I am having some problems reading from a file. I have two header files: a and b. b is derived from a,and c is derived from b. Now i want to open a text file.
The whole format is like this:
A john
A johnee
P 123
If the first charcter is 'a' and 'p' is also there, then print the second line, else print the first line.
I know there is a function somewhere that will accept a client rect and it will convert it into a window rect for you. I just can't find / remember it!
Does anyone know what it is?
It will do something similar to:
const CRect client(0, 0, 200, 200);
const CRect window = ClientRectToWindowRect(client);
How do you manipulate GUID's when doing Windows programming in C or C++?
Thanks to Rich B for fixing my "faux pas" and moving my reply to my own question out of the question itself and into a standalone answer.
The code is
return min + static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(max - min + 1.0) *
(number / (UINT_MAX + 1.0)));
number is a random number obtained by rand_s. min and max are ints and represent minimum and maximum values (inclusive).
If you provide a solution not using unsigned int as a number, please also explain how to make it be r...
Anyone knows if is possible to have partial class definition on C++ ?
Something like:
class Test {
int test1();
class Test {
int test2();
For me it seems quite useful for definining multi-platform classes that have common functions between them that are platfor...
Designing a new system from scratch. I'll be using the STL to store lists and maps of certain long-live objects.
Question: Should I ensure my objects have copy constructors and store copies of objects within my STL containers, or is it generally better to manage the life & scope myself and just store the pointers to those objects in m...
Good day :)
I'm pretty new to both C++ and Block Cipher encryption, and I am currently in the process of writing a decryption function for AES (16 byte seed / 16 byte blocks). All is going well, but my total data size is not always a multiple of my block size. I'm wondering what the best way to handle left-over data at the end of my dat...
Java has some very good open source static analysis tools such as FindBugs, Checkstyle and PMD. Those tools are easy to use, very helpful, runs on multiple operating systems and free.
Commercial C++ static analysis products are available from vendors Klocwork, Gimpel and Coverity. Although having such products are great, the cost is ju...
My application is generating different floating point values when I compile it in release mode and in debug mode. The only reason that I found out is I save a binary trace log and the one from the release build is ever so slightly off from the debug build, it looks like the bottom two bits of the 32 bit float values are different about 1...
I've got a really large project I made for myself and rece3ntly a client asked for their own version of it with some modifications. The project name was rather silly and my client wants the source so I figured it'd be best if I renamed all my files from
Unfortunatly after I added everythi...
I need help understanding some C++ operator overload statements. The class is declared like this:
template <class key_t, class ipdc_t>
class ipdc_map_template_t : public ipdc_lockable_t
typedef map<key_t,
less<key_t>> map_t;
The creator of the class has created an iterator for t...
I'm building a shared library with g++ 3.3.4. I cannot link to the library because I am getting
./BcdFile.RHEL70.so: undefined symbol: _ZNSt8_Rb_treeIjjSt9_IdentityIjESt4lessIjESaIjEE13insert_uniqueERKj
Which c++filt describes as
std::_Rb_tree<unsigned int, unsigned int, std::_Identity<unsigned int>, std::less<unsigned int>, std::a...
I'm looking for a piece of code that can tell me the offset of a field within a structure without allocating an instance of the structure.
IE: given
struct mstct {
int myfield;
int myfield2;
I could write:
mstct thing;
printf("offset %lu\n", (unsigned long)(&thing.myfield2 - &thing));
And get "offset 4" for the output. ...
Out of order execution in CPUs means that a CPU can reorder instructions to gain better performance and it means the CPU is having to do some very nifty bookkeeping and such. There are other processor approaches too, such as hyper-threading.
Some fancy compilers understand the (un)interrelatedness of instructions to a limited extent, a...
I'm looking for books or online resources that go in detail over programming techniques for high performance computing using C++.
I am making extensive use of boost:shared_ptr in my code. In fact, most of the objects that are allocated on the heap are held by a shared_ptr. Unfortunately this means that I can't pass this into any function that takes a shared_ptr. Consider this code:
void bar(boost::shared_ptr<Foo> pFoo)
void Foo::someFunction()
I need my code to do different things, based on the operating system it gets compiled on. I'm looking for something like this:
//define something for Windows
//define it for a Unix machine
Is there a way to do this? Is there a better way to do the same thing?
I was a C++ developer (mostly ATL/COM stuff) until, as many of us, I switched to C# in 2001. I didn't do much C++ programming since then.
Do you have any tips on how to revive my C++ skills? What has changed in C++ in the last years? Are there good books, articles or blogs covering the language. The problem is that most material I could...
We recently attempted to break apart some of our Visual Studio projects into libraries, and everything seemed to compile and build fine in a test project with one of the library projects as a dependency. However, attempting to run the application gave us the following nasty run-time error message:
Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The valu...
As may be known by many, the Express versions of Visual Studio 2008 don't include support for MFC and a few other packages required to compile a lot of windows programs.
So, here's my problem:
I have the full version of Visual Studio 2005. I've been using this to compile a project that a friend of mine was working on, so that I could ...