
Java Font Rendering

I have been attempting to enhance my GUI system written in Java to use subpixel antialiasing and have been successful, except for two remaining anomalies. This is a follow on to my other question from a few weeks ago. The first problem is that setting rendering hints KEY_ANTIALIASING to VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON causes KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING t...

Java Font Rendering (Redux) - Must general AA really be turned off for subpixel AA?

I have been attempting to enhance my GUI system written in Java to use subpixel antialiasing and have been successful, except for one remaining anomaly. This is a follow on to my other question from yesterday. The remaining problem is that setting rendering hints KEY_ANTIALIASING to VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON causes KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING to be ...

How to get polygon antialiasing to work.

I'm using these function calls: glEnable(GL_BLEND) glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE, GL_ONE) It doesn't work and wont render. glEnable(GL_BLEND) glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) It doesn't anti-alias. ...

Is there a way to disable antialiasing for text in HTML components (Windows)?

I have an AIR application that uses the HTML component to display a significant portion of content (I set the html myself, it is not loaded remotely). The text displays normally on Mac (I think Mac antialiases all text by default). However, on windows, the text displays anti-aliased regardless of the OS settings. It ends up giving eve...

Matplotlib turn off antialias for text in plot?

Is there any way to turn off antialias for all text in a plot, especially the ticklabels? ...

Antialiasing and gamma compensation

The luminence of pixels on a computer screen is not usually linearly related to the digital RGB triplet values of a pixel. The nonlinear response of early CRTs required a compensating nonlinear encoding and we continue to use such encodings today. Usually we produce images on a computer screen and consume them there as well, so it all ...

antialiasing iPhone OpenGLES

Hello, all! I need in antialiasing in iPhone 3G (OpenGL ES1.1), NOT iPhone 3Gs with OpenGL ES.2.0. I've draw 3d model and have next: pixels on the edges of the model look like teeth. I've try set any filters for texture, but this filters making ONLY texture INSIDE look better. How can i make good antialising ? May be i should use any ...

how to make JTextPane paint anti-aliased font?

in the a swing app i'm rendering text with a custom JComponent, using Graphics.drawString(). here is a sample: in that same app, i'm rendering text using a JTextPane. here is a sample: can you notice how the lower sample is a little 'smudged'? well, i can't figure out how to make it look like the upper sample. thanks, asaf :-) u...

IE jQuery Opacity Anti-Aliasing Issue

I am using jQuery to fade in and out a .png images of links on the home page of In IE7 and IE8 the text have no anti-aliasing and are all boxy. I've tried messing with the opacity settings and then I tried animating the filter property specifically for IE but nothing seems to work. Does anyone know whats wron...

Enabling Direct3D-specific features (transparency AA)

Hello. I am trying to enable transparency antialiasing in my Ogre-Direct3D application, but it just won't work. HRESULT hres = d3dSystem->getDevice()->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ADAPTIVETESS_Y, (D3DFORMAT)MAKEFOURCC('S', 'S', 'A', 'A')); /// returned value : hres == S_OK ! This method is taken from NVidia's technical report. I can enable t...

rendering an antialiased spiral

I have looked at this example using php and GD to piecewise-render a spiral with small arcs. What I would like to do is render an approximation to a spiral that is as mathematically accurate as possible. Inkscape has a spiral tool that looks pretty good, but I would like to do the spiral generation programmatically (preferably in Python...

Is there a decent vector / spline library for php?

Does anyone know of the best way to render clean vectors into a php image and then serve it as a jpeg/png? Specifically I want to draw lines, polygons and splines which are anti-aliased and then serve them up as jpegs. Preferably also with an alpha option when rendering. What would be spectacular is a php library with a similar API to ...

iPhone: CALayer + rotate in 3D + antialias?

Hi all, An iPhone SDK question: I'm drawing a UIImageView on the screen. I've rotated it in 3D and provided a bit of perspective, so the image looks like it's pointing into the screen at an angle. That all works fine. Now the problem is the edges of the resulting picture don't seem to be antialiased at all. Anybody know how to make it s...

Reducing moire when downsampling halftone comic images.

How can I reduce moire effects when downsampling halftone comic book images during live zoom on an iPhone or iPad? I am writing a comic book viewer. It would be nice to provide higher resolution images and allow the user to zoom in while reading the comic book. However, my client is averse to moire effects and will not allow this feat...

Pyglet OpenGL drawing anti-aliasing

I've been looking around for a way to anti-alias lines in OpenGL, but none of them seem to work... here's some example code: import pyglet from import * window = pyglet.window.Window(resizable=True...

C/C++ __restrict type

hello. Is there a way to define using typedef integral/float type which implies no aliasng? something equivalent to (but primitive construct): template < typename T > struct restrict { T* __restrict data; }; as related question, is it possible to ask gcc what it determines alias/no alias of pointer is? ...

How can I apply antialiasing to instances of Shape3D in Java?

How can I apply antialiasing to instances of Shape3D in Java? I have tried something along these lines: // enable antialiasing Appearance planeApp = new Appearance(); LineAttributes la = new LineAttributes(); la.setLineAntialiasingEnable(true); planeApp.setLineAttributes(la); myShape.setAppearance(planeApp); ...

How to skew a textfield, still being able to change antialias ? actionscript3

I found out how to skew an textfield using the code in a previous question: link But if I use this technique, I can't change antialias for the text, or I don't know how. My aim is to build a scrollable textfield in a skewed shape: link Because I can't change antialias or pixelhinting there isn't a smooth animation... Any suggestions ? ...

Force Java2D Subpixel Antialiasing

I am using Java2D to generate images with text on them. The fonts are being horribly rendered with bad antialiasing on a Server running Ubuntu but render beautifully on an OSX and Ubuntu workstation. I guess that the difference between the two Ubuntu installs is xwindows vs no xwindows? Maybe? Anyway, I guess that my rendering hints ...

OpenGL antialiasing not working

I'v been trying to anti alias with OGL. I found a code chunk that is supposed to do this but I see no antialiasing. I also reset my settings in Nvidia Control Panel but no luck. Does this code in fact antialias the cube? GLboolean polySmooth = GL_TRUE; static void init(void) { glCullFace (GL_BACK); glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE); glB...