
regular expression to detect numbers written as words - UTF-8 input

Hi all, thanks for the answers to : "regular expression to detect numbers written as words" : I now have this working, however I have the same requirement but the numbers as words are in Arabic (or any other UTF-8) and not English, so : i...

BlackBerry: Are there any examples on how to localize BB apps for right-to-left languages like Arabic, Hebrew?

I want to localize my Blackberry app to use Arabic language which is right-to-left. I am using SDK 4.5 because I want my app to be forward compatible. I read in this article guidelines for rtl localization. However, none of their suggestions worked (FIELD_LEADING, USE_ALL_WIDTH and isLeftToRight). What should I do exactly to make my fiel...

Arabic being displayed in giberish and question marks

Hey, I created a php website that would simply load the text from a mysql database, when I open it in a browser the Arabic text is presented in gibberish but then when I change the encoding of my browser to UTF-8 it's displayed properly, how can I force the encoding to be UTF-8 so users don't have to change it? The menu part of the webs...

custom arabic font in ios.

Dears, I 'm a novice in iphone programming. I am trying to make an iphone App that displays mainly Arabic language content. I want to use a custom arabic font for displaying that content, not the iphone default arabic font. I used the following code: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [arabicLabel setFont: [UIFont fontW...

how can write arabic text in image .. drawing image in php

hi , all I tried to write Arabic text in image with php .. this is my code .. <?php header("Content-Type: image/png; charset=utf8"); $im = imagecreatetruecolor(150, 30); // Create some colors $white = imagecolorallocate($im, 100, 255, 255); $grey = imagecolorallocate($im, 128, 128, 128); $black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); i...

sending email with arabic content through java i

I want to send email with Arabic content through java mail , but every Arabic word in the message appears like ????????????? , how can i make the encoding to utf_8 in order to support Arabic language ??? since i use that code Message message = new MimeMessage(session); message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); message.setR...

Arabic presentation forms B support in c#

I was trying to convert a file from utf-8 to Arabic-1265 encoding using the Encoding APIs in C#, but I faced a strange problem that some characters are not converted correctly such as "لا" in the following statement "ﻣﺣﻣد ﺻﻼ ح عادل" it appears as "ﻣﺣﻣد ﺻ? ح عادل". Some of my friends told me that this is because these characters are from ...

How to draw Arabic Text on Android after reading from a file?

Hi all, I've figured out how to draw Arabic characters properly (connected and right to left) using string literals like this: textView.setTypeFace(Typeface.createFromAssets(getAssets(),"DejaVuSans.ttf")); textView.setText("\uFEB3\uFE92\uFE98\uFE94"); But for some reason I cannot get the arabic to format properly if I read anything f...

How do I write Arabic in Perl source files?

I need to write Arabic words as labels inside a .pm file. It is not working for me. I tried ASCII letters and they worked. Is there a better way to do so? I tried something like: <span dir="rtl" lang="ar">&#1593;&#1585;&#1576;&#1610;</span> ...

Sending mails in different languages using ASP and CDOSYS

I want to send an email using arabic text as subject line. The code piece converts the special characters into arabic text properly for message body but fails to do so for message subject. I would like to know what I am missing ? Set objCDOSYS = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") Set objCDOConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configu...

other problem with sqldatareader when the condtion in sql command is arabic

There is a problem with sqldatareader when the condtion in sql command is arabic like this: select user_name from users where typ=N 'arabic text' This does not retrieve any data although there is a user name which has this type so can you help me please ? thank ^_^ ...

How to enable Arabic in Silverlight

Hi All, Can I know how to enable arabic in Silverlight?? I have a requirement in which user can select whether they would like to type in English or Arabic and based on their selection the language must change. Can anyone pls help me out?? Thank you. ...

Taking Arabic Character Input in C++

Is there any Code How to take Arabic Input from user in C++ ? ...

arabic dictionary database

hi! who can give me a way to get a database of an arabic dictionary? thks ...

How to render a standalone Unicode character (Arabic) as it would look if it was being rendered within a word?

In written Arabic, characters look differently depending on where they stand in a word. For example, the letter ta might look like this: ـثـ inside a word but look like this: ﺙ if it stands by itself. I have some Arabic text, for example: string word = والتفويض ; When I render word as a whole word it renders correctly. Now, I want to ...

Generating SVG Dynamically From PHP to Genrate a Urdu/Arabic Alphabet

Ok After lots of Time this question is asked (even i asked too :P) i find out a simplest way to do it and here i will answer it hope that will help for my Friends this not only will help specifcally to Arabic/Urdu Alphabets but anyone can Genrate any language word with this Answer (Just by Replacing the Paths and Decimal NCRs of the Alph...

Recommendations for translating an app in arabic

For an upcoming project, one of the requirements is to translate the web application in a few languages, one of which is in Arabic. I know plenty about dealing with multiple languages, and know plenty about unicode. What I'm wondering is if there's some basic tips and recommendations I can follow anticipating an Arabic translation for m...

How to match junk characters in mysql database with arabic letters with PHP and MYSQL.

Hi all, My question in brief here: The site is developed with PHP as front end and mysql as backend. I am registering in my site by entering the arabic letters. And the value also inserted in mysql database. But it is not in the format what i entered. It looks like junk words. Now my problem is when i try to login i can't able to mat...

SVG Urdu/Arabic Processing in Alphabet?

So i was looking that i am going to create whole new Unicode with my custom made glyph but the problem is that how to manage the Joining of letters i mean in Arabic there are lots of alphabet joined together and make a word unlike English in which each alphabet is separated from other so now my problem is that there is a Unicode define f...

CKEditor RTL issue

I've added language:'ar', contentsLangDirection:'rtl', contentsLanguage:'ar' options to my CKEditor instance being initialized using the JQuery adapter. But the text is still left aligned. It declares the <html> tag with dir='rtl' and lang='ar', but on each <p> tag, it has an inline text-align: left style. How do I get rid of that styl...