
Video chat from iPhone to PC

Apple has just posted a technical Q&A on "how to capture video frames from the camera as images using AV Foundation." I'm very interested in this as I want to create an application that allows me to do a video chat from an iPhone to a PC. However, sending images to PC is obviously not a workable solution. So, can anyone please suggest a ...

Recording and then Playing Audio using AVAudioRecorder and AVAudioPLayer

I have an AVAudioRecorder that captures the sound. What I want is to be able to Play(AVAudioPlayer) the recorded(AVAudioRecorder) sound as it is being recorded. I have set up the AVAudioSession property to playandRecord... but I dont know how do I program the following sort of scenario? Like you have your head phones on and you are wal...

Emulating the camera apps 'tap to focus'

I am trying hard to emulate the basic functionality of the built in camera app. Thus far I have become stuck on the 'tap to focus' feature. I have a UIView from which I am collecting UITouch events when a single finger is tapped on the UIView. This following method is called but the camera focus & the exposure are unchanged. -(void)han...

IOS4: AVFoundation: how to get raw footage from a movie

How can i access the raw footage from movies taken with my camera, so i can edit or transform the raw footage ( eg: make it black/white ). I know that you can load a mov with AVAsset make a composition with different AVAsset's and then export it to a new movie, but how do i access so i can edit the movie. ...

Show camera stream while AVCaptureSession's running

Hey guys, I was able to capture video frames from the camera using AVCaptureSession according to http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/qa/qa2010/qa1702.html. However, it seems that AVCaptureScreen captures frames from the camera without showing the camera stream on the screen. I would like to also show camera stream just like in UII...

Record/Save Sound iPhoneOS

Hi, I have to record sound files in my application and saved so that the user can access them later.Can anyone recommends any APIs for this and suggest any portion of documentation to study or blogs/tutorials if any. Thanks Tamur ...

Why won't AVFoundation link with my XCode 3.2.3 iPhone 4.0.1 project?

I'm following the reference at http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/qa/qa2010/qa1702.html to capture video from the iPhone camera. It's a fresh project aside from the code from that page. I added the AVFoundation framework to the project as well. Here's the linker errors I get: Build my project of project my project with configurat...

AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer: taking a snapshot

I'm trying to emulate the animation seen in the default camera app, where a snapshot of the cameras viewfinder is animated into the corner of the apps display. The AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer object that holds the key to solving this problem isn't very open to these requirements: trying to create a copy of it in a new layer with .. - (i...

Need hints for using iPhone SDK's AVMutableVideoComposition

The AVFoundation framework provides the AVMutableVideoComposition class (the mutable variant of AVVideoComposition). It looks like you can render CoreAnimations directly to an instance of this class to create a video but I don't know how to save the composition to a file or how to work with it at all, really. The following code called fr...

UIImageView not displaying image - iPhone SDK

Hi all, I am using AVFramework to capture camera frames and I would like to process and display them in a UIImageView but am having some trouble. I have the code: // Delegate routine that is called when a sample buffer was written - (void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBu...

AVCaptureStillImageOutput outputSettings memory leak

Hi guys, I'm experiencing a wierd behavior in the new AVFoundation classes in the iPhone SDK. I have a AVCaptureStillImageOutput for taking pictures, and I am setting its outputSettings to my liking. The code follows: AVCaptureStillImageOutput *stillImageOutput = [[[AVCaptureStillImageOutput alloc] init] autorelease]; [stillImageOutp...

Load audio file ASAsset

How can I load a file on an ASAsset, add metadata to it and export it? Also, how may I crop it? ...

iOS 4: Remote controls for background audio

I'm currently attempting to set up background audio for an app I'm developing for iOS 4. The app doesn't have a dedicated music player view controller, however, unlike other background audio apps such as Pandora, which makes the task a bit more confusing. I've set the appropriate Info.plist settings correctly and have an AVAudioPlayer o...

Changing the volume without a volume slider on an iphone

Hello guys I need your help. How should I proceed to change the sound volume in my app. I don't want to use a volume slider. Instead I have an UIImageView which is a volume knob, in which I rotate clockwise to increase, and anti clockwise to decrease the sound volume. The rotation is just an animation and I've already done that part. I...

AVPlayer and iPod asset URLs.

Does ANYONE know if AVPlayer supports playing AVURLAssets init'd with iPod asset URLs (MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL). Docs imply yes bit can't get it working. ...

How to calculate focusPointOfInterest for AVCaptureDevice?

How do you calculate the focusPointOfInterest (a CGPoint value between 0,0 and 1,1) for an given AVCaptureDevice? I've been following the code samples from the latest WWDC but I really don't understand how to calculation is being made. Also, my application is sitting in landscape vs. portrait (as in the sample) ... so in addition to no...

AVCaptureSession commitConfiguration stuck

Hi all, I'm working on an iPhone app that requires both live capture frames and the ability to take full resolution photos. This requires switching from AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to AVCaptureStillImageOutput and back. I do this by having 2 outputs, and changing the preset according to the needed state. This is the code that is called a...

Immediately freeze-frame an AVCaptureSession

I'm building an app that allows users to snap pictures using the iPhone camera, and am using AVFoundation when it's available (iOS4) so users can use the tap-to-focus feature, even with a custom overlay. The problem I'm having is that captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection takes several seconds to complete, during which I'd like ...

Cocoa Touch - AVFoundation

Im trying to play a sound in my app using the AVAudioPlayer stored in the AVFoundation. So i drag AVfoundation into the frameworks and i get a warning stating... ld: warning: in /Programming/Obj-C Programs/iPhone/Awkward Cricket/AVFoundation.framework/AVFoundation, missing required architecture i386 in file Help please! ...

Cocoa Touch - AVAudioPlayer

I put my avfoundation into frameworks by adding existing frameworks and importing it into my viewcontroller like this #import <AVFoundation/AVAudioPlayer.h> I then called it in my IBAction so when a button pressed it, it plays like so. -(IBAction)playSound{ //play the cricket noise NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResour...