
Replacing the end of the line by SED in makefile

How can you append to the end of a line by SED controlled by makefile? I run paste -d" " t.tex tE.tex | sed 's@$@XXX@' > tM.tex where the problem is in the use of the mark $ for the end of the line. I get #paste -d" " t.tex tE.tex | sed -e s/" "/\\\&/g | sed -r "s/XXX/" > tM.tex sed: -e expression #1, char 10: unterminated `s' comm...

Appending Integer array elements in Java

I have an array, say int a[]={2,0,1,0,1,1,0,2,1,1,1,0,1,0,1}; I need to append each of the 5 neighboring elements and assign them to a new array b with length=(a.length/5); and i want to append the 5 neighboring elements so that I have: int b[]={20101,10211,10101}; I need to do this for various length arrays, in most cases with lengt...

Using jquery append() in <head> (in a function/class)

I want to use the append() function from inside the <head>, in a function to be specific, like so: function custom_img(src_img) { $("div").append("<img src='"+src_img+"'>"); } var myimg = new custom_img("test.jpg"); This is a quick example that I just wrote out. I want my function to make a new image like that every time I create a n...

Java I/O: How to append to an already existing text file.

Hi I am having no problem writing to or appending to a file, the only problem is that as soon as I quit the program and then run it again, it creates a new file overwriting my original file. This is a problem, as I am using the text file to keep a running tally. Is there a way to get an already created text file as an object and then ap...

Appending html data when item in html select list is selected

I have a selector that could look like this: <label for="testselector">Test</label><br /> <select id="testselector" name="test[]" size="5" multiple="multiple"> <option name="test_1" value="1">Test Entry X</option> <option name="test_3" value="2">Test Entry Y</option> <option name="test_5" value="5">Test Entry Z</option> </se...

cassandra thrift: append data

If I need to append data (not insert) into a particular super column, what should I do? For eg: Consider a existing record described below Kespace : test columFamily: testColum SuperColumn : testSuper column_name : email value : [email protected] Here if I want to add my phone number to the super column "testSuper". What should I...

continously add picture to video

Every x minutes I grab an image from a network-cam. Now i want to add this picture to an existing video file - on the fly. I don't want to keep numerous image files and then encode them once in a while with e.g. mencoder mf://@${LIST} -mf type=jpg:fps=${FPS} ... The video format/codec doesn't really matter, as long as standard tools ...

jQuery append div to a specific

Hi How do I append a element a specific index of the children elements using jQuery append e.g. if I have: <div class=".container"> <div class="item"><div> <div class="item"><div> <div class="item"><div> <div class="item"><div> </div> and I want to append another item between the second and third item? ...

Appending a string to a tinyMCE instance

Hi, I need to append a string (an img tag) to a tinyMCE editor instance. I was doing it like this: $("#textboxhiddenbytinymce").append( string ); tinyMCE.triggerSave(); with no luck. I was wondering if: There is a direct method for adding an arbitrary string (I need complete control over it) to an instance of tinyMCE I understand th...

append without selector

is it possible to do an append without specifying a selector so in html I have an arbitrary element and inside that I call a function that will append content inline so html looks like this <!-- stuff before --> <fieldset> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ ...

When a li is appended, does it not become a part of the ul "for real"?

I have right now this code: <ul><li class="listitem">text<li></ul> jQuery: $('.listitem').click(function() { $("#elname").text($(this).text()); $('#slists').css('visibility','hidden') $('#elname').css('visibility','visible') $('#elname').css('display','inline-block') }); This is supposed to hide a div and it does,...

jquery find h2 tags and append into div

Hi all, I'm trying to write a bit of jquery which finds all h2 tags inside a div (.content), then appends each one into another div (.intro). So far I have this: var h2 = $(".content").find("h2"); $(h2).each(function() { $(this).append(".intro"); }); But it's not working.. if someone could help me out, that'd be great :) ...

How do I determine if form field is empty with jQuery?

I've got a form with two fields, firstname and lastname. The user does not have to fill in the fields. When the user clicks the submit button, a jquery dialog displays with the data the user entered in the form. I only want to show the data for the fields that were entered. I'm trying to do an if statement and use the length() functio...

jQuery focusin and append problem when textarea focus

Hello guys. I having problem with append() when the textbox is focus the second time. var i = 1; $('textarea').live('focusin', function(){ $(this).keydown(function(e){ var code = e.which; if(code === 13) { i++; $('#linenumbers').append('<li>' + i + '...

Appending unique values only in a linked list in C

typedef struct child {int count; char word[100]; inner_list*next;} child; typedef struct parent { char data [100]; child * head; int count; parent * next; } parent; void append(child **q,char num[100],int size) { child *temp,*r,*temp2,*temp3; parent *out=NULL; temp = *q; temp2 = *q; temp3 = *q; char *str; if(*q==NULL) { ...

Jquery append() is not appending as expected

So I have the following div <div id="object_list"> I want to append a list and items into it. So I run the following jquery $("#object_list").empty(); $("#object_list").append('<ul'); $("#object_list").append(list.contents()); $("#object_list").append('</ul>'); After that code runs, #object_list looks...

jQuery .append() not working in IE, Safari, and Chrome

So I'm using jQuery's AJAX function to read some XML for me and it's worked just fine. But now I'm trying to manipulate the display property of 4 different dynamically generated divs when mouseup is triggered from option items. The size and x/y of the divs are determined by the XML and are parsed through. My problem lies in the fact tha...

How can I implement a tail-recursive list append?

A simple append function like this (in F#): let rec app s t = match s with | [] -> t | (x::ss) -> x :: (app ss t) will crash when s becomes big, since the function is not tail recursive. I noticed that F#'s standard append function does not crash with big lists, so it must be implemented differently. So I wondered: How ...

Why does s ++ t not lead to a stack overflow for large s?

I'm wondering why Prelude> head $ reverse $ [1..10000000] ++ [99] 99 does not lead to a stack overflow error. The ++ in the prelude seems straight forward and non-tail-recursive: (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] (++) [] ys = ys (++) (x:xs) ys = x : xs ++ ys EDIT: Initially, I thought the issue has something to do with the way ++ is de...

ImageMagick: Append multiple PNG images including aplha channel

I have multiple images and i need to create their horisontal sequence. This task is solved by ImageMagic's: convert 0***.png +append result.png Every image has alpha channel. But generated result image has grey background. Which option can tell ImageMagic to copy alpha channel values too ? Thanks! ...