
Can you wait for javascript callback?

I'm trying to use the jQuery alerts dialog library from instead of the default alerts (which look pretty awful in my opinion). This seems to be a great library, but there is not an example of how to use the jConfirm library. I need to do something like this: function confirm() { var result ...

what is the best strategy to retrieve form data? client ajax / server

Recently I introduced to Ajax base form including the use of jTemplates to guarantee some repeat .. and other jQuery great library. But for now I'm a little confused. With the form - user interaction I use Ajax call and deal with pure HTML markup. So if I want to bind form data on load I need to do that with the Ajax way by jQuery/JS....

Why the functions doesn't execute completely?

Hi, When I try to debug the following function segment, the execution brakes (jumps out of the function) at line pCellTower->m_pCellTowerInfo = pCellInfo: RILCELLTOWERINFO* pCellInfo = (RILCELLTOWERINFO*)lpData; CCellTower *pCellTower = (CCellTower*)cbData; if(pCellTower != NULL) { pCellTower->m_pCellTowerInfo = pCellInfo; } (th...

Find callback functions added with jQuery on DOM elements

I am currently testing this in Mozilla FireFox 3.0.5 using FireBug 1.3.0 with jQuery 1.2.6. First try document.getElementById("x").onfocus = function () { var helloWorld = "Hello World"; }; FireBug console: document.getElementById("helloworld").onfocus.toString() = function body as a string $("#helloworld").get(0).onfocus.toStr...

Callback functions in Java

Is there a way to do pass a call back function in a Java method? The bahaviour I'm trying to mimic is a .Net Delegate being passed to a function. I've seem people suggesting creating a separate object but that seems overkill, however I am aware that sometimes overkill is the only way to do things. ...

Python: Callbacks, Delegates, ... ? What is common?

Hi! Just want to know what's the common way to react on events in python. There are several ways in other languages like callback functions, delegates, listener-structures and so on. Is there a common way? Which default language concepts or additional modules are there and which can you recommend? ...

java and javascript callbacks compared

Hello, It seems I don't understand javascript callbacks quite as well as I thought. In the following example, I would think that each copy of function in setTimeout would refer to its own copy of the variable "index". Therefore, running the example should produce the following alerts: "zero" "one" "two". var array = ["zero", "one", "t...

keystroke util, keyboard callback problem

I got this idea a long time ago when i saw an app do this for a game. i want to catch certain keystrokes. Something like /s myCommand. I had ppl msg me and mess me up through msn so my first command would be something like killmsn. I looked up the resource on msdn and got this far. This doesnt work, why doesnt it? is it BC of sleep? how...

How to add callback function to a javascript class?

The following code in javascript gives me the error "this.callback is not a function function ajaxRequest() { var httpObject; = open; this.callback = function(){}; function getHTTPObject() { if (window.ActiveXObject) return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); else if (window.XMLHttpRe...

Based on how they are constructed, can callbacks also be defined as closures?

In JavaScript, I know that a closure is can be defined as a nested function that has access to its containing function's variables. For example: function outerFunction(x, y) { function innerFunction() { return x + y + 10; } return innerFunction; } Now, the following code is wiring up a callback for the onreadystate...

Function pointer incorrect in Visual Studio 2005, code starts at 1 byte offset


Passing VB Callback function to C dll - noob is stuck.

Callbacks in VB (from C dll). I need to pass a vb function as a callback to a c function in a dll. I know I need to use addressof for the function but I'm getting more and more confused as to how to do it. Details: The function in the dll that I'm passing the address of a callback to is defined in C as : PaError Pa_OpenStream( PaSt...

Getting a better understanding of callback functions in JavaScript

I understand passing in a function to another function as a callback and having it execute, but I'm not understanding the best implementation to do that. I'm looking for a very basic example, like this: var myCallBackExample = { myFirstFunction : function( param1, param2, callback ) { // Do something with param1 and param2. ...

How do I pass multiple arguments into a javascript callback function?

Javascript code: function doSomething(v1,v2){ //blah; } function SomeClass(callbackFunction,callbackFuncParameters(*Array*))={ this.callback = callbackFunction; this.method = function(){ this.callback(parameters[0],parameters[1]) // *.* } } var obj = new SomeClass( doSomething, Array('v1text','v2text') ); The proble...

What to use: Callback, AjAX or simple Javascript in app.

I am at a bit of a loss as far as what is the best tool for the job would be: What I need: A parent page has a link, when clicked a pop-up will pop up with a gridview and a save button. If the user saved the gridview, the parent page should refresh and change, in other words I need to be able to pass data between client and server. Pe...

Callback and gridview

I have a following situation. I have a gridview and I need to dynamically add rows to it. All works fine and dandy. However, lately, I have been curious about making this process faster and more usable. I found a Callback feature in 2.0. It seems to make sense for a case when the gridview is used ti display something. Adding a r...

What's the fastest way for a true sinatra(ruby/rack) after_filter?

Okay it's a simple task. After I render html to the client I want to execute a db call with information from the request. I am using sinatra because it's a lightweight microframework, but really i up for anything in ruby, if it's faster/easier(Rack?). I just want to get the url and redirect the client somewhere else based on the url...

raw function pointer from a bound method

I need to bind a method into a function-callback, except this snippet is not legal as discussed in demote-boostfunction-to-a-plain-function-pointer. What's the simplest way to get this behavior? struct C { void m(int x) { (void) x; _asm int 3; }}; typedef void (*cb_t)(int); int main() { C c; boost::function<void (int x...

Response.Redirect vs. Server.Transfer

Which is better, Response.Redirect or Server.Transfer in ASP.NET ? ...

What does a "CALLBACK" declaration in C do?

I was looking through some code from the SDL library and came across a function declared like this: LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) Now, I'm a Delphi coder. No hablo C muy bien, senor. But I remember enough syntax from my college courses to read it like this: Function name is WndProc. Ar...