
SQL Server queries case sensitivity

hi I have this database: abcDEF ABCdef abcdef if I write: select * from MyTbl where A='ABCdef' how to get: ABCdef and how to get: abcDEF ABCdef abcdef Thanks in advance forgot to write - sqlCE ...

mysql search for 'No.' not 'no.' or 'no';

Hi there, Is there any way that i can cause mysql to be case sensitive whe searching using where x like '%No.%'; ...

Emacs should set the second character of a word in lower case

In most cases I'm writing german texts. Most words start with an uppercase letter followed by lower case letters. Sometimes I'm typing too fast and also the second letter of a word is typed upper case. To work around this issue I asked myself if it is poosible to write a function which automatically changes the case of the second letter....

Is Java RegEx case-insensitive ?

In Java, when doing a replaceAll to look for a regex pattern like: replaceAll("\\?i\\b(\\w+)\\b(\\s+\\1)+\\b", "$1"); (to remove duplicate consecutive case-insensitive words, e.g. Test test), I'm not sure where I put the ?i. I read that it is supposed to be at the beginning, but if I take it out then i catch duplicate consecutive wo...

Apache mod_speling case insensitive url's issue

I want to have case insensitive URL's using apache's mod_speling module, but this is producing unwanted lists of "multiple options" whilst the apache documention says "When set, this directive limits the action of the spelling correction to lower/upper case changes. Other potential corrections are not performed." I'm testing this on a a...

MySQL foreign keys' referenced table name always forced to lowercase


Can I destroy a directory from svn history that differs only on case sensitivity?

So lots of pedantic opinions rather than answers to this question. We had a couple java packages accidentally checked in with initial capitalization. ( and then renamed them correctly ( Allow me to reiterate based on reading some of the responses. We have an existing "" that...

Unicode case conversion

I am given either a single character or a string, and am using Python. How do I find out if a specific character has a lowercase equivalent according to the standards (standard and special case mappings) proposed by Unicode? And how do I find out if a string has one or more characters that have a lowercase equivalent according to the s...

Does Python 2.5.2 follow Unicode for lower() and upper()?

I'm making a Google AppEngine Application. Does the Python 2.5.2 runtime environment follow the Unicode Standards? (For example, the lower() and upper() methods on unicode objects.) ...

List image files using PHP -- and be case-sensitive

A drop-box directory for image files has collected variants by letter-case, for example: Bonsai.jpg, BONSAI.jpg, Bonsai.JPG, bonsai.jpg I am making a web app using CodeIgniter to manage these documents on a remote server. This means using file_exists() or is_file() to verify a file's presence HTML img tag to display the file grap...

ASP.NET Routing - Route Constraint with database lookup

I'm just starting out with C# and ASP.NET and have the following questions. I am working with code adapted from a couple different tutorials playing with Northwind and have gotten this far. The list of acceptable categories is currently hard coded in a string but I would like to look up the CategoryName in the database to verify that i...

How do uppercase and lowercase letters differ by only one bit?

I have found one example in Data and Communication Networking book written by Behrouza Forouzan regarding upper- and lowercase letters which differ by only one bit in the 7 bit code. For example, character A is 1000001 (0x41) and character a is 1100001 (0x61).The difference is in bit 6, which is 0 in uppercase letters and 1 in lowercase...

Reverse case of all alphabetic characters in C# string

What is the simplest way to reverse the case of all alphabetic characters in a C# string? For example "aBc1$;" should become "AbC1$;" I could easily write a method that does this, but I am hoping there is a library call that I don't know about that would make this easier. I would also like to avoid having a list of all known alphabetic c...

Vim case-insensitive filename completion

I recently noticed how to configure bash to do case-insensitive filename completion (in /etc/inputrc, add: set completion-ignore-case on), now how do I get this in vim? ...

Case-insensitive switch-case

OK, so let's say I have this: $(function() { $('#good_evening').keyup(function () { switch($(this).val()) { case 'Test': // DO STUFF HERE break; } }); }); ... this would only run if you typed "Test" and not "test" or "TEST". How do I make it case-insensitive for JavaScript functions? ...

GetElementsByTagName which is not case sensitive?

i'm using GetElementsByTagName to extract an element from an xml. GetElementsByTagName is case sensitive - it throws an exception if the node name is 'PARAMS' instead of 'Params'. i dont want that , can i use a different way in XMLDocument so it wont be case sensitive ? ...

Is F# case sensitive?

I searched here and on the net but no answer. The reason I ask is, since F# conventions seems like they favor noncapital letters, using BCL types with Pascal conventions look weird in F#, as in: let stringD = String.Join(" ",[| stringA; stringB |]) Seems like it would be more in the spirit of F# like this: let stringD = string.join(...

Case-sensitive keyboard shortcuts

I'd like some map/remap/nmap/etc. commands to be case sensitive, e.g. "<C-I>" vs. "<C-i>". I checked Google and :help map, but was unable to find this. ...

getting a unique number for the contents of a cell

I am looking for a HASH or maybe something even simpler. I want to return a unique number for every string in a cell. Does anyone know if there is a function in a cell that will return a unique number or a unique string for another string? The problem is I would like to compare whether two string are totally equal, I need to be case s...

Character case in HTML tags

What's the rule for character casing in html tags? I have a situation where I need to force no caching on a site of mine. I have been using all lower case for all html tags and attributes (being under the impression that it's case insensitive). I haven't had any issued from this, until now. I have found that the following works on IE7:...