
how to specify file name and close the info path form on custom submit button?

i have submit button in the form once i click it must ask to enter the file name and once i given it it must close the particular browser tab. ...

How can I create button using pure CSS which involves linear gradients and background color.

How can I create button using pure CSS with a sold background color and on top of that and an oval shape gradient in the center of it. I don't want to use any external images.Here is the sample button.In this example background is solid black and the blue area is composed of two linear gradient (from top(#92B5FD) to middle(#6094FC) and t...

how can fire only one click event even the user clicks button 2-3 times at the same time?

I have a add to list button.when user clicks on button the data in text box gets added in listbox.User can not add same data. but the problem is that is user clicks add button 2-3 times with in a seconds the data is getting added 2 times in list. And if user does not clicks on button like this my javascript validation is working fine but...

How to programmatically convert column type in DataGridView C#?

I have dynamically created DataGridView control on form, with DataSource specified as: ((DataGridView)createdControl).DataSource = (IList)(p.GetValue(editedClient, null)); where IList is defined as generic collection for following class: public class CDocumentOperation { [DisplayName(@"Time")] public Da...

Changing image in image button column in a datagridview

Hello, Just wondering if anyone has ever managed to find a way to have a datagridview image button column in a template field which display different images on different rows depending on some data element in the row. Our application needs to display a series of fees charged against an account column which will be either less then 500,...

jQuery: Function to remove all elements of multiple <select>??

I wanna make a function that erases everything inside of a multiple select using jQuery. Also if it could remove some text from text fields it'd be good too. ...

How do I make the background of a component transparent in Flash

How can I make the background of the Button component transparent in actionscript (or remove it completely) ? I'd like to show a Button component with only the text label, no background, no border. ps. I'm using AS2 ...

jQuery button primary & secondary

I am using jQuery button in my project, I need to display primary button in orange color and secondary button in grey color; but for me both buttons are in the same color grey. I am using following code: $(function() { $( "button, input:submit").button({ icons: {primary:'ui-icon-gear',secondary:'ui-icon-triangle-1-s'} }); ...

Simultaneous Sprite Touch Detection - iPhone & cocos2d

I am writing an app for the iPhone using cocos2d where I have 4 Sprites that are buttons. I figured I would implement the button functionality by using 2 sprites with different .png files representing the pressed/unpressed states. I thought this would be better than using an animation. In addition to detecting when the buttons are pre...

Android: Preserve button size when changing text

I have for example a Play/Pause button and would like its size not to change when I change the text from 'play' to 'pause' and back. Due to internationalization I don't know if 'play' or 'pause' will be the longer string.. I imagine I need to set the string to the longest string and then create the button allowing the UI to size it prop...

How to get reference to a Button created in a custom Dialog, using a xml layout?

Hi, I have an Activity in which user can update a specific information clicking in a button near a label. This buttons than triggers a Dialog where I have some fields to get user input and a button to finish editing. My problem is that I am not able to get a reference to the button declare in the dialog specific xml layout. The button...

jQuery: button not working in html returned by ajaxForm - how to rebind?

Hello, Trying to get a button working (jQuery UI chrome and jQuery functionality) in a second form that is in the html returned by ajaxForm that has been called on a first form. The button works in the first form - the jQuery UI chrome is visible and the ajaxForm event works. For the second form, the button is generic and ajaxForm doe...

C# - Disable buttons with image

Hey all, I'm using C# and WinForms. When using a button with a BackgroundImage property, when I enable/disable the button, the image doesn't get gray... Result : The user is unable to tell if the button is enabled or disabled without trying to click it. When using a button with a Image property, the image's behavior is correct but the...

How to automatically display an overlay when the button is pressed.

I know there is the selector method for the pressed and normal state xml method. However, for that method, you always need 2 image resources. So for every button, you need an alternate one for the pressed state. If you have 25 buttons, you will need 50 buttons. Is there any way to do this dynamically? ...

Change the text on a button in the program

The text on my buttons are set in resource files. E.g. <Button android:id="@+id/up_button" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/up_label" /> The above code defines a button with text @string/up_label. How can I change this text in my program during th...

r.id not regenerated

I am trying to create a simple button example, but when I add this code: mButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button1); it wont update my R.id file. I've tried everything including making sure automatic build is on, cleaning the project, and updating the SDK. This happens in both 1.6 and 2.2 projects. Here's what full code is looking ...

Oracle ADF Jdeveloper dynamic radio button not showing

In my Data Control Palette, I have a table. That table has a Yes/No column...lets call it: 'A1'. Now I drag and drop off 'A1' as an AF:SelectOneRadio component. When the dialog box pop up for me to fill out the bindings, I use dynamic. For the 'base data source attribute' I use A1 and for the 'list data source attribute' I use a column c...

JQuery UI button submitting entire content problem in IE 6.0

Hi, I have the same problem as posted here I have a <button> element that triggers "A potentially dangerous request.form value..." error in asp.net MVC. For instance: <button type="submit" name="logon" value="ok">Confirm</button> <button type="submit" name="cancel" value="ok">Cancel</button> And this javascript (with jquery UI 1.8.5)...

[iOS] UIButtonTypeInfoLight inside rounded rect?

I know, I know, it's a venial aesthetic question, but I want to insert an info button in my navigation bar not as the default info UIButton (UIButtonTypeInfoLight), but inside a rounded rect so that it appears in a uniform manner to the other UIBarButtonItem buttons. Is it possible that there is no way? Using custom UIButton with an imag...

Change native intent button names Android and Back button

hello everyone, I require urgent help.. I am creating a sample add contact application using android intents. heres my code: Intent addNewContactI; addNewContactI=new Intent(Contacts.Intents.Insert.ACTION,this.contactsUri); addNewContactI.putExtra(Contacts.Intents.Insert.NAME, "Sample Name"); startActivityForResult(addNewContactI,RESU...