
Track a click on a flash movie (object / embed) with jQuery

I am making a dynamic banner system which can handle img banners, as well as flash banners done with object/embed. The entire site makes heavy use of jQuery, including handling the 'click' events. This obviously isn't a problem when it comes to tracking the clicks on the image itself (i track the click on the parent DIV tag. However, i...

show/hide div based on radio clicked with class

hello. I have 4 radio buttons that correspond to 4 different divs. i want to fadeOut the current div and then fadIn the new selected one. right now its working but just fades between images. Also is there a way to change the divs based on the radio's class and not value? Code I currently have: <input type="radio" name="myRadio" class...

jQuery: Binding and Unbinding Live Click Events

Hi, So there are two constraints to my question: I must use an external function call in my click event, and I must use a live click event, rather binding a typical click event. So my problem is that I'm trying to unbind a click event after it occurs, and then rebind it once the click event code is complete. I'm doing this to preve...

In Jquery on click function is not working for img in IE 6

I tried to bind click and animate function on a img tag. Its works fine in firefox. but went wrong with IE. So i simplified the code and tested only for click . Even click function is not clled. Here is my click function for my img tag with class 'arrowimg'. $('.arrowimg').click(function(){alert("Show me")}); I get this alert in FF bu...

Keypress To Simulate A Button Click in C#

Ok, so I'm in the process of making a Tic-Tac-Toe game to help me learn C#. I'm attempting to add a bit of functionality to it, so I want people to be able to use the NumPad on a computer to simulate clicking the buttons. Here is what I have but when I use the NumPad the buttons don't click. Can any of you see a reason as to why? ...

Making a <cite> tag clickable with jQuery

Ok, so here's the skinny... I've worked out a jQuery function that will first look at the page and search for <cite> tags. Then, it looks at the text contained within it and searches for a hyphen. If it finds one, then everything BEFORE the hyphen is used as the text within the tag. Whereas, everything AFTER the hyphen is used in an onl...

jQuery die() Killing All Elements Instead of Only One Specified

Hi all, I have a peculiar issue that I'm suspecting may just be normal behavior, but I need people to confirm. I'm hooking up live click events to a number of <li> elements by using this code: $('li', $list).live("click", rightItemSingleClickEvent); Note here that I am using a blanket selector here to hook up the same live click eve...

Eclipse Galileo click problem on Ubuntu 9.10

I've just upgrade my Ubuntu from 9.04 to 9.10 and I'm experimenting a very annoying problem with Eclipse Galileo. The problem is that Eclipse doesn't catch some button clicks. For example, I've tried to install a plugin and I clicked on next, and then nothing happened. I didn't have the same problem before the upgrade of my Ubuntu vers...

Does jQuery ":animated" selector match items that use fadeIn() and fadeOut()?

Hi all, I'm trying to prevent clicks on a list item while an animation is occurring. So at the top of my click handler, I want to do something like this: if(!$(this).is(:animated)) { // handle click code here } Note the 'bang' (!) in the if statement above. I haven't tested, but I assume this will work. What I'm not sure of is wh...

WPF StackPanel with Click AND DoubleClick

Hi! I need to be able to handle the double click and single click event on the WPF StackPanel. But there is no such thing as the StackPanel's DoubleClick Event. I want to do 2 different operations in these 2 EventHandlers. Any idea how to do that? Thank you ...

Advert Click Validation

I am working on a sensible advert exchange system. Most of the ones out there have crappy interfaces over crappy codes. I want to do somthing different. What are the things I need to consider when validating clicks and impressions to ensure the integrity of the system. Thanks in advance. :) ...

Silverlight Button Content Click

Hi all, I have a simple button with some content. With my content though, the button click event doesn't fire if you click on it. You need to click on the small border (which is the button behind the content) to fire the event. What's the solution? Thanks in advance. <Button x:Name="btnAddFriend" Width="64" FontFamily="Fonts/

Programatically trigger an onclick event?

I am trying to simulate an asynchronous file upload using an iframe. Here is my markup: <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="change-avatar" action="/dyn/actions/upload?type=profile" target="target-upload"> <input type="file" name="change-avatar-input" style="position: absolute; z-index: 999; cursor: pointer; left: 10p...

WPF disable click on ComboBoxItem

I have a ComboBoxItem that acts strictly as a section title. Visually, I have it set but how do I eat the click when something is selected? I would prefer to accomplish this in xaml, if possible. TIA ...

jquery Checkbox live click event jams firefox when actually clicking the checkbox

I have the following jquery code specified: $('#firstbox ul.checkboxlist input[type="checkbox"]').live('click',function(){ $(this).parents('li').remove().clone().prependTo('#secondbox ul.checkboxlist').animate({backgroundColor: '#FAEA96'},100, function(){$(this).animate({backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF'},800);}); }); It takes the li, remov...

Interpreting item click in ListView

I'm working on my first Android project, and I created a menu via the XML method. My activity is pretty basic, in that it loads the main layout (containing a ListView with my String array of options). Here's the code inside my Activity: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentV...

jQuery click function not working in IE

Hi all, I have an issue with a jQuery script I wrote that is driving me a bit nuts. As usual it works perfectly in Firefox but falls over in all IE versions. I have the following HTML. It is generated using Velocity so it should be part of the DOM: <select name="groups" id="groups" type="select"> <option value="group1">group1</option>...

jquery click() not fired in ie8

Hey everybody, I'm not a javascript professional so I can't solve the following code alone. I have a delegate function which works fine in IE7. The Problem in IE8 I figuered out is the last jquery-function click(). Does anybody know how I can solve this for IE 8 thank you in advance. <script type="text/javascript"> function LightboxD...

jquery stop mouseover event after click event

Hello, can someone help me with this I am trying to set a different color for the element from the click event. The problem is that the mouseover event makes everything white again. So, I will never get to see the color off the active(actief)class. What could I do, I already try'd putting in the line stopevent propagation()?? thank...

jQuery fadeIn fadeOut with click

I'm trying to make a div fadeIn when another div is clicked and fadeOut again when another div is clicked (which would be the close button) but my code doesn't work, did I forget something? Here's the CSS: body{ margin: 0; padding: 0; text-align: center; background-color:#f0f2df; } #container{ border: solid 1px #f0...