have a calculation that determines where all these "blips" will be, which is plotted on a graph. the solution determines that the coordinates are "blipHours, blipAltitude" I want to somehow add small dots to my form at these locations. At first I wa...

Add user in database?

I have a user which can login in sql server. Now i need to add user in database, however i am not sure if that user already exists in database or not. So i need script, which checks if the user exists in database or not, and if doesn't it should add that user in that database. How can i do that? ...

Adding a detail record in a master-detail window view

I'll preface with "Brand new to Cocoa" -- I have a master/detail page on my app: Students that may have one or several contacts (i.e. parents, relatives, etc). I have a Student entity and a Contact entity with a relationship field called "contact" in the Student entity and another relationship field called "student" in the Contact enti...

stick integer to string and char*

Dear all, How can I add an integer variable to a string and char* variable? for example: int a = 5; string St1 = "Book", St2; char *Ch1 = "Note", Ch2; St2 = St1 + a --> Book5 Ch2 = Ch1 + a --> Note5 Thanks ...

How can I add and remove a class on links using jQuery?

Let me give a better description of exactly what I'm wanting to do here. I'm using Wikispaces, and by default, when a user adds a new page link to the side navigation bar, wikispaces inserts either one of two classes: wiki_link or wiki_link_new. Here's what it looks like... <a href="/Map+Page" class="wiki_link">Map Page</a><br/> <a hr...

jquery add or slice

I am trying to wrap a certain number of elements in a div. The problem is that the number of elements can vary based on the user's input. So the number of elements could be 2, 3, 4, or even more. I have a variable that tells me how many elements should be wrapped. So, for instance, my page may have this: <div class="test"></div> <div cl...

Control Add PostBack Problem

Hi; I Add Control Dynamiclly but; easc Postback event my controls are gone. I Can not see again my controls. So How can I add control ? ...