
Determine when application icon is clicked to launch the app in android

Is there any way in android to determine when the user clicked the app icon to launch the app ? I mean say a user was using my app. Then he presses the home key as a result of which the app goes to the background. After sometime he clicks the app icon again. My question is do I get a call-back for this ? ...

In GridView drop down does only have one value

I am using and populating dropdownlist in GridView1. I get the values and fill it in drop down. When I click on the drop down it is not doing anything. Seems it has only one value at the index 0. not at 1 and 2. Please help here is my code Private Sub GetCustomerBaseLine() Dim CustomerDS As New DataSet Custome...

"'" is displayed as u0027 in facebook app - how to fix that?

I have a facebook app that is displaying random quotes - it is written in php. One quote in the database looks like this: "There's only one rule in photography - never develop colour film in chicken noodle soup. - Freeman Patterson" When it is seen on facebook it looks like this: "Thereu0027s only one rule in photography - never dev...

Effect of using webview in app on app rating

If I use UIWebView to render some richtext content and some dynamic web content in my app, then is there a possibility of adverse effect on my app rating in approval process? ...

Changing resource file in new version of an app

Hi, I'm working on an update for an already existing iphone app. The existing version contains a .sql database file which is used in the app. I would like to use a new version of this file in the update of the app. On the first startup of the existing app the .sql file is placed in the caches directory of the users iphone. From what I c...

Android Apps Not Showing Up In AVD

I recently started messing with Android Apps, but I have had nothing but problems trying to get them into the Virtual Device for testing. For some reason, they never seem to show up in the AVD. It has worked one time, but that's it out of hours spent just trying to test one or two very simple apps. I've redone the AVD setup many, many...

Apple Itunes app limitations

I have a iphone game that i am creating and wanted to know a couple limitations once the person downloads the game and they sign in with a user name i want them to be able to download new content maps packs etc. What is the limit in size these downloads can be? where can this content be stored? thank you! ...

Facebook Photo Contest App Against FB's TOS ??

What would be possible/best practice for a Photo Contest app? Saving photos to a database and refreshing the contents with an "infinite session"? Exporting photos to my site getting written consent from my user? I've gathered that it won't be possible to present users with a number of photos to vote on because the permissions for use...

C# Launcher program(ConsoleApp) that launches other executables

I've written a launcher program that fires off a given number of executables, with the following code: Process.Start(strPath2EXE); The problem I'm running into is it seems I'm being limited to launching only about four copies of the executable. Is there a different way I can launch the executables without this limit? I'm hoping to run ...

How to get app install time from android

i try some method,but not success,help me. ...

I want to create an Android App that checks a website like Woot

Im new to android and thought it would be fun to develop an app that goes out and checks The idea I came up with is for the app to be a widget that refresh once a day and displays a picture of the item and price. If the widget is clicked on it would open the browser to In theory this seems like it would be ea...

How to get installed app list by user

I want get app installed by user,this is all apps List list=getPackageManager().getInstalledPackages(0); ...

android how to filter system app

get all app method:List list=getPackageManager().getInstalledPackages(0); but i want get filter system app,thank you. ...

App store name and info.plist

Hi guys, I've just completed my first app and having tested I'm ready for submission. However, despite numerous web searches and reading, I'm struggling to finalise the method required to enable me to have a different name on the app store to the name that appears under the app on the device home screen. In the file there i...

html page / faq within iphone app

Hi, I am wondering if anyone can advise on the best way to add a FAQ page in iphone app. I would like to display a 'local' file (perhaps HTML) with local images into a web view. Essentialy to enable users access to FAQ within the app. Any advice on whether to use HTML or any other way of doing this will be very helpful.. Thanks in ad...

What are some good ways to promote my Android application?

I'm a new Android developer and I just released a free, open source tipping calculator app called Tippy Tipper. I created this app to get myself familiar with Android and to hopefully provide a good example app for other new developers to look at. Now that I've overcome the challenges of learning how to program, test and release my And...

iphone app information page

Hi, What is the best way of displaying an information page in an iphone app? Anny ideas will be very helpful. I would prefer to keep all info within iphone app so as not to make it internet connectivity dependant.. Thanks for any help... mb ...

Facebook.streamPublish does not write on wall...why?

$titleData = json_encode(array( 'gname' => $giftName, 'url' => $appCanvasUrl, )); $bodyTemplate = '<a href="{url}">One gift</a> to {actor}!'; $bodyData = json_encode(array( 'url' => $appCanvasUrl, )); $bodyGeneral = '<BR>Send the exclusive gifts to all your...

verifying unique app purchase

Hi Friends, I am looking for a way to verify if my app was downloaded by a user. I want to allow users to notify me of their purchase if they intend to donate to a cause and we would donate a percentage after verification of app purchase. I would want to see/validate a proof of purchase. It has to be unique per app download.. thanks fo...

iPhone App Store Distribution questions

I would like to enroll my company in to the iPhone Developer Program for $99. I have a few questions, which I can't really find an answer to, because Apple aren't very detailed in their pages unless you actually registered. So here goes: 1.) Is the $99 paid yearly? 2.) It says when distributing free apps there's no fee, but if I want to...