
UIImages to movie with AV Foundation

I have a serious problem with the AV Foundation. I want to render the animation of several UIImages to a movie file. I just want to make a movie file in which the images are changed every 1/x second. Currently I am using the code shown here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3401313/need-hints-for-using-iphone-sdks-avmutablevideocompo...

How to append a UIImage or CGImage to an AVAssetWriter?

Is it possible to convert a UIImage instance to a CMSampleBufferRef so that it can be appended to a specified output file using AVAssetWriter's appendSampleBuffer: method? If so ... how? Thanks ...

How to properly release an AVCaptureSession

I'm using the AV Foundation classes to capture the live video stream from the camera and to process the video samples. This works nicely. However, I do have problems properly releasing the AV foundation instances (capture session, preview layer, input and output) once I'm done. When I no longer need the session and all associated object...

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?

I have a serious problem: I have an array with several UIImage objects. What I now want to do, is create movie from those images. But I don't have any idea how to do so. I hope someone can help me or send me a code snippet which does something like I want. Thx! ...

How to play background audio using AVFoundation for iPhone/iPoad Touch with iOS 4?

Hello everyone I think that it's clear from the title... The Problem: I already have some objective-c code that uses AVFoundation and its AVAudioPlayer to play some sounds in my iPhone apps, it takes a path for a folder in the documents and plays all the files in it one after the other using an AVAudioPlayer object (I implemented AVAud...

How do I convert a CGImage to CMSampleBufferRef?

Hello! I’d like to convert a CGImage to CMSampleBufferRef and append it to a AVAssetWriterInput using the appendSampleBuffer: method. I’ve managed to get the CMSampleBufferRef using the following code, but the appendSampleBuffer: simply returns NO when I supply the resulting CMSampleBufferRef. What am I doing wrong? - (void) appendCGIma...

Anyone have an example of how to write audio and video simultaneously using AVAssetWriter?

Been trying to figure this out with zero success. I can write video output no problem ... but once I try to introduce a second AVAssetWriterInput to include audio the final quicktime movie is jumpy with frames being loss left and right and audio constantly going in and out. Thanks - wg ...

iPhone audio frameworks

Hello, Does AVFoundation Framework internally speak to AudioToolbox Framework? Because AudioToolbox holds all these services Audio Converter Services Audio File Services Audio File Stream Services Audio Format Services Audio Queue Services Audio Session Services Audio Unit Processing Graph Services Extended Audio File Services System ...

iPhone: Real-time video color info, focal length, aperture?

Is there any way using AVFoundation and CoreVideo to get color info, aperture and focal length values in real-time? Let me explain. Say when I am shooting video I want to sample the color in a small portion of the screen and output that in RGB values to the screen? Also, I would like to show what the current aperture is set at. Does ...

Creating CMSampleBufferRef from the data

Hi There, I am trying to create a CMSampleBuffer Ref from the data and trying to feed it to AVAssetWriter. But asset writer is failing to create the movie from the data. Following is the code to created the CMSampleBufferRef. CVImageBufferRef cvimgRef = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer); CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(cvi...

Cross-fade within AVMutableVideoComposition

I have successfully composed an AVMutableComposition with multiple video clips and can view it and export it, and I would like to be able to transition between them using a cross-fade, so I want to use AVMutableVideoComposition. I can't find any examples on how to even arrange and play a couple AVAsset videos in succession. Does anyone...

How to implement camera exposure control in a UIImagePicker based app?

Hi All, I have a UIImagePicker based app that controls the camera with custom overlays to handle a heads up display as well as digital zooming. I would like to add "touch to adjust exposure" like the normal iPhone camera app has. When you zoom in, you ultimately want to change exposure based on something other than "the big picture vi...

AVAudioPlayer stop a sound and play it from the beginning...

I used the AVAudioPlayer to play a 10 sec wav file and it works fine. Now I what to stop the wav at the 4th sec and then play it again from the very 1st sec. Here is the code I tried: NSString *ahhhPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Ahhh" ofType:@"wav"]; AVAudioPlayer *ahhhhhSound =[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsO...

AVCapture appendSampleBuffer

Hello all, I am going insane with this one - have looked everywhere and tried anything and everything I can thinks of. Am making an iPhone app that uses AVFoundation - specifically AVCapture to capture video using the iPhone camera. I need to have a custom image that is overlayed on the video feed included in the recording. So far I ...

iPhone SDK 4 AVFoundation - How to use captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection correctly?

I'm trying to use the new AVFoundation frameworkt for taking still pictures with the iPhone. With a button press this methos is called. I can hear the shutter sound but I can't see the log output. If I call this method several times the camera preview will freeze. Is there any tutorial out there how to use captureStillImageAsynchronous...

Sound issue exiting

I have a problem where I have sound in Menu > Level one. However when I exit Level one and go back to menu the sound won't stop! What code do I need to terminate the sound? This is the code I'm using: - (IBAction) playsound { NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"imsound" ofType:@"wav"]; AVAudioPlayer* myAudio=...

Recording Video in iPhone using AVFoundation Framework(AVCaptureSession)??

i am developing an application in which i am trying to record a video using AVCaptureSession class...i came across a few good tutorials like this one http://www.benjaminloulier.com/posts/2-ios4-and-direct-access-to-the-camera but in these tutorials only capturing images from the video frames is done while i want to record a full le...

iphone audio foundation & stream with HTTP

hi i want read one << mp3 url >> minus 30 sec with button in iphone can i work this with audio foundation this is my code but its not work NSString *str = "my url"; NSURL *file =[[NSURL alloc]initFileURLWithPath:str]; AVAudioPlayer *p = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc]initWithContentsOfURL:file error:nil]; [file release]; self.player = p...

how to autoplay next song in music application when first song completes playing

Hi to all, I have made a music app using avtouchController & I want to play my next song one after the other using autoplay can u please give me the step to autoplay a song. ...

Video Recording using AVFoundation Framework iPhone??

i am developing an application with the help of sample code from the WWDC 2010 http://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2010/ example - AVCamDemo. in which i need to record a video from front camera of iPhone...since new iPhone 4 is not available at my place i am not able to test the code properly.. i would be really thankful if someone c...