
Flatten UIViews Subviews to UIImage iPhone 3.0

I have a UIView that has several UIImageViews as subviews. Each of these subviews has had different affine transform applied. I would like to take what amounts to a screen capture of my UIView, capturing it as a UIImage, or some other image representation. The method I have tried already, rendering the layers to a CGContext with: [v...

how to create Gantt Chart view on Iphone sreen

Hello I wonder how to create Gantt Chart view or (Matrix table on PC )on Iphone sreen. see demo here you know the Iphone's screen is very small(320x480), the Gantt Chart view is large. what API or Framework do I need to use? thank you very much ...

Moving CGPaths by x,y pixels?

Is there a way to move a path on screen by (x,y) pixels using directly a CGPathRef instead of walking through its points and lines again in drawRect method? I want to be reusing my old CGPathRef when I want to move it on screen instead of recreating it with new pixels. ...

iphone dev:NSTableView and NSMutablyArray and File Names have exe_bad access

I have a navigation controller, the rootviewcontroller is a tableview, which will show all file names, when user click the file, will show the file content in contentviewer. User can go back use navigation bar. The problem is sometimes user use navigation bar go back. The app crashed. say exe-bad-access at cellForRowatIndex this line: ...

iPhone - Center UIImage in UIImageView

I have a UIImageView. I get a UIImage from a URL. The image displays in the UIImageView, but I can't get it to center correctly. The UIImage is 80 x 68 pixels. The UIImaveView's size is 90 x 90. When I display the UIImage in the UIImageView the UIImage is shrunken so that it fits, although it is already smaller than the UIImageView....

Need way to view an album of pictures on iPhone

I don't need to take pictures or access the iPhone photo album. I simply need to display a bunch of pictures in thumbnail form and then let the user view the larger version when tapped. Would I use an uiimagepickercontroller or another controller? If so does anyone have an example of how I load in the pictures to view? ...

iPhone to Mac Sync Over Wi-Fi

Hi All, I am writing an iPhone application and would like to sync data over Wi-Fi between the iPhone and a complementary Mac application which I will also be writing (much like what is accomplished with Things and 1Password). To provide specific context, I need to be able to upload a CSV file to the iPhone application, have the ability ...

Hiding UITableView separator behind the contentView

I made a grouped UITableView in iPhone OS 3.0 that looked like the left image. The result is the right image in OS 3.1. (I'm new so I can't use the 'img' tag...) The imageView is under the separators. I've tried to put the content view in front. The ...

Writing a simple image browser using UIImagePicker

Hello! I would like to write a simple image browser. User taps a button, UIImagePicker springs up, user selects photo, large detail gets displayed, user taps a ‘back’ button and is back in the picker. Everything is quite easy except the last part, the returning to the picker. The picker is a modal view, so that I have to dismiss it in or...

UIWebView under transparent UINavigationBar

I have a UIWebView which I want to put under my translucent UINavigationBar. Normally when I put a UIScrollView under a translucent UINavigationBar, I set its contentOffset such that all content will be initially pushed after the bar so that it can be seen; thereafter, the user can scroll text and it will underlap the bar. The problem i...

Avoid main thread freezes when UIWebView tries to blockingly lock the web thread

All UIWebViews share a single web thread. When one of them is init-ed, removed from superview etc., they will attempt to lock the web thread from the main thread in a blocking fashion, thus temporarily freezing the run loop of the main thread. If the web thread is busy, e.g. while doing a long synchronous XMLHttpRequest, this may block...

Objective C equivalent to javascripts setTimeout?

I was wondering whether there is a solution to raise an event once after 30 seconds or every 30 seconds in CocoaTouch ObjectiveC. ...

Can I override how @synthesize works in Objective C?

I'm creating a base class that has an isDirty flag. It is set any time one of its properties changes, but since it's a base class, it doesn't know what its properties are. So basically, on every subclass, I have to override every - set: method to something like this: - (id) setName:(NSString *)value { if ([name isEqualToString:value...

how to change the font size of a UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle cell on iphone 3.0

I know you previously change the font size of a cell like so: cell.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:18]; I'm using a cell that is init'd with the style UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle. How do I change the font size of the textlabel and detailtextlabel of this type of cell? ...

Recommend iPhone library for image gallery?

I would love to use a UIImagePickerController to browse and view images from my app's bundle. However this functionality doesn't seem to exist. Is there a library that replicates the functionality of the photo browser, but can use a list of images from the app bundle? ...

how to create a category class in Cocoa objective-c

I'm creating an iPhone app that needs to add a custom category to extend uinavigationbar. Can anyone give me a code example of how I would create and implement this category to extend this class? ...

MPMediaItemCollection Count - NSUInteger

I'm trying to use the MPMediaItemCollection count property to sort the items in an array. When I try to sort an array with this NSUInteger property, and it doesn't work. When I try to print it (NSLog(@"%lx",count);) it doesn't print correctly. How do I get the NSUInteger to work correctly? ...

How to Identify a touch/tap on an iPhone screen

I need to know which method is used to identify tap/mouse click.I know - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {} -(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {} which are triggerd when cursor moved. But I want to do following things- I have an image. When i will click it, similar two image...

reload uitableview simultaniously

i have to reload uitableview simultaniously using a thread. i'm already using two threads for loading data from web. Is it possible using a thread for reloading tableview? Is there any other way? ...

Creating glossy icon-buttons like on the home screen via interface builder?

Is there a way to create buttons similar to the glossy icon-buttons on the home screen on the iphone but in your own app? The only thing i've found to create image button is to create rounded rect-buttons and set the image or background property on it, but that does not automatically create the glossy surface and rounding. ...