
how to add a new product add page in magento admin side??

The product add page is very large..can anybody help me to create a single product adding page in the admin side... ...

QXmlStreamWriter add at end of file

i got an QXmlStreamWriter and add some xml to it. when i do it first time its ok, but when i want to add text at end of file it dont work. the only thing i got is first few lines i wrote good and formatted xml and the second thing i wrote is everything on 1 line. :S how to fix this? ...

Add large chunk of HTML with Jquery

Hi. I am designing a site that uses progressive enhancement and has also has a mobile version. I am wanting to use jquery to add a slideshow to the desktop site and want to know the best method for adding a large quantity of HTML. A sample of what I intend to add is: <!-- Slideshow --> <div class="scrollable"> <!-- "previous page" actio...

Drupal views add form to add record

Hi! I have some view which lists my module table entries. What is the most elegant way to attach a form below the view to add record? Waht I am trying to do know is: I created dedicated form in my module: function my_module_form_add_record($form_state) { form fields..... } I added to the view theme file: $add_form = drupal_get_form...

Give ID/Class to generated images

Hello. I have 10 or so images coming in from flickr. At the moment they just come in as images with no individual ID or Class names. So I have: <img src="images/01.jpg" width="300" height="273" /> <img src="images/01.jpg" width="300" height="273" /> <img src="images/01.jpg" width="300" height="273" /> <img src="images/01.jpg" width="30...

WPF DataGrid Row add in codebehind

Hi I am from VB.Net WinForms comming. Now I wanted to write a small app in WPF, listing some files in a datagridview. I used WPF's DataGrid, created some Columns. And then failed to add my rows. Please, can you help me to select the right way to get my filenames, state-text and thumbnails added to the DataGrid Row? In VB.Net WinForms...

JQuery add delete row table from another

I have two tables with FIRST and SECOND id. <TABLE ID="FIRST"> <TR> <TD></TD> <TD></TD> <TD></TD </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE ID="SECOND"> <TR> <TD>1</TD> <TD>First Value</TD> <TD><A HREF="#">Add</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>2</TD> <TD>Second Value</TD> <TD><A HREF="#">Add</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>...</TD> <TD>...</TD> <TD><A HREF="#">Add</A></TD>...

Adding view created in Interface Builder to Progmatically created view - can it be done?

Ok so I've downloaded an open source project that I'm looking at customising for personal use (unless it turns into a great project in which case who knows) but in either case I'm having some difficulty. From a starting point I'm finding creating UI elements using progmatic methods rather difficult, just can't find a good tutorial out t...

add onclick event to newly added element in javascript

Hi I have been trying to add onclick event to new elements I added with javascript. the problem is when I check document.body.innerHTML I can actually see the onclick=alert('blah') is added to the new element. but when I click that element I don't see the alert box is working. in fact anything related to javascript is not working.. here...

How to add subview to a webview so that the subview would scroll along with webview?

I have webview. Now I want to add a subview to it. I added it using addsubview method. The view got added, but did not scrolled with webview. I want my subview to be scrolled with the webview. How can I do that? Regards, Akshay. ...

Add to python path mac os x

I thought import sys sys.path.append("/home/me/mydir") is appending a dir to my pythonpath if I print sys.path my dir is in there. Then I open a new command and it is not there anymore. But somehow Python cant import modules I saved in that dir. What Am I doing wrong? I read .profile or .bash_profile will do the trick. Do I hav...

adding columns to dataviewgrid dynamically.....

Hi All, I am trying to bind columns to dataviewgrid dynamically. But it shows compiling time error with red wavy line. I have set autogeneratecolumn=false; and have written following: gvData.datasource = dsGetMasterdata.table[0]; BoundColumn bc = new BoundColumn(); bc.DataField = dsGetMasterData.Tables[0].Columns[i][0].ToString(); ...

git still untracked after add

Hello, Everytime I do git status there is this folder that appears as untracked. $ git status # On branch master # Untracked files: # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) # # src/error/ nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) Even after doing git add ., git commit...

Add milliseconds to Java date, when milliseconds is long

Hi guys, I am looking for the best way to add milliseconds to a Java Date when milliseconds is stored as a 'long'. Java calendar has an add function, but it only takes an 'int' as the amount. This is one solution I am proposing... Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar timeout = Calendar.getInstance(); timeout.setTime(toke...

Insert Entity into EntityCollection w/ RIA

Hey there, I've got a one-to-many relationship set up. (Ex. A Person with many Phone Numbers). In my get query i have this.ObjectContext.Person.Include("PhoneNumbers") and the in generated MetaData including public EntityCollection<PhoneNumbers> PhoneNumbers{ get; set; } I have also set up a DTO with this and other properties i need. [...

git diff on file in staging

Hi, I was wondering if I can see the changes that were made to a 'file' after I have done git add 'file' That is, when I do: git add file git diff file no diff is showed... But I guess there's a way to see the differences since the last commit. Any ideas ? Thanks, A ...

add_action function in wordpress

well im learning to create a wordpress plugin i downloaded one and read the codes, and i saw this i assume 'foo' is the tag where it will add action to.. but what does the array() exactly do? add_action('foo', array('foo1', 'foo2')); i looked at and there is no clear definition...

magento add to cart problem

Hello in my magento project add to cart problem in FF,safari,chorm. add to cart is working in IE but not in another bowser. Plz guide me right way. ...

Builder::XmlMarkup add multiple elements to root

I already create a xml documnt by using Builder::XmlMarkup lib and add elements something like that <sportVenueNextBookingConfigurations> <sportVenue id ='23'> <numberOfMonthsForBookings> <value type='staff'>8</value> <value type='normal'>7</value> <value type='booking_start_date'>2010-09-01...

Using Standard REGEX to add a character at the end of a string

I need to add a backward slash to a string before storing it; e.g. source "user1@domain1" - i need to store this string into two variables, userid and domain. However for the domain variable, before storing it I want to add a backward slash to the end of the domain name e.g. "domain1\" how can this be done in regex, thanks. ...