
Show tab bar after its hidden

Hi folks, Is there any way to show a tab bar after it has been hidden? Got a tabbar-nav structure. For one of the tabs, I need to hide the tab bar for its 2nd and 3rd level view. But at the same time I will need to show its 1st and 4th view. The sample code from Elements isn't really applicable here I think. Any help is greatly appr...

When I alter an ID's CSS class via Javascript, my jQuery nav bar doesn't reflect the change..???

I've got a single, main nav bar in it's own file, nav_bar.shtml, which every other page includes. This menu bar is a jQuery menu bar (ApyCom is the name of the company that sells these nav bars). How an item on the nav bar determines if it's active or not (and thus highlighting it so the user knows) is through the class="current" on th...

Javascript open new window address bar still showing

Im having a problem where I click a link and it opens a new window in fullscreen mode, but the address bar is still showing which I don't want it to. Here is the code I have: function fullScreen(theURL) {, '', 'fullscreen=yes, scrollbars=1, toolbar=0, location=no'); } Same problem in latest FF and IE8... ...

can I pass the Array values (not the array collection values) to the Bar charts or column charts using flex 3.5

Is there anyway where I can pass the Array values (not the array collection values) to the Bar charts or column charts using flex 3.5... here is the thing i want::: I have array values like this,, array1 = [23, 49, 40, 239, 20, 80, 39,49,120, 24, 31,41]; and i want to show these values on the Yaxis and months on Xaxis.... -- I ha...

Emprise Javascript Bar Charts - How to create grouped bars in bar chart

I'm trying to create a bar chart where the data is grouped. Eg. let's say the first 4 bars are 'Dark Orange', the next 10 are 'Fire Brick', the next 5 are 'Dark Orchid' & the last group are Yellow. I know there's a property called groupdBars, but I'm unsure of how to utilise this:

Iphone Navigation Bar not resize correctly

Hi. i have an application that must run on portrait and landscape. All is working, but i have this issue: i have the Navigation Controller in this way immediately under it there is another view(fixed static position, overlaying the rear view) in the image, it contains the n...

MPMoviePlayerViewController Hide Status Bar

Hello, I have an iPad application that creates and shows a video with an MPMoviePlayerViewController. Here's my code: MPMoviePlayerViewController *mpvc = [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURL URLWithString:URLEncode(uri)]]; [mpvc setModalTransitionStyle:UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve]; [mpvc setWantsFullSc...

.Net Charting - switching display order of bar charts

Using System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting, I've got data I want to represent as a Bar chart with the first item at the series displaying at the top of the chart, rather than the bottom. E.g. for a series with labels {"A", "B", "C"}, the bar for C will display at the top, while I would want A to be the top bar. This ordering makes se...

I want to disable Status Bar When touched dim button in Alarm App.

At froyo, After launching DeskClock when you touch dim button, the status bar disappear. But when All animations is selected In Setting Menu, if you drag the status bar down right after touching the dim button the status bar is expanded. I think 2 ways to solve this problem. 1) use disable status bar method with hide property. 2)...

What do the placeholders foo, bar and baz mean?

Possible Duplicate: Using Foo and Bar in examples Often enough, you see the words "foo", "bar" and "baz" as placeholders for variables etc. in code. What are the origin or origins of these words? All explanations I've seen so far seem to me to be popular etymologies rather than scientifc facts. Does anyone know the origin or o...

What are the origins of foo, bar and baz?

Possible Duplicates: Using Foo and Bar in examples What do the placeholders foo, bar and baz mean? What are the origins of the placeholders "foo", "bar" and "baz"? Does anyone know for sure? ...

topbar of an iphone application

Hi there, Quick question! I am trying to customise the topbar of an iphone application (not a website) and I have been told that it is impossible? I have attached an example of what I am trying to achieve. At the very least is it possible to change the background colour to orange? Any advice on this would be great! Thanks in advance! ...

How do people do this:

I want to use deep linking on my site using this url method, but I'm not sure how it works. When I set my links to work like this: <a href="/#/page">stuff</a> the browser doesn't put it in the window location bar. Ideas? ...

Hook into the moment when the Collection is filled and removing then the Loading Adorner?

Hello, I am grouping data in a WPF DataGrid. that takes very long so I want to show a Loading bar/adorner. I am using MVVM. How would you remove/fade out the loading bar/adorner when the datagrid has finished the grouping. How do I get the moment when the Data is grouped 100% ? Can this somehow be set in xaml or retrieved etc... ? ...

On-screen dimensions of a UIScrollView

I have a view controller containing a status bar and a navigation controller on top and under these a UIScrollView that fill up the remaining space. The ScrollView displays an image. Is it possible to read the on-screen dimensions of the ScrollView without any hard-coded pixel values? For the UIScrollView both frame and bounds return th...

Custom Tab bar in Android

Is it possible to customize tab bar in android? Customize in the sense, like in iPhone, the tab bar is at the bottom of the screen; in Android, can we place the tab bar at the bottom and its content on top of it? ...

Help with Pop-ups for menu Items

I am wanting to make an transparent menu strip bar at the bottom of the screen that when you press anyone button on that strip, it will then show your options in a pop-up window like what they use in the new version of the "camera" application for the droid 1 running 2.2... Also I am wanting it to be over top of an background (meaning l...

Opening external websites with a top bar containing "return to site" link.

In this thread user named Pekka gave me an advice to open external sites in a new window and provide a "return to site" link which would call "windows.close()" function. The problem is, that I don't know how to do such a "top bar" or something else containing the link on the site I open. Should I open the external site and write to its s...

Can i put an icon in the status bar when my application is running? ( PERMANENTLY, also in background mode)

Hi, i want to put just an ICON when my application is running, also in background (home key pressed or something like that) i mean that it's just an icon showing that my application is ON, and it have to be there allways also when my application it's in background mode i can't find any information about how to do this can someone give...

How to disable QSB..?

Hi friends, Whenever user presses the Search hard key on device, Android it brings out the Quick Search Bar. I want to disable QSB. How to do it, please help. Thanks in advance. Updates: Solution I override the method onSearchRequested() and returned true from there. This completely disabled the Quick Search Bar (QSB). ...