
EMF with forced antialiasing

Hello, Our program needs to generate vector graphics, and we chose EMF for that. However, it seems that other programs render these images non-antialiased. I found that SVG format does have a flag to indicate that some/all objects should be antialiased. Is there any kind of flag or command inside the EMF format to indicate that we want...

Why can't I display slashes when using anti-alias dynamic text fields in Flash CS4.

I know what you're thinking - "Dumbass hasn't embedded his fonts" - right? Well wrong, I've told it to embedded Numerals, Punctuation and into Include these characters I have typed /£ and although it prints the pound symbol fine it skips the slash! I've tried doubling it up both in the output string and the Include these characters box...

Weird anti-aliasing in custom view

I have a custom UIView which is drawn using its -[drawRect:] method. The problem is that the anti-aliasing acts very weird as black lines horizontal or vertical lines are drawn very blurry. If I disable anti-aliasing with CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing, everything is drawn as expected. Anti-Aliasing: No Anti-Aliasing (which looks li...

Why do my Windows Forms strings look so ugly when anti-aliased?

I'm rendering some strings manually on top of a GraphicsBox, because you can't have a Label with a treansparent backdrop. No matter which rendering mode I try though, I can't get the strings to look any good (ie. as they would appear in Word or in a graphics program. Here's a picture of the interface mockup compared to what renders ons...

Problem embedding font and displaying it correctly in Flash

Hi guys, I'm looking for the right textfield parameters or work-around for my latest problem here dealing with Flash fonts & text fields. I have a textFormat and textField generation some text using the Font: Franklin Gothic Book point size 8. Currently this is how the font will look when I run the movie: The bottom ®MYLOGO is a jpg ...

Disabling antialiasing on a WPF image

Hi Guys, I'm writing a small Login dialog, and have embedded a banner at the top of the dialog for aesthetic reasons. All went well, except that by default, WPF anti aliases the entire image, making the text that was contained within it frustrating blurry. After a bit of Googlin', the first few pages of results showed that it's common ...

flash antialiased systemfonts

Hi! is there any way in flash to get text antialiased, which is rendered with a systemfont (without embedding any fonts into the swf)? if so - how to do it? thanks ...

Add shadow (recessed text effect) to Cocoa label without degrading text rendering quality

I'd like to create statusbar with text effect like in Safari or iTunes, i.e. recessed text. However, if I simply add shadow in Interface Builder using Core Animation panel, OS X's worst text rendering kicks in: What's the trick to get recessed text on a label and keep proper subpixel rendering? ...

OpenGL AntiAliasing and Background Quad

I'm drawing a background behind my 3D scene which works as expected (code below). I'm also anti-aliasing the scene using the accumulation buffer (chapter 10 of the red book). ...loop several times (say, n) through code that jitters and draws the image (jittering is moving the image to a slightly different position), accumulating the da...

Draw emf antialiased

Is there a way to draw an emf metafile (exported form a drawing tool) with antialiasing enabled? The tools I tried are not capable of exporting emf files antaliased so I wondered if I can turn it back on manually when drawing the emf in the OnPaint override of my Controls. If anyone can confirm that is technically possible to generate ...

XNA Antialias question!

Hi! I've got problems with XNA and antialiasing. I can activate it using graphics.PreferMultiSampling = true; graphics.ApplyChanges(); however - it's only 2x antialiasing. Even if I set graphics.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.MultiSampleType = MultiSampleType.SixteenSamples; it stays only 2x antialiasing. If...

Anti-aliased text in X11

I'm experimenting with Xlib to gain a deeper understanding of how Linux GUI programs work. I've written a simple program that display "Hello, world" in a window, but it looks rather anachronistic since the text is not anti-aliased. What is the best way to display anti-aliased text in X11? How is anti-aliasing implemented in GTK, Qt, and...

PHP - generating a world map from border data

I have found the shape data for the borders of all the countries and a class to process it and I have written a script to convert the longitude and latitude to a pixel location on an image and to draw the countries using imagefilledpolygon and imageline. Everything is working great except: 1) I have a $scale variable that I can change. ...

Source code for Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm in C?

Hi, I'm looking for a nice and efficient implementation of Xiaolin Wu's anti-aliased line drawing algorithm in C, does anyone have this code they could share with me? Thanks ...

How can I inherit the system's anti-alias setting for painting text to off-screen images like swing does?

When I run my swing GUI applications under Java 6, they automatically use my configured sub-pixel anti-alias settings for all fonts. The result is much improved over standard AA options. But when I paint to an image I can find no way to initialize the graphics context to use the system's AA configuration. Trying to play around with Ja...

How can I avoid anti aliasing with WPF?

One of the big problems with WPF is anti aliasing. In fact, that's why UseLayoutRending was introduced in WPF 4.0. However, it does not work for me in the following sample: <StackPanel UseLayoutRounding="True" TextOptions.TextFormattingMode="Display" > <Line X1="0" Y1="0" X2="200" Y2="0" StrokeThickness="1" Stroke="Black" SnapsToDev...

Does ImageIO read imply anti-aliased scaling?

I've replaced the Java internal ImageFetcher with an own implementation using ImageIO. Some image renderers of our software, which use these images, now draw anti-aliased scaled images instead of non anti-aliased. The only change is the source of the image, which are now BufferedImages instead of Toolkit-Images. The question now is, whe...

AntiAlias failed when draw string with certain angle in GDI+

I am using the following code to draw Strings. In GDI+ Graphics tempFontGr(XXX); Matrix* myPathMatrix = NULL; myPathMatrix->Rotate(GetDCAngle(), MatrixOrderPrepend); cantempFontGr.SetTransform(myPathMatrix); tempFontGr.SetInterpolationMode(InterpolationModeHighQuality); tempFontGr.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeAntiAlias); tempFontGr.Dr...

Antialiased composition by coverage?

Does anyone know of a graphics system which handles composition of multiple anti-aliased lines well? I'm showing a dependency diagram and have a bunch of curves emanating from a point. These are drawn anti-aliased in the usual way, of blending partially covered pixels. So if two lines would occupy the same half of a pixel, the antialia...

Turn off anti-aliasing for fonts in Flash?

Flash can use 2 types of fonts such that they can be changed at runtime by actionscript. system fonts - NOT anti-aliased so renders fast embedded fonts - anti-aliased so renders slow The problem with "system fonts" is that you can't rotate the text. Can I use embedded fonts AND turn off the anti-aliasing so it renders fast? ...