
not able to add list item between a list using jquery

Hi I m having a ordered list having the structure <ol> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> <ol> <li> Test </li> <li> another test </li> <li> <a href='#'>Add </a> </li> ...

Append XML File

I have an XML Template file. This file contains a header and some predefined element Sections. eg: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Sections> <Section PageSize="Letter" PageMargins="35" PagePaddings="5"> <Header Height="130" Repeat="False" > <Image Source="Resources/logo1.b...

Using recursion an append in prolog

Lets say that I would like to construct a list (L2) by appending elements of another list (L) one by one. The result should be exactly the same as the input. This task is silly, but it'll help me understand how to recurse through a list and remove certain elements. I have put together the following code: create(L, L2) :- (\+ (L == []) ...

Use of FTP "append" command

I want to upload a file to a ftp server programmatically (C++). If the connection is lost while uploading a file, I wouldn't want to upload the file from scratch, but to upload only the part that I haven't sent. Does the APPE command fulfill my demand? What list of FTP commands should I use exactly? And how? ...

Enclosing multiple LaTeX documents

I am not sure if this question is suitable for superuser instead, but I'll ask anyway. Currently I'm writing on my documentation for my final project. I must append several other LaTeX documents as enclosure. They must be mentioned in the first Table of Contents as alphabetical appendix. I tried the package subfiles, but the subsequent ...

How to use Inno Setup scripting to edit a text file?

How can I append text to a file? ...

Append or prepend opening/closing tags with jQuery

I'm trying to wrap replies in a comment stream in a like this: $('li.comment').next('li.replycomment').append('<ul class="thread">'); $('li.replycomment').next('li.comment').prepend('</ul>'); It doesn't work unfortunately. If I do the following it works no problem: $('li.comment').next('li.replycomment').append('<ul class="thread">...

Javascript for conditional URL append or redirect based on window.location.href

I am trying to make a bookmarklet that when clicked will check the URL of the current tab/window to see if it contains 'char1' and/or 'char2' (a given character). If both chars are present it redirects to another URL, for the other two it will append the current URL respectively. I believe there must be a more elegant way of stating thi...

Jquery – Append selected items in spans

Hi. I'm trying to select all elements that have a class, get their ID's (if they have one), and append individual spans to the end of my document based on that information. This is as far as I've managed to get: var element = $(".foo"), element_id = element.attr("id"), span_id = "for-" + element + "-id-" + element_id, ; ...

jQuery append HTML with javascript link

I have a situation where I should append html with jQuery. Within this html there is an a-tag with javascript as link. How can I solve this? $(".messages-wrapper").append('<li class="chat-wrapper"><a class="chat" href="javascript:openChat(''"&gt;Chat öffnen<span></span><small>Chat öffnen</small></a></li>...

importing and appending results of queries from different db in one db

I have 1000+ access files. Each file has a query named "overview" that has the same fields in each of the 1000 files. I need to import the results of these 1000+ overview queries into one single access db and append them into one table. Is there an automated way to do this? Thanks very much. ...

jQuery autocomplete for dynamically created inputs

Hi all! I'm having an issue using jQuery autocomplete with dynamically created inputs (again created with jQuery). I can't get autocomplete to bind to the new inputs. Autocomplete $("#description").autocomplete({ source: function(request, response) { $.ajax({ url: "../../works_search", ...

Append in Dom taking more time in IE than Firefox or any other browser.

Hi , I m working on .net framework 3.0 visual studio 08 and Testing it in IE8 and other browsers. Whenever I m inserting new elements in DOM (ex. 300 divs at one time) than I m getting the performance very slow in IE . Why?. If its a javascript debugging which is taking time or what else. Is it really true that IE Dom Append takes much t...

IE not showing jquery append() images

Ok, so i took John Raasch's slideshow script and modyfied it too dynamicly fetch images from multiple folders on the server through ajax. The slideshow work like a charm in FF and Chrome but IE is not showing the images. And since IE's javascript debugging possibilities is close to none I cant figure out what is crashing. Some of the va...

Remove All Nodes with (nodeName = "script") from a Document Fragment *before placing it in dom*

My goal is to remove all <[script]> nodes from a document fragment (leaving the rest of the fragment intact) before inserting the fragment into the dom. My fragment is created by and looks something like this: range = document.createRange(); range.selectNode(document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0)); documentFragment =...

How to append text to a text file in WinAPI?

Hi guys, Ive got an annoying problem, I cant append any text to the text file. Every time I open it for writing, I overwrite the data. I tried to move the file pointer to the end of the file, but no result (no writing to the file at all). Here is the code: INVOKE CreateFile, offset filePath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_AL...

jquery append choking on quotes in ei

This jQuery statement works in recent versions of Firefox and Chrome but throws an error in IE 8. left_bar_string = "<tr><td><a href='#' onclick= "return newPopUpWindow('somelink','window', '1000','800','100','0','yes')">Directions</a></td></tr>"; $("#side_bar").append(left_bar_string); I think problem is with double quotes. Any com...

Jquery add table row after the row which calling the jquery.

Hello! I've got a table. <table id="servers" ...> ... {section name=i loop=$ownsites} <tr id="site_id_{$ownsites[i].id}"> ... <td>{$ownsites[i].phone}</td> <td class="icon"><a id="{$ownsites[i].id}" onClick="return makedeleterow(this.getAttribute('id'));" ...></a></td> </tr> {/section} <tbody> </table> And this java script. <...

jquery append row onclick

*EDIT --- Trying an even more simplified version.... Still doesn't work... Returns $(this).closest is not a function error... * $("#fitable input[name^=f1]").focus(function() { var newRow = '<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>'; $(this).closest("tbody").append(newRow); }); Original Post Pretty new to jQu...

using .append to build a complex menu

To build a menu block which should be switchable with hide/unhide of the menu items, I'm using .append html. The code idea is this: navigat += '<h3 class="infoH3"> <a id="' + menuID +'"' + ' href="javascript:slideMenu(\'' + menuSlider + '\');">' + menuName + '</a></h3>'; navigat += '...