
committing to the same branch with git

Let's say that there are two people working on a git branch, they check out at the same time but one of them commits first and then the other commits after, will the newest commit still be merged with the former commit. or can multiple people work on the same branch simultanious? ...

Perforce wildcard problem in branch specification

In a branch spec, I have the following view: //depot/dev/t/a/g/... //depot/dev/t/r/g/... -//depot/dev/t/a/g/p/o*/... //depot/dev/t/r/g/p/... Perforce reports an "Incompatible wildcards" for the second rule there. What I'd like to do is exclude all the directories beginning with "o". What am I doing wrong, and how do I fix this? ...

Pros and cons of version promotion vs. version branches

In my current project I have to decide which technique to use when branching. I have two options (we'll assume that we already have decided to develop in the trunk): Version branches Make a branch whenever a new version is put on the test machines and tag it like "release0.1". Bugs are fixed in this branch (and then merged to the trun...

Middle-ground between submodules and branches?

I just got around creating topic branches for my project's unfinished features, managed by Git. They are all very self-contained in such a way, that one topic branch doesn't directly relate to another topic branch. All branches, however, have some common ground, the master branch, which is the core of the system, the topic branches just ...

git push current branch

I use the following command to push to my remote branch: git push origin sandbox If I say git push origin Does that push changes in my other branches too, or does it only update my current branch? (I have three branches: master, production and sandbox). (The git push documentation is not very clear about this, so I'd like to clari...

With Vault, should one prefer Labels or Branches when isolating release code bases ?

When isolating code for a release, is there any advantages to using "labels" over "branches". The process we follow is to branch code close to release and stabilize the release on the branch. After release is approved by SQA we merge changes back to mainline. Other dev groups use labels to 'isolate' the code base used for a release. I...

Does TFS lose its link when you move a branch?

My co-worker is trying to merge his development branch back into the baseline. Even though he only modified a couple files, all files in the baseline are being checked out for merging. As if it's a baseless merge. What gives? I don't experience this and the only difference I can see is that I branched directly from the baseline and he m...

Branching from deleted path in svn

I want to create a branch off a revision that "doesn't exist". What I have so far: ("/branches" is shorthand for "http://mysvn/myrep/branches) /branches/1.0.x has revs 1-24900 I want /branches/myBranch to be at 24900 so I copy the /1.0.x I want /branches/1.0.x to be at 24887 so I delete it in preparation for... svn cp /branches/myBr...

How can I manage production/test/development configuration info using subversion?

I'm working on a combined web/client app that has branches for production, test, and development. I'm using svn post commit hooks to deploy updates to the production and test servers. The client app needs to point to different urls depending on production, test, or development. How can I manage this using subversion? Options I've thought...

Tag multiple branches in git?

I have a git repository with two branches; one for code that's used for manufacturing/test and one that's the actual production firmware (they're nearly identical). It's now time to cut a release to send to the manufacturer, so I naturally want to put down some appropriate tags on both branches. But, it seems that git won't let me put ...

Is there a Netbeans equivalent to Eclipse's Workspace

I enjoy using Netbeans, especially for development with Maven, however, I've found recently that I've been working with three different branches of the same code base in different parts of the development cycle. One of the things that Eclipse can do, is separate the projects into different workspaces, so i can simply start Eclipse wit...

In Sharepoint2007 survey, I need to show Question3 only if Question1 AND Question2=Yes

I need to create a survey on a Sharepoint 2007 site. In this survey I need to: (a) Ask everyone Question1 and Question2 (b) Show Question3 ONLY IF Question1=Yes AND Question2=Yes ...

Branching based on number of checkboxes checked in a SharePoint survey

I need to create a survey in SharePoint 2007. Question1 will have 7 checkboxes. I want to show Question2 only if 2 or more of those 7 checkboxes are checked. How can I do that? ...

Branching with clearcase remote client

I am trying to branch a file in ClearCase Remote Client. I have the branch set up and the config spec is updated to handle the branch. But I can't find the option, and the googling isn't helping much. ...

Repository structure when having two "configs" of the same base repo?

So I'm having a bit of a structure problem with my repositories. I hope you guys can give me a few pointers on how to go forward with this. Setup; I have one large web project, with several opensource solutions integrated. I have it all in a Bazaar repository. Problem; I want two or more "configs" of this site now, meaning the databa...

Merging from branch to trunk with 'Merge range of revisions'

I have merged in Subversion/TortoiseSVN like this a few times: Method A: 1) I change the trunk and commit. 2) I make other changes in a branch and commit. 3) In a working copy from trunk: I merge from the branch using TortoiseSVN's 'Merge a range of revisions'. 4) Then I commit the trunk and delete the branch. However, the Tortoi...

svn: How to automate commit transferring between branches

I want to automate this process: A number comes from an external system, let's say 35. Search and find svn commits which have #35 in their comments on branch A. Make list of all the changes of these commits to the commits before them. Apply this changes to branch B. For e.g. if rev 95 has #35 in its comments and introduced a new file...

Why doesn't the branch tag in CVS move forward?

Our company recently began creating CVS branches to mark each release. Formerly we had been using tags, and if we fixed something during the testing period that needed to go out with the release, we simply moved the tag forward. This works well until two changes are made to the same file: one that should be released and the other that ...

Git: Move a branch to a new tag

My personal Wordpress install is cloned from the wordpress git mirror on GitHub. I checked out the 2.7.1 tag to the branch "stable" (git checkout -b stable 2.7.1) and its been running fine since. Now WordPress 2.8 has been released I want to move my stable branch to the 2.8 tag. I tried the following (all on the stable branch) but get c...

Line endings messed up in Git - how to track changes from another branch after a huge line ending fix?

We are working with a 3rd party PHP engine that gets regular updates. The releases are kept on a separate branch in git, and our fork is the master branch. This way we'll be able to apply patches to our fork from the new releases of the engine. My problem is, after many commits to our branch, I realized that the initial import of the e...