
Adding checked attribute via jQuery

Hello all, I am using the following widget It has worked great so far, but I need some help in adding attributes. In using Firebug, I've noticed that by simply clicking on the checkbox the checked attribute does not appear as I would expect it to. In my code, I've mod...

How can I add a contact in android?

hi all, i am writing code to add contact in android. here is my code: ArrayList ops = new ArrayList(); int rawContactInsertIndex = ops.size(); ops.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(RawContacts.CONTENT_URI) .withValue(ContactsCo...

Adding custom Header information to the HttpServletRequest object

I am working on a J2EE struts web application. I want to send application information to the server through the Request Headers. Is there anyway that i can add a custom header information like isValidUser: true to the HttpServletRequest object programatically just like we do it using addHeader method in the HttpServletResponse class. ...

Grails Controllers adding instances

Alright I asked a question before but wasn't quite sure about it. So I went ahead and waited till now to ask again. Main Question How do I add a new instance of the domain through the controller? I created a function named gather to read a file with data and then create a new Book with the specific information, however it is not adding...

When adding events to FullCalendar they are duplicated - multiple calls made to add event without cause

I am using FullCallendar and Jquery. I made a google calendar like interface and pull events from a json file. When a user clicks on a day a div opens for them to enter info click add event and the event is added. On the second click when the user clicks add event two events are added, one on the first clicked day and the second on the s...

Uitableview in editing mode: how to add both the "+" (add) and "-" (delete) buttons at the same time?

Is it possible to have a uitableview that when in editing mode it shows both the red button ('-') and the green button (+) I wanted to do so so i can either delete a row or duplicate it. ...

Add a new row to an existing dynamic datatable

I have a dynamic datatable, created from a database. I want to add a new row (blank), so there is an option to choose nothing in a combobx. Everything works ok, without adding the new row. But when I add a new row, the combobox displays nothing. What am I missing? Here is the code Dim DT As New DataTable DT = DS.Tables("CallStatus...

Widget development for wpf

Hi, I am searching for a design pattern, open source platform or what can else use to develop widget for wpf applications. I need to develop a host application that could load predefined or custom widget and this widget could interact with host application or could communicate with other widgets. User could add new widget without quiting...

Adding or merging python dictionaries without loss

I'm trying to count up ip addresses found in a log file on two servers and then merge the dictionary stats together without loosing elements or counts. I found a partial solution in another stack overflow question but as you can see it drops the '':7 pair. >>> a = {'':23,'':5,'':5,'':1...

SQL: Add all values from different rows

Hi, I have two SQL queries I want to combine into one. The first one selects all the IDs of the rows I need to add in the second one: SELECT t.mp_id FROM t_mp AS t JOIN t_mp_og USING (mp_id) WHERE og_id = 2928 AND t.description = 'Energy' The second one should add together the values from the rows returned by the first query. Up unti...

how to add dynamic property for python object

site=object() for k,v in dict.iteritems(): setattr(site,k,v) print site.a#it won't works i use this code but it didn't work,any one could help?thanks ...

using jQuery to add and remove textbox with unique IDs

I wrote a function to add listitem with a text box and a remove button, everytime the add button was clicked. i'm also adding a unique id to each new element by adding a number. the problem happens when i try to remove an element, then add another one, sometimes that number is being duplicated. ex: I add 4 li's and decide to remove #3...

Check if a List is of that type that it can ADD/Delete items ?

Hello, I am having a UserControl with an ItemsSource that allows only objects, that can be enumerated (implement IEnumerable) and where I can add/delete items. How can I test the latter? ...

jquery add remove tr from table after click in every td and passing data

Hi, i've a table with more tr and td : <table> <tr> <td><a href='1.htm'> 1 </a></td> <td><a href='2.htm'> 2 </a></td> <td><a href='3.htm'> 3 </a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href='4.htm'> 4 </a></td> <td><a href='5.htm'> 5 </a></td> <td><a href='6.htm'> 6 </a></td> </tr> When user clicks on first td with href=1.htm a new tr after ...

Is it possible to add a reference in a C# project depending on the value of a conditional compilation symbol (preprocessor constant)?

Hello, I am developing a library which can be compiled for two different technologies. Basically, the users of the library should be able to compile the solution either for the Unity3D game engine or the NeoAxis game engine. The problem is: while the library is ready for the conditional compilation (#if UNITY using ... #endif, etc.), I c...

What is the syntax for adding an element to a scala.collection.mutable.Map ?

What is the syntax for adding an element to a scala.collection.mutable.Map ? Here are some failed attempts: val map = scala.collection.mutable.Map map("mykey") = "myval" map += "mykey" -> "myval" map.put("mykey","myval") ...

how to add struts element <html:option> into form using javascript

hi expert, i need to set value for drop down box when form is load, so i'm able to create normal html element dynamically using javascript as below, addOption(document.form[0].templateCategory,i,templateCategory[i]); function addOption(selectbox, text, value) { var optn = document.createElement("OPTION"); optn.text = text; optn.v...

osCommerce add textbox

Hello friend How can I add textbox to admnin part of oscommerce in add product? is there any extension? Kindly Help me ...