
Vendor Branches in GIT

A GIT project has within it a second project whose content is being worked on independently. Submodules cannot be used for the smaller, as even the subproject must be included when users attempt to clone or download the 'parent'. Subtree-merging cannot be used, as the subproject is being actively developed, and subtree merging makes it...

Best way to prevent changes on a branch with Subversion

The way we use Subversion is to work on the trunk, feature branches for significant features (> 1 days work) and release branches. We delete feature branches once they are happily merged but we want to keep release branches around in case they are needed for bug fixes and so on. Each of us checks out the root of the project as a minimu...

TFS: Frequent merges into a development branch

I haven't found any good explanation of this problem, so I'm hoping someone can shed some light on it. My thought is that this is "just the way it is", but I would like to understand a little better anyways. Here is my situation: I have a main branch, and a development branch(dev). Most developers are working in Main, but for my speci...

How to branch and merge in TFS

This question is a derivative of a previous question posted :here I have a project that contains code that is consumed by many other projects. Specifically, one folder in this parent project has been branched to dependent child projects. We have since made changes in the parent project and checked them in. In Source Control Explorer,...

Reorganizing a subversion repository with branches

I am trying to reorganize a subversion 1.6 repository that has branches. It appears that if you move a file in the trunk and that file has changes in a branch, when those changes are merged into the branch, they are no longer there. I will try to illustrate below: 1. Repo before move trunk/a.txt trunk/b.txt branches/feature...

Differences in git branches

I want to merge two branches that have been separated for a while and wanted to know which files have been modified. Came across this link: which was quite useful. The tools to compare branches I've come across are: git diff master..branch git log master..branch git shortlog master..branch Was won...

How do I manage conflicts with git submodules?

I have a git superproject that references several submodules and I am trying to lock down a workflow for the rest of the my project members to work within. For this question, lets say my superproject is called supery and the submodule is called subby. (Then is a simplification of what I'm trying to do...I'm not actually using the branch...

git newbie error - how to recover

Possibly related to I was working on an ASP.NET project when I discovered I needed to make an "experimental" set of changes which may or may not have been required in the production version. The obvious thing to do was to create a branch. How...

Pros and Cons regarding extended use of branches.

I want to be able to choose the right branching strategy for most thinkable situations and organizations. So I'm looking for a extensive list of positive and negative effects of extending the use of code repository branches in a development organization. Please only post one pro or one con in each post, so that the voting system can he...

How to prevent Merging in TFS

I have a parent project that is branched to many dependent child projects. I do not want to allow changes in the child projects to be merged back into the parent. i.e. I only want to allow a 1 way merge (parent to child). How do I accomplish this? ...

Can someone explain these few lines of MSIL? Why does it move a value off the evaluation stack to a local variable, only to move it back immediately and return it?

The following MSIL code loads a single argument (a string), calls a method, which returns bool, and then returns that bool value. What I don't understand is why it calls stloc.0 to store the method's return value in a local variable, then performs an explicit unconditional control transfer to the very next labeled line (seems unnecessar...

Pull all commits from a branch, push specified commits to another

Hi, I got the following branches : master production and the following remotes branches : origin/master origin/production I got a script that fetches the origin/master branch and gets the diff of what changed from my last fetch (log -p master..origin/master). Then I merge origin/master. The commits found are pushed to a code ...

Mercurial: Named Branches vs Multiple Repositories

We're currently using subversion on a relatively large codebase. Each release gets its own branch, and fixes are performed against the trunk and migrated into release branches using I believe the time has come to move on to better source control, and I've been toying with Mercurial for a while. There seems to be two schools...

Pushing updates to a pruned Mercurial branch

I have two related repositories, a master, which contains a number of sensitive files which must not be leaked, and a 'public' version, created with hg convert with --filemap to exclude the sensitive files and directories. I would like further updates to the master that don't affect the sensitive files to be pushable to the slave, and u...

How do I publish to <me>

I've read the guide, which tells you to do the following: create a repository check it out to path/to/repo cd /path/to/repo git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/gh-pages rm .git/index git clean -fdx echo "My GitHub Page" > index.html git add . git commit -a -m "First pages commit" git push origin gh-pages I've done that. And ...

How to effectively manage branches with JIRA?

We develop a product that consists of a core runtime shared across products (project1, project2, ...) and a project/product specific part. For each of those "products" we maintain multiple branches because different versions are rolled out into the field and require maintenance and sometimes even feature backports. We also use JIRA as a...

Unable to understand Git branch, merge and rebase

I know the thread which says that rebase is for small changes of teamMates, while merge for large changes. I keep three Gits of three teamMates in the following directory structure where we all have the same initial code: project | - I | - myTeamMate1 | - myTeamMate2 The branches are not in the same Git. This means...

How do you sustain product development if every customer is allowed to change the code?

How do you cope with that? Is it normal to allow the costumer to change the software as often as he wants? I´m working in a environment where there are no specs and constant requests for changes. For every new costumer we have to create a new branch and makes so many changes that by the time I finish I have a complete different produ...

Branch Coverage

When writing test cases which are supposed to have 100% branch coverage, is it ok to have one of your cases that covers two branches and another case that only covers one. note: we are assuming there are only three branches in the code. edit: 3 branches means three basic if statments that are all seperate to each other within a body of...

How do I create a new git branch from the changes I have in the working tree?

I have edits to my working tree which I would like to continue working on in a branch. Will git checkout -b new_branch wipe out my current changes to the working tree? If so, how do I create a new branch and switch to it without reverting my working tree? ...