
Play Sound Using HTML 5 on Web Application

I'm building a web application to support RPG games, like Dungeons & Dragons. It's like a AJAX chat room with dice rollers, avatars, shared information, character sheets and so on... One of my desired features is to let the game master to play music to all game members. How can I implement that? I'm building the application with Asp...

How can i compare two audio files on the basis of certain parameter say maximum decibel ?

Hello all, I am trying to compare two .caf files on the basis of some parameter, say maximum decibels or duration of files. I have recorded these two files using the AVAudioRecorder class using the following settings: NSMutableDictionary* recordSetting = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [recordSetting setValue :[NSNumber numberW...

Phonon audible output fail

This is my code: media_object_ = new Phonon::MediaObject(this); fileName="./DemoEN2.wav"; media_object_->setCurrentSource(fileName); media_object_->play(); I have the includes: #include <Phonon/MediaObject> #include <Phonon/MediaSource> #include <phonon> And: Phonon::MediaObject *media_object_; QString fileName; When I run the ....

How to extract specific values from auto-correlated data in MATLAB?

I have been working on extracting the peak values from a graph (see previous question) which looks like this: but I have noticed that for some of the xcorr graphs I have been working on the values do not turn out as expected and they normally turn out looking more like this: and this: Instead of trying to pick the peak values li...

i need a .net library that will transcode an audio file from amr to pcm

i need a .net library that will transcode an audio file from amr to pcm. I would prefer not to call a program from the command line, but I am desperate. ...

Create playlist in SoundCloud with PHP

I am creating a music website on which i have integrated SoundCloud API. Now I want to create a playlist at run time and attach tracks to that playlist. My code is following: class Soundcloud { const VERSION = '1.1'; public static $urls = array( 'api' => '', 'oauth' => array( ...

Android - Sequential audio playback?

Tried both soundpool and mediaplayer but cant quite manage to get sound files to play back correctly in sequence without overlap.. Need to be able to playback three randomly selected audio files in sequence without overlap. Any examples of using soundpool to play back audio sequentially? would be very much appreciated.. seems like such ...

How to make a RTA analyser in Iphone

Hi Guys I want to make a RTA for audio. I will try it by the aurioTouch sample code but i did not able to make that actual RTA, I want to make RTA on the basis of octave and 1/3 Octave. Please suggest me the right way. Thanks, KD ...

Circular ShortBuffer for Audio in Java

I'm implementing an audio track class and I'm in need of a good circular buffer implementation. I'm using shorts for my audio samples, so I would prefer to use a ShortBuffer class for the actual buffer. This track will need to be thread-safe but I can guarantee that only one thread will read and another will write on the track. My curren...

Tutorial to record audio on the iphone?

Hi, could anyone explain how to record audio on the iphone. I already read the sampleProject of the developer-page. Moreover the documentation didn't quite answered my question. It would be great to have a kind of checklist how to implement a simple audiorecorder. Thanks!!! ...

Icecast Metadata Extracting Produces Artifacts in Output Audio data

Hello. I am attempting to (in NodeJS): Connect to an Icecast internet audio stream. Ex: Parse the response headers and extract the icy-metaint value. Write out the raw audio data to a file, while extracting the metadata bytes from the audio stream in order to: Intercept and parse the metadata when i...

extAudioFile data... am I getting the right stuff?

I am using the EXTAudioFileReadTest app provided in the Core Audio SDK documentation and I'm trying to get all of the floating point values from the mData buffer so that I can draw a waveform with them. Currently, I'm printing out the floating point values for single channel and this is what I'm getting in the console: 2010-09-10 19:2...

How i can printf result like 0.0045

I only get this 1667785316 1667785316 1667785316 Float32 preferredBufferSize = 0.005; // 5 millis buffer UInt32 size = sizeof(preferredBufferSize); AudioSessionGetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_CurrentHardwareIOBufferDuration, &size, &preferredBufferSize); printf("\n%d", kAudioSessionProperty_Cu...

IOS. How do I sync audio to graphics like GrooveMaker?

I have been playing with the most excellent GrooveMaker - - on iPad and marveling at how well the graphics sync to the audio. I will be building a imaging app where I need music to drive short animated loops. Can someone suggest what GrooveMaker might be doing and how that might be applied in a more genera...

which c++ free lib to use to capture microphone sound and save it to wav

i saw i have 2 major lib's ( mybe i wrong ) 1. port Audio 2. openAl + cAudio wrapper what is easer and faster to use for cross platform ? ...

Sharing Audio over bluetooth

Hi, I want to write a function in my iPad App, which allows me to stream the music choosen on iPad to the connected Game-Interfaces (iPod, iPhone...) via bluetooth. Does anyone knows a simple solution or maybe wants to share some sample code? Thanks for help! ...

Amplifying playback volume from a local AMR file

I have an application that plays back AMR audio files that it has downloaded and cached locally. This works fine the basic MediaPlayer does its job. However, the audio volume is generally very low, and manually increasing the volume with the hardware keys still doesn't make the playback quite loud enough. The behaviour seems to vary a...

Implementing sip in j2me for audio transmission

I want to transmit audio messages using j2me sip api. I used j2me MMAPI to record voice from the audio device but unable to send the recorded voice. when i try to send the audio message, i get an IOException with the following message *IOException : reader reading invalid frist byte 10000000* ...

Audio similarity library

I'm trying to find something like an audio similarity library for a school project. Something simple and well documented, written in python or java preferably, that could extract feature from audio files and estimate any form of similarity basing on these. Something like this code could also be fine but I think I don't have the skill to ...

Fastest and most efficient upsampling routine for Audio in Java

I have a need to convert audio samples from 11025 and 22050 to 44100; I'm looking for the fastest and best sounding conversion routine. I require that the answer be given in pure Java, without the need for external routines or libraries. The source is an array of short values representing left and right channels, interleaved like so LRLR...