
How to add all items in a String array to a vector in Java ?

My code looks like this : Vector<String> My_Vector=new Vector<String>(); String My_Array[]=new String[100]; for (int i=0;i<100;i++) My_Array[i]="Item_"+i; ...... My_Vector.addAll(My_Array); But I got an error message, what's the right way to do it, without looping to add each item ? Frank ...

git: How do you add an external directory to the repository?

I want to add an external directory to an existing repository. External Dir: /home/some/directory Working Dir: /htdocs/.git If I attempt the following command from the /htdocs dir: git add /home/some/directory I get an error: fatal: '/home/some/directory' is outside repository ...

Add a contact to android emulator

Hi, My issue is quite simple I think : I would like to be able to add a contact to the contact list by a simple click on a button (and be able to test it on the emulator). The data of this contact would be stored in the source code of the application. is there an easy way of doing that? thank you for your answers ...

PHP MYSQL Add up number of entries in single table and display in HTML

I have a table called activities which contains a number of activities for projects (for example 6 activities are related to one project). On projects page, you can see the projects, and I have one column which needs to display the number of activities associated with the project. So basically, I need a query or PHP calculation that can...

Adding folders to a git repository while ignoring some subfolders

Im trying to add a directory "foo" to my repo, but there are some sub dirs lets call them "bar1", "bar2", "bar3" and "bar4" Now I want to add foo to my repo, while ignoring foo/bar2 and foo/bar3 is this possible? do i need to add them first and then remove the folders I dont want? ...

How do you allow the user to add items to a tableview in iPhone SDK?

Hi, I'm kind of new to this stuff. I was wondering how you can allow the user of your iPhone app to add new items to your tableview. If you're confused by what I mean, please look at the free app, ListGnome. ...

Add to a table with javascript

I have a table which looks like this: <table id='t'> <thead> .... </thead> <tbody id='t_tbody'> </tbody> </table> thead is filled with content tbody is empty I want to use javascript to add this (for example) to t_tbody: <tr> <td>Name</td> <td>Points</td> <td>Information</td> </tr> How can I d...

complete tableview with data tutorial posted on youtube

there is a great tutorial about tableview posted on youtube that contains 5 parts. Unfortunately, I reload videos and checked several times the code and application keep crashing. link 1st part: Anybody that also follows this tutorial to discuss possible failure? thanx ...

Add divs below a parent div using jquery...

Here is my parent div, <div id="ResultsDiv" class="resultsdiv"> <br /> <span id="EmployeeName" style="font-size:125%;font-weight:bolder;">Pandiyan</span> <span style="font-size:100%;font-weight:bolder;padding-left:100px;">Category&nbsp;:</span>&nbsp; <span>Supervisor</span><br /><br /> <span id="SalaryBasis" style="font-size:100%;f...

how to add item to Spinner's ArrayAdapter?

i had a EditText , a button and a spinner . When click the button , the spinner will add a new item with name you entered in the EditText. But here is the question, my adapter.add() method seems doesn't is my code: public class Spr extends Activity { Button bt1; EditText et; ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> adapter; Spinner spinn...

how to add folder to a listbox in .net?

i have a list box and i want to add a folder/directory to that which is at the specified location i have used the code string path = "E:\\shruti\\MyDir"; DirectoryItem folder = new DirectoryItem(path); lstBurnItems.Items.Add(folder); //add folder to listbox but its not working fine... what should i do to get success?? ...

jquery toggle with cookie quick help

Hopefully a quick fix after spending quite a few hours trying to get this to work: Basically I to ONLY add the class "active" to .trigger anchor when when it has either been clicked or the cookie has made it open. And when the anchor is clicked again to close the container remove the class "active". Here is my code. Thanks. $(document...

how to add feedback form in Joomla 1.5.15 website

hi, I am new to Joomla and using joomla1.5.15 hosted on godaddy. Currently no new/additional compenents/extentions have been installed. I want to add a feedback form (with few text/check boxes, radio buttons etc) in my site, which should also send an email to some email id without storing information in database. Kindly guide me how to ...

want to add url links to .csv datafeed using python

Hi all ive looked through the current related questions but have not managed to find anything similar to my needs. Im in the process of creating a affiliate store using zencart - now one of the issues is that zencart is not designed for redirects and affiliate stores but it can be done. I will be changing the store so it acts like a...

Get value of "data"

Hi, I need to figure out the value of data strings with jquery, for example like this: { label: "Beginner", data: 2}, { label: "Advanced", data: 12}, { label: "Expert", data: 22}, to add them up. Something like: var sum = data1+data2+data3; alert(sum); So the result for this example would be 36. Appreciate your help! Nic...

How do I programmatically add a widget to a container created from GtkBuilder?

I've created a window that has some containers and widgets in it, and I want to add a new widget dynamically at run-time to one of the Vboxes in this window. So I have this code, which brings up the window: gtk_builder_add_from_file( g_builder, "window.xml", NULL ); mainwindow = GTK_WIDGET( gtk_builder_get_object( g_builder, "window"...

using jquery to add tr

I added a jquery function to add a <tr> dynamically at the end of my table. It worked fine until I added table headers to my table. After I did this, the function started adding 2 trs at a time to the table. What happened? HTML: <table id="table" border="0"> <th>Col 1</th><th>Col2</th><th>col3</th> <tbody> <tr> <td> <select...

read from file and add numbers

I have text file with entries like 123 112 3333 44 2 How to add these numbers and get the sum of these. ...

How would I merged nested dictionaries in a list in python?

for example if i had the result [{'Germany': {"Luge - Men's Singles": 'Gold'}}, {'Germany': {"Luge - Men's Singles": 'Silver'}}, {'Italy': {"Luge - Men's Singles": 'Bronze'}}] [{'Germany': {"Luge - Women's Singles": 'Gold'}}, {'Austria': {"Luge - Women's Singles": 'Silver'}}, {'Germany': {"Luge - Women's Singles": 'Bronze'}}] [{'Austr...

How to Edit or Add a New Row in jqGrid

My jqGrid that does a great job of pulling data from my database, but I'm having trouble understanding how the Add New Row functionality works. Right now, I'm able to edit inline data, but I'm not able to create a new row using the Modal Box. I'm missing that extra logic that says, "If this is a new row, post this to the server side UR...