
Why am I getting an error?

The following line of code compiles with the following warning: Code: [[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url error:&error] play]; Warning: /Users/moshe/Development/iPhone/Apps/Live/iDecide/iDecideViewController.m:29:0 /Users/moshe/Development/iPhone/Apps/Live/iDecide/iDecideViewController.m:29: warning: multiple me...

Avaudio player freezes app for 1/2 sec

Hi, I get the following message just before playing an audio file: "AddRunningClient starting device on non-zero client count" This only happens once and never happens again. Anyone knows why this would happen. I only have 1 player. Thanks. ...

AvAudioPlayer memory leaks!?

Hi! Im doing an application that needs to play alot of short sounds (mp3-files). Im using AvAudioPlayer and the sounds are playing just fine, BUT the leaks are building up until my app crashes. I have a seperate class for the player AVSnd.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h> @interface AVSoundPla...

How can I know users click fast forward and fast rewind buttons on the playback controls in iPhone

I want to implement the following things, App is running a music or video (using MPMoviePlayerController) in background. User double clicks the home button and go to the first screen showing playback controls (fast rewind, play or pause, fast forward buttons) User click fast rewind or fast forward button. Then app play previous or next...

How to just take a photo with iPhone

Is there a way to just take a photo with an iPhone? (No delegates or controllers). Actually what I want is: 1 One view that shows what the camera is seeing, 2) One button that takes a photo. (Like calling a function and getting the photo back) added:The "view" above would be an area in a normal screen, also the button Would thi...

How do you use AVCaptureStillImageOutput, captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection in particular?

How do you setup the completion handler for: captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection:completionHandler: for AVCaptureStillImageOutput? (void)captureDelegate:(CMSampleBufferRef)buffer error:(NSError *)error; ? ...

AVCaptureSession pause ?

Hi, I am using the AV Foundation for capturing images continuously after Apple released iOS 4.0 by following the codes given by, http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/qa/qa2010/qa1702.html However, when I call "[session startRunning];" it takes around 1-2 seconds to start the camera preview. So, this is frustrating to the end user...

AVFoundation camera tutorial

Hi All, Is there a basic tutorial for the AVFoundation for use with the camera anywhere? UIImagePicker isn't the right tool for my app and it looks like this is but I'm not sure how to get it going. I can kind of see how to take a picture using AVCaptureStillImageOutput but I can't see how to display the camera view onto the screen. ...

AVFoundation Camera Preview Screen gives wrong zoom

Hello all I'm currently developing an app that has a camera functionality, with a custom camera screen, featuring a preview screen and an overlay. I'm using the AVFoundation classes and methods as per the eradication of UIScreenCapture. The problem I have is that the preview data I get from AVCaptureSession is too zoomed in. If i take...

iPhone AVFoundation camera orientation

Hi All, I've been tearing my hair out trying to get the AVFoundation camera to capture a picture in the correct orientation (i.e. the device orientation) but I can't get it to work. I have looked at tutorials, I've watched the WWDC presentation and I've downloaded the WWDC sample program but even that doesn't do it. The code from my a...

How can i compare two audio files on the basis of certain parameter say maximum decibel ?

Hello all, I am trying to compare two .caf files on the basis of some parameter, say maximum decibels or duration of files. I have recorded these two files using the AVAudioRecorder class using the following settings: NSMutableDictionary* recordSetting = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [recordSetting setValue :[NSNumber numberW...

AV Foundation camera preview layer gets zoomed in, how to zoom out ?

i, The application currently I am using has a main functionality to scan QR/Bar codes continuously using Zxing library (http://code.google.com/p/zxing/). For continuous frame capturing I used to initialize the AVCaptureSession and AVCaptureVideoOutput, AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer described in the apple Q&A http://developer.apple.com/ipho...

A good tutorial on AVCaptureStillImageOutput used for continuous image capturing ?

Hi, I had this issue with new ACVapturesSession because the images you get through it is much larger (enlarged, this is a known issue now) than the images you capture using the normal camera view. I think this will resolve by using the AVCaptureStillImageOutput and capture still images continuously. Can you direct me to a good tutorial...

Translate CGPoint from UIView to AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer

I'm trying to implement tap to focus and tap to exposure in my iPhone app. I'm using the AVFoundation camera interface and I'm having trouble moving between the 2 co-ord systems. UIView uses a system that goes from (0,0) in the top left (in portrait mode) to (320,480) in the bottom right. However the AVCaptureSession uses a system tha...

How to export file with AVAssetExportPresetPassthough flag in the exportSession?

I want to use the AVAseetExportSession class to export the file from ipod liabrary to appliation temp. AVAssetExportSession *exporter = [[AVAssetExportSession alloc] initWithAsset: fileAsset presetName: AVAssetExportPassthrough]; if i want to you the AVAssetExportPassthroug...


I want to use the method Seek of the class AVPlayer. But this method take a parameter CMTime. Could anyone knows about this object. In order to move the playback cursor to a given time. ...

iPhone AVFoundation image EXIF orientation

Hi All, I'm using AVFoundation to control the camera in my app and it's working perfectly... up til now. The images are saved into the library with no problems and all look perfect but when I then upload them to Facebook they're the wrong way round! This happens whether I upload them from within my app or from the Facebook app on my i...

New Ipod third generation is supports AVVideoComposition?

In my project I use AVVideoComposition, it only works on iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. On iPods and iPhone 3 it returns exception that this library is not supporting by that device, so is anybody know did the new iPod touch supports that or not? ...

using BeginReceivingRemoteControlEvents in Monotouch

Hi there, I've made my app play music in the background, I also successfully made it become the media player by calling BeginReceivingRemoteControlEvents. however, the RemoteControlReceived method never gets called. the same logic in Objective C is working fine. Any samples or guidelines appreciated. ...

How do I use AVAssetWriter?

Hello! I’d like to take some video frames and encode them into a video. It looks like that’s exactly what AVAssetWriter was meant for, but no matter how I eyeball the docs and Google I can’t find any way to actually use it. From the docs it looks like I need an input (AVAssetWriterInput) to feed the writer from. Fine. But the AVAssetWrit...