
First iPhone App View Position Problem

I am closely following the instructions given in the tutorial "Your First iPhone Application" on apple ADC. In the interface builder, I have set up a button positioned on the top according to the Apple Interface Guidelines. It runs without trouble if I simulate the interface in IB. However, if I run the built app, I get what is shown he...

How to open the keyboard automatically on UITextField ?

Hi I have a very simple table and when tocuh a cell it opens a new view with one UITextfield. All I want is that the keyboard will automatically opens, without the user have to touch the UITextfield. Its all done in Interface Builder, so I am not sure how I do this. I guess I need to set the focus at some point ? Thanks ...

Builders in Java versus C++?

In Google's Protocol Buffer API for Java, they use these nice Builders that create an object (see here): Person john = Person.newBuilder() .setId(1234) .setName("John Doe") .setEmail("[email protected]") .addPhone( Person.PhoneNumber.newBuilder() .setNumber("555-4321") .setType(Person.PhoneType.HOM...

Connecting one Interface Builder view to multiple variables / dynamic creation

Hi, I have created a custom view with Interface Builder and defined its IBOutlet variable within my ViewController. Now I would like to instantiate multiple variables of this view, without duplicating the view in Interface Builder and creating its respective IBOutlets. When I connect the view in Interface Builder to multiple reference...

Netbean does not refresh JPanel after adding new components

Hi, this title may not best describe my problem. I'm using Netbean GUI builder to create a JFrame and several JPanels. I create each JPanel in a seperate class, then I drag the JPanel class to JFrame. The problem is after dragging the JPanel to JFrame, if I add components to JPanel, it does not show the additional components in the JPane...

flex builder: how to populate an array from an external file of strings

hello i'm new to flex builder and trying to populate an array from an external file consisting of a list of strings. how do i go about that? should i use some sort of a data object? ...

C++ Builder 2010 How to switch to FASTMM

Hello I have some projects which were done in c++ builder 2009 and they need borlandmm.dll to run. I have read that c++ Builder 2010 by default use Fastmm, but it dont seems to be the case in my projects. They still need borlandmm.dll So how can i switch my projects to use fastmm ? Regards James ...

JAXB together with Builder Pattern. Is that possible?

Hi. I was wondering if anybody knows how I can use JAXB together with the Builder Pattern? The builder pattern wants you to set the constructor as private, and JAXB says "1 counts of IllegalAnnotationExceptions myClass does not have a no-arg default constructor" Is there somehow I can tell JAXB that I don't want no-arg default constru...

Is there a memory and performance hit taken from using Bloch's Builder Pattern?

What is the memory and performance usage compared to creating a object with only a constructor? The usage here is in creating a Set<Object> or List<Object> that may contain million plus entries and I am concerned with the overhead of using Bloch's Builder Pattern. I have used it in the past, but never in this large of a scope. Refer...

Design view disappeared from Interface Builder

All of a sudden, the visual design window disappeared from my Interface Builder. It is a regular UIView, has some UIImageView, UILabel, and UIButtons on it. When I open IB, I can see the document window (with File's Owner, First Responder and View in it), Library and Inspector, but the visual design window disappeared. Double click on "V...

rake wont create XML file

I'm a bit lost here as to why my rake task will not create the desired XML file, however it works fine when I have the method build_xml in an .rb file. require 'rubygems' require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' namespace :xml do desc "xml build test" task :xml_build => :environment do build_xml end end def build_xml #...

"Packages cannot be nested"

Hi guys, Im having a problem with Flex 4 beta 2... I cant call a class using: "<fx:Script source:"myClass"/> For some reason, no matter what I do, the error is always the same. "Packages cannot be nested". I googled it and I found links to but they are all broken links... So, is this a Flex bug or there is a new wa...

Flex 3 or Flash Builder 4 for development of Church management system.

hello, i am a learner of flex 3 builder and i have downloaded the Flash Builder beta 2. i have been experimenting with it for a while, i have been given the task to develop a church management system for my church. Because i am new to both technologies, i wanted advice actually as to which will be fastest to build such an application. T...

How to do a mouse rollover action on a Label in Xcode?

How do I link up a mouse rollover action on a label, or any invisible object I can place over the label. I can't find it the label's action list Using xcode 3.2 and Interface builder ...

iPhone UITableView stutters with custom cells. How can I get it to scroll smoothly?

I'm using a UITableView to display custom cells created with Interface Builder. The table scrolling isn't very smooth (it "stutters") which leaves me to believe cells aren't being reused. Is there something wrong with this code? - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPat...

Flash Builder 4: Call main function from a component function

i try to make a login sistem in flex, and my app looks like this: i have a main.mxml. when the app loads, a function named "start" is called. it verifies if the user is logged in or not. if "true" the user is redirected to a dashboard, if "false", a component named login is loaded. my login.mxml component has 2 input boxes (user & pass...

Flash Builder 4: mx:Button baseColor doesnt exist

Just wanted to add this here in case you are migrating your project from Flash Builder 4 Beta to Flash Builder 4 release. I used a lot of mx:Buttons with the baseColor property, which now seems to be called chromeColor. ...

Lost in this c++ Builder 2010 Stack Trace

Hello i am getting below EAccessViolation Exception in C++ Builder 2010 project. StackTrace is not showing any of my project file in it. How can i find the location of the error ? This application use TIdTCPServer component. Call Stack Information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

Why is my iPhone SDK 3.2 iPad code showing a white screen?

I'm trying to get a UISplitViewController working with an iPad app. I have the table view controller linked up under the Master pane and a plain UIView under the Detail view. I also have [window addSubview:splitView.view]; in my code. For some reason I just get a white screen even though the table view controller code is properly code...

Flash Catalyst - Export Component to FB

Hi, I'm working on an AIR project using Flash Builder. There's a couple of component that I could see would be easy to generate using Flash Catalyst. I can't see any way to export a Flex component/library (SWC) of some UI elements from Flash Catalyst. All I can see is that I can export an entire project from there and import it as a...