
c binary file reading problems

hi i am reading a binary file using c as shown here link text so that all the information read from binary file is stored in "char *buffer". i have the format standard where it says that one of the lines should be format: unsigned char, size: 1 byte i am doing the following: printf("%x\n", buffer[N]); but what should i do ...

How to convert PDF binary parts into ASCII/ANSI so I can look at it in a text editor?

Most PDFs do contain lots of binary looking parts in between some ASCII. But I remember also having seen PDFs where such binary parts by and large were absent, and one could open them in a text editor to study their structure. Is there a trick, tool, or command that will convert binary PDF parts to ASCII/ANSI? (Preferably "free as in be...

reading double from binary file in c

hi, can anyone show how to correctly convert binary represented data into double value in C. for example, i have 8 unsigned char values to be converted to double value (let's name it buffer). so buffer[0]'s 0's bit is LSB, and buffer[7]'s 7's bit is MSB. thanks a lot in advance! ...

Problems reading a binary file with ActivePerl?

I'm trying to read a binary file with the following code: open(F, "<$file") || die "Can't read $file: $!\n"; binmode(F); $data = <F>; close F; open (D,">debug.txt"); binmode(D); print D $data; close D; The input file is 16M; the debug.txt is only about 400k. When I look at debug.txt in emacs, the last two chars are ^A^C (SOH and ETX...

Problem with encryption & decryption of binary files

How can I encrypt & decrypt binary files in C using OpenSSL? I have a test program that encrypts and then decrypts the input it's given. I executed my test program for text files, and the output is the same as the input, but when I execute my test program on a binary file the output is not the same as the input. ...

Best way to assert compatible architecture when reading and writing a file?

I have a program that reads and writes a binary file. A file is interchangeable between executions of the program on the same platform, but a file produced on one machine may not be valid on another platform due to the sizes of types, endian-ness etc. I want a quick way to be able to assert that a given file is valid for reading on a g...

git and binary file

I'm playing with git in order to check if I can use it for my next project. I need to ask how git deal with binary files. Do I have to set something to tell git if some files are binary, just like svn? Or, git just can handle binary data automatically? If I change the binary file, so that I have 100 binary revisions, git just stores al...

Generate binary file with given structure

I have a device witch use binary format style config, and i have to generate that files on-the-fly. File structure must consist of a number of configuration settings (1 per parameter) each of the form: Type Length Value where: Type: is a single-octet identifier which defines the parameter Length: is a single octet containing the l...

Diff Tool for some binary (non-executable) formats

I'm looking for a visual diff tool for Mac OS X that will allow me to see differences in Pages (from Apple's iWork suite) and Adobe Illustrator documents. I realize a visual diff may be a little much to ask, so I'd settle for some sort of XML or plain-text comparison. I'm using Pages to maintain my Spec and Illustrator for my mockups, wh...

It's possible to put binary files on nexus repository?

Hi, At my work all development is over java techonology, and we use nexus for manage our maven repositories. But for a new project, it's necesary build dll's and exe's artifacts, so, it's possible to put those windows binary files into a nexus repository?, there some plugin to make this simplier?, it's a crazyness what i'm trying to do?...

problem writing bitmap file header in C

Hi, I am trying to create a new bitmap file using C. This is a struct for the .bmp file header. #define uint16 unsigned short #define uint32 unsigned long #define uint8 unsigned char typedef struct { uint16 magic; //specifies the file type "BM" 0x424d uint32 bfSize; //specifies the size in bytes of the bitmap file uint16 bfReserv...

iTunesConnect Technical users can upload binary files ?

Hi, i'm a new iPhone developer and i'm working for a new company which ordered me an application. They are registered with the developer account and they added me with a Technical user role! My application is ready, now i need to implement and test the in-app purchase functionality because inside this app there are buyable contents. I ha...

Convert big endian to little endian when reading from a binary file

Hi I'm been looking around how to convert big endian to little endians. But I didn't find any good that could solve my problem. It seem to be there's many way you can do this conversion. Anyway this following code works ok in a big endian system. But how should I write a conversion function so it will work on little endian system as well...

Reading a binary file as text and manipulating it... [C#] Versus [VB.NET]

Well guys I am in a bit of a pickle here... I am doing some exercises on encrypting data. One of them are binary files. I am currently using triple DES to encrypt and decrypt the files both in VB.NET and C#... Now the thing is, once it is decrypted in VB.NET and saved, i can execute it again... But for some reason, my C# file is bigge...

reading a binary file

Hi I wonder, Is it necessary to use reinterpret_cast< char*> when reading from a binary file. Since I found that a explicit typecast worked as well e.g. (char*), sizeof(int). ...

For binary files should I use bfiles or bigfiles?

There are a few mercurial extensions for dealing with large binary files. Bfiles BigFiles Snap others? I'd like to use the one that is most likely to be official (ie distributed with mercurial). Kiln 2.0 uses a fork of Bfiles for its binary files. Does that make it more likely to become official? Which is the preferred (semi-offici...

Cycling a binary file in Python - Remove from beginning add to end

Could anyone point me towards a method of cycling a binary file in Python? I have a file full of 4 byte integers basically and when the file reaches a certain size, i.e. a certain number of values have been written, I want to start removing one from the start and adding one at the end. I'm still reasonably new to Python, so just trying ...

Fastest way to deserialize objects from huge binary file

So the scenario is as follows: I have a 2-3 gb large files of binary serialized objects, I also have an index file which contains the id of each object and their offset in the file. I need to write a method that given a set of id's deserializes them into memory. Performance is the most important benchmark and keeping the memory requir...

writing to a Random access file in Erlang

How does one write to a file after a certain amount of data is received? I know the file can be opened and then it can be written to using file:pwrite(Position, Bin). The thing I would like to know is if data is e.g. being downloaded and needs to be written to the file. How does one do this efficiently? e.g. using a buffer(how is a buf...