
Creating a standalone ASP.NET MVC application for Windows XP

Is there a way to create an installable (ideally XCopy installable) version of an ASP.NET MVC application that will run in a standalone fashion on a Windows XP machine? I don't mind installing SQL Server Express for this purpose, so I guess the question boils down to this: Can the Cassini web server that comes with Visual Studio 2008 be...

Visual Studio creating IIS virtual directories when solution opened

Visual Studio is asking to create virtual directories in IIS when I open a solution. Could this be because projects within the solution have been configured to use IIS rather than Cassini? The dialog message is: "The local URI ... specified for Web project ... has not been configured. In order to open this project the virtual directory...

Debugging 32bit CASSINI on 64bit OS (Oracle 9)

Hi, We are debugging a 32bit application, which connects to oracle using 32bit libraries. We are able to debug in IIS by setting our application pools to 32bit and using IIS debugging. We would like to be able to use cassini. At the moment we are getting TNS listener problems connecting to oracle on 64bit windows 7 using cassini as th...

Sending a POST request with the request URI of '/' to the Cassini Web Server leading to a 405 error. Why?

I am sending a POST request using HTTPWebRequest from the client to the Cassini Web Server on the remote machine configured to accept remote requests. But, I am not specifying a file as part of the URL. I am sending the request directly to the server as in "". However, I am unable to receive a proper response an...

System.InvalidOperationException on starting C# web server(form based) through SSH

I get this particular exception when starting the Cassini Web Server(to be run on a remote machine) after logging into the remote machine through SSH: Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the...

ASP.NET Dev Server (Cassini), IIS Express and multiple threads.

I can't seem to find any information on this anywhere. Either it's my imagination or the ASP.NET Dev Server (Cassini) cannot handle multiple threads (e.g. multiple requests). Is this correct? Does IIS Express handle multiple threads? ...

Why would Application_Init fire twice when starting debugging in VS2008/Casini?

Why would Application_Init fire twice when starting debugging in VS2008/Casini? Yeah, It's happening in global.asax. Seems fairly random though, only happens once in a while. ...

Monitoring traffic to Cassini on localhost

I'm experiencing some really odd timeout issues when running a ASP.NET 2.0 project on Cassini on localhost, and I don't have enough data to get a clue of what's going on. Is there a way to monitor localhost traffic to Cassini, either using some specific development tool or a general-purpose monitoring app such as fiddler? Just to pre-e...

Is it possible to send an e-mail using the VS2010 development server?

Hello, Is it possible to send an e-mail using the VS2010 development server? If that's possible, can someone point me to a sample the web? I'd like to send an e-mail to the person who register so to keep a proof that we (yes or not) received his request. The e-mail will contains a few pertinent info, such as the name, time, and son on....

ASP.NET Development Server - is the source available?

I remember several years back it was called Cassini and the source was available for download. Is this no longer the case? Either my Google skills are lacking or I can't seem to find the source code for it anywhere. ...

Disabling Visual Studio Development Server - Any way to do this per project?

When debugging my website project I usually go to start options in the web project's properties and select 'Don't open a page' and 'Use custom server' with a url that's in my host file pointing to my local IIS. Even when I do this though visual studio still spawns it's own Development Server instance every time I hit f5. Is there any w...

Is it possible to run classic asp on Cassini Webserver?

Is it possible to run classic asp on Cassini Webserver? I have a mixed website (classic asp and dotnet)... ...

Installer App 4.0 Cassini SQL Express

Hi, We have built an ASP.NET application in 4.0 (we can change it to 3.5 if necessary) with a SQL Server database. I am looking to create an installation package (exe or msi) so that I can provide this file to my clients and they can install it on all of their laptops. This application will be running on laptops that don't hav...

Development in IIS or Visual Studio internal webserver

Do you do local development/debugging with the internal webserver or a local iis install? I'm currently running the internal VS2010 webserver but it's so slow it hurts. I can see the page rendering in front of me... ...

Amending Web Config for Test Fixtures

I'm using CassiniDevLib to host an MVC app for integration testing. In order to do it I need to amend some config settings on the web server so they match the integration testing environment, first one being the connection string so it points to the test database. I know I can have two copies of the web.config file and rename them but ...

Run ASP.NET Development Server "virtual path" as an application

I want to run my new web application with forms authentication under the ASP.NET Development WebServer (Cassini), but not at site root "/" (rather, at the path it will reside in production; "/New"). However, the build process gives the error: "It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' ...

ASP.NET MVC Unit Test With Cassini

Has anyone got experience using the cassini web server to host their mvc application for testing? Borrowing some code from Testing ASP.NET Web Applicatins (Ben Hall,Jeff McWerther) I thought I had it working. However, mvc routing is totally ignored. This means I can request static files - web forms pages. But I cannot r...

In process web-server for MVC2

I'm working on a project that requires an in process web server to run the web based UI. The best option I have come across is CassiniDev EDIT: did some tests and noticed that issue isn't synchronous way of processing requests, it has to do with tcp-connects. fiddler shows 1 second as the tcp-connect time. Are there any alternatives? ...

StackoverflowException in IIS7 but not in Cassini

I have some C# code that is giving a StackOverflowException when running under IIS7 but when it is run under Cassini in VS2008 then the code runs fine. Is this a known issue whereby Cassini handles these kinds of exceptions differently? ...

How to test SSL switching using VS2010 on Win7

I developed a large web application with VS2008 installed on an old Win2k3 server. I now have Visual Studio 2010 installed on Win7 Pro and work on the application fine. Parts of my web application need to switch into and out of SSL which they did on the Win2k3 server using the IIS tool that creates a private SSL cert. However I now need...