
Set alpha on radiobutton label

I'm trying set the alpha to 50% on some radiobuttons in AS3. The problem is that the radiobutton labels won't change. Anyone know how to fix this? ...

How do I separate the colour and alpha blend functions in opengl?

In the process of trying to port my 2D shadow rendering technique from Directx to Opengl, I've run across a problem where I can't seem to get fine enough access to the opengl blender. But first, so that the following makes sense, my algorithm: I sort and render all sprites from back to front without using a depth buffer. Shadow sprit...

PNG8+Alpha from Fireworks (colormap) are different/smaller than from elsewhere (RGBA). Why?

In Fireworks, when you export a PNG8 file with alpha transparency, the resulting file will be something like this: png8-fireworks.png: PNG image data, 500 x 500, 8-bit colormap, non-interlaced If you convert a 32bit PNG using other tools (PNGOUT, the result looks like this: png24-smushit.png: PNG image data, 500 x 500, 8-b...

UIView alpha problem

Hello. I'm having problems setting the alpha value of a UIView subclass object. Any suggestions? I have UIView project whose alpha property I'm manipulating to control brightness. I'm using a UISlider control to set the value of the alpha property in a UIView subclass as follows: -(id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)rect andParent:(id)thePare...

Change alpha for an image hover in CSS2 standard?

i'm trying to add alpha effect for my image. the image is in rounded corner rectangular shape. i know there is attributes to change the alpha in CSS3, but i'm trying to be compliant with the w3c standard, which is still CSS2. Sorry i didn't state my question correctly ealier. i was trying to change the alpha when i hover over the imag...

Changing the tablecell

Was wondering how you can make the cell transparent without affecting its children (subviews)? I tried just setting the alpha property but obviously that affects the other views that I have added to the cell. Here are the following methods I've tried so far: cell.contentView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:1 green:1 blue:1 alpha...

UISlider alpha issue

Hi! I'm want to figure out such an issue: I have a UIView dervied class in which there are several controls. Some of them must appear and disappear depending on selected mode. This is made by means of setting aplha value to respected component. All controls adds procedurally through code in initWithFrame in normal way. All controls wo...

wxWidgets - Alpha blending

Is there a way in wxWidget to do alpha blending operations such as multiplying the alpha of a bitmap versus the RGB of other bitmap to generate new images (such as rendering a photo as an anti-aliased circular shape). ...

Render to texture problem with alpha

When I render to texture, and then draw the same image, it seems to make everything darker. To get this image: I'm rendering the upper-left square with color (1, 1, 1, .8) to a texture, then rendering that texture, plus the middle square (same color) to another texture, then finally that texture plus the lower-right square (same color...

Using Alpha in image manipulation

I'm trying to get an image to display with one of the colors replaced with a white alpha so that I can layer it on top of other images. I've got it so that I can change colors easily enough, but changing it to be transparent is eluding me. Here's my code, using C# and WPF. private void SetAlpha(string location) { //bmp...

PIL: Thumbnail and end up with a square image

Calling image = image.thumbnail((36,36), Image.NEAREST) will maintain the aspect ratio. But I need to end up displaying the image like this: <img src="/media/image.png" style="height:36px; width:36px" /> Can I have a letterbox style with either transparent or white around the image? ...

Change Alpha on Main Window - Cocoa

Hey guys, I want to know if I can slowly increase the alpha MainWindow when I open the app and when I close the app. I know it may involve timers, and things like that, but I never dealt with this kind of thing before. I need your help guys...! Kevin ...

Alpha channel in OpenCV

Hi, does OpenCV support alpha-channel? Or is there any way to work with transparent png? I need to merge two images, where the first one is background and the second one is image which was rotated by cvWarpAffine. I can do this by merging pixels one by one and omit pixels with some value, which I set in cvScalar in cvWarpAffine. However,...

How to load PNGs and export to TGA keeping alpha in C#?

I'm writing a tool to automate some of our asset making for a game. What I want to do is take a folder of PNG files, combine them into a texture atlas and then export the atlas as a TGA and the UV coords to XML. I'm not sure which method I should use to load the PNG files in C# as there seem to be several. What is the recommended method...

iPhone SDK: Hit-testing with PNG Alpha channels

I have a simple app which has a bunch of icons which should be dragged into a circle. Both the icons and circle will be PNGs with alpha channels. Could someone please help me with basic code to set the bounds of these objects to the non-alpha channel data? ...

How to programmatically alpha fade a textured object in OpenGL ES 1.1 (iPhone)

I've been using OpenGL ES 1.1 on the iPhone for 10 months, and in that time there is one seemingly simple task I have been unable to do: programmatically fade a textured object. To keep it simple: how can I alpha fade, under code control, a simple 2D triangle that has a texture (with alpha) applied to it. I would like to fade it in/out w...

iPhone Programming: Applying Alpha to Parent but not to Child Views

Is it possible to set Alpha to .75 or .50 (transparent) for Parent view but the Child views/controls are opaque (Alpha channel 1.0 - completely visible). Whenever i set Alpha of my main UIView to transparent, all the child views/controls are also shown as transparent. Is there any workaround? ...

OpenGL alpha transparency

Hey everyone, I am starting to use opengl and I wanted to try alpha transparency. Here's my code: void display(void); int main(int argc, char** argv) { glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE|GLUT_RGBA); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable( GL_BLEND ); glutInitWindowSize(600,...

How do I blit a PNG with some transparency onto a surface in Pygame?

I'm trying to blit a PNG image onto a surface, but the transparent part of the image turns black for some reason, here's the simple code: screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600), pygame.DOUBLEBUF, 32) world = pygame.Surface((800, 600), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) treeImage = pygame.image.load("tree.png") world.blit(treeImage, (0,0), (0,0...

Mask white color out of PNG image on iPhone

I know that there are already 2 relevant posts on that, but it's not clear... So the case is this...: I have a UIImage which consists of a png file requested from a url on the net. Is it possible to mask out the white color so it becomes transparent? Everything I have tried so far with CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors, returns a white i...