
What is the best way to ban/block users with Devise for Rails?

I'm using Devise for authentication in my rails app and I'd like to be able to block certain accounts and prevent users from reregistering with a blocked email. I'm just not sure what the best way is to go about it. My first thought was to override the sessions and registrations controllers to check the model for a user with a blocked ...

Glassfish, EJB3, SOAP web service and basic authentication

Hi all, I'm setting up a glassfish server with a single EJB3 as a mocked up backend for a POC. Everything was working fine until I went to add some basic authentication. Just plan text userid and password, nothing sophisticated for this job. I added the following annotations to the EJB: @WebService(name = "Banking", serviceName = "Banki...

Cakephp Auth: $this->Auth->loginError message

I am using Auth Component. I am setting $this->Auth->loginError in the beforeFilter. But i have another posibility. If the user entered username and password is correct but User.status = 'pending' how can i can show a different message. i am using $this->Auth->userScope to set that. but how to show different $this->Auth->loginError for t...

Multiuser login into winforms application

Hi there, i have a winforms app in C# that needs access control for certain forms. That means, the application is running under the same (default) user at system startup, but certain forms need to be secured, so that only certain windows users could have access to the additional functions after identifying themself with username and pas...

Authentication on non-local server with WCF RIA services (Silverlight 4)

I'm building a site using WCF RIA services and Silverlight 4. My user database, the standard ASPNETDB user store, is on my server, which is not on my local development machine. I've created a new project using the Silverlight Business Application template. I'm still becoming familiar with how to develop for WCF RIA so bear with me. I...

Credentials prompt for an aspx page configured for anonymous authentication

From Flex we call a Upload.aspx page which is configured for anonymous authentication. Most of the time, it works like a charm, but once in a while, the browser does prompt a enter credentials popup... The whole site is configured for Windows Authentication, but some pages and folders are set to use anonymous authentication. This is don...

Integrated Windows Authentication WCF Multiple Host Headers IIS 6 not working

Hi, I have a 2.0 web site with WCF service hosted inside it running on .NET 3.5 framework. The website is setup with Integrated Windows Authentication only. The web server is IIS 6 with load balancing on Windows 2003 Sp2 (2 servers). I am unable to access the WCF service (.svc) using the full url (

Multiple sessions possible per user.

If a user opens 2 web pages simultaneously they will create 2 sessions. Usually this would not matter but it does create a problem for remember me functionality when attempting to rotate cookie tokens as recommended in the persistent login cookie best practices. There seems to be no way to rotate both cookies correctly where both sessio...

How do I set Basecamp credentials using apple IOS for iPad

I'm trying to request my company's Basecamp info for an internal project we're building. I understand how to add credentials in an ASP.NET environment but I'm new to iPad development and can't seem to get an appropriate response from Basecamp. Here's what I'm doing: NSMutableURLRequest *theRequest=[NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NS...

Common code to validate a user against a domain or local PC

I've found a problem when using the ValidateCredentials method of PrincipalContext. We can successfully validate locally or against a domain controller but ONLY when we have an active network connection. Clearly this is a requirement for domain authentication but shouldn't be required for a local check. This appears to be a requirement f...

Forms authentication on MVC always redirects to logon

I have forms authentication on my MVC site and the default route is set to send users to /home/index. Home/index is excluded from the login requirement, via a Web.config location section. if I type in http://Example/home/index, I go to the home page as expected, but if I just do http://Example, I get redirected to the logon page. If I t... MVC authentican for iphone and blackberry app

I am working on an mvc rest webservice for traffic updates. This web-service will provide information for an iphone and blackberry application. Users need to log in to store things like their favorite routes and to create new routes. What type of authentication should be used? I am thinking of basic authentication where i give...

Single Sign on from Multipe Domains...

Hello, I have one domain such as and I have multple domains pointing to the same location in IIS by defining host headers, such as,, etc. In the code I use Request.Url.Host to determine which url the user came from and then I act differently in each page base...

MySQL remote access on local network giving authentication error

I can access my MySQL server on my remote Ubuntu 10.04 machine downstairs (local network) just fine through SSH, and when I sudo in to MySQL monitor using the MySQL password, I can modify any of the tables. However, I am on my Windows 7 box upstairs, and when I try to use a conventional SQL GUI application, I consistently get a: 1045 -...

authlogic require user

I use authlogic for authentication and certain actions require a logged in user, which is controlled via a before_filter like the following. I also use friendly_id on the User model and internally everything there is a look up on the User model there are queries to the friendly_id slug table too. This results in at least 3 queries for ce...

Invoke SharePoint Web Service With Axis2 client authenticate

Hi, I'm trying to run the following in the main of my java class. The code uses the stub to first authenticate and then bring back the collection of lists in a microsoft sharepoint site. The code is as follows: ListsStub stub = new ListsStub(); HttpTransportProperties.Authenticator auth = new HttpT ransportProperties.Aut...

What is the proper URL to get an Auth Cookie from a GAE based Application

I have an android app I want to connect to a Google App Engine based server. I can get the auth token from the AccountManager. It seems the next thing I am supposed to do is talk to an auth page to get a cookie. Following the awesome instructions here:

Windows Username in WCF 4 Rest

I'm having difficulty with Windows authentication in a WCF REST app. Using VS2010, I chose New Project>WCF REST Service Application. I modified the web.config to assure windows authentication and deny anonymous users. <system.web> <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" /> <authentication mode="Windows" /> <author...

LDAP JBoss and Drupal authentication

Setup JBoss using LdapExtLoginModule to auth to Microsoft ADAM (Lightweight Directory Server) Drupal using ldap_integration module to auth to the same Microsoft ADAM above Url within JBoss realm that requires user to auth (again) using HTTP Basic Auth Use Case User logs in to Drupal , auth'ed by ADAM. At this point Drupal only kno...

How do configure username/password authentication for WCF netTcpBinding?

I would like to be able to use username/password authentication with nettcpbinding, is that possible? (UserNamePasswordValidator or something like that), no windows authentication. I'm configuring everything with code, so please only use code and not app.config in any examples. ...