
How to set the the height of cell progamatically without using nib file ?

This is my program - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Uncomment the following line to display an Edit button in the navigation bar for this view controller. self.title = @"Library"; self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Close" style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered targ...

Opening a PDF in Safari on the iPhone

Is it possible to open a PDF from a website in Safari in order to save it to local disk? ...

Solving iPhone/iPad out of memory issues

I have a strange issue where I'm scrolling through a paged UIScrollView which displays the pages of a PDF document (using Quartz 2D and CATiledLayer). When I page through memory allocation looks fine with it going up with a few initial pages and then keeping it steady as it obviously releases the memory kept for earlier pages. Upon hitti...

how do we access values stored in NSMutableArray of NSMutableDictionary ?

I have stored values in NsMutableDictionaries . ThenI stored all the dictionaries in NSMutable Array. I need to access the values ? How can I do that ? -(void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; self.title = @"Library"; self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Close" style:UIBarButton...

Why does UIActionSheet cancel crash my App?

I try to use the UIActionSheet within my iPhone App but have the following problem. When I tap the cancel button "I don't", the app crashes. When I remove the NSLog statement from the actionSheet:clickedButtonAtIndex: it does not. The "Yes, do it" button works just fine and I see the log statement in the console. What's wrong? - (void) ...

UITextView position.

Is there a way to find ypos in a UITextView, or/and find wich row that currently marker is active? Regards. ...

iPad touch detected only in 320x480 region

I'm upgrading iPhone app and so far everything is going well (managed to resize screen display for most forms). However, I can't solve one problem - the touch is detected only in old, 320x480 region. Any ideas how can I solve that? Thanks EDIT: Here are the results when code for fetching superview bounds executes: CGFloat wdth = self...

UIButton tapped to swap to another xib

I have a UIButton in my MainWindow.xib When I tap the button, I want to swap the view. How do I do that? I also want to transfer some data between the views (such as color preference and a string) ANy sample code OR links to where I can find my answer would be very helpful. ...

Slider value available between different cocoa classes

I am playing around with an iPhone app, and need to accomplish something that I am sure is very basic: I have a slider that is implemented in a Controller.m class. However, I need its value must be available in a different class, MainView.m class where I have defined an equation that depends on the value of the slider. How can I do i...

NSScanner scanFloat returning unexpected results

I'm trying to build a UIColor from a comma-delimited list of values for RGB, which is "0.45,0.53,0.65", represented here by the colorConfig object... NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:colorConfig]; [scanner setCharactersToBeSkipped:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"\n, "]]; float red, green, blue; retu...

How can you add a UIGestureRecognizer to a UIBarButtonItem as in the common undo/redo UIPopoverController scheme on iPad apps?

Problem In my iPad app, I cannot attach a popover to a button bar item only after press-and-hold events. But this seems to be standard for undo/redo. How do other apps do this? Background I have an undo button (UIBarButtonSystemItemUndo) in the toolbar of my UIKit (iPad) app. When I press the undo button, it fires it's action whic...

How do I get a reference to a rootViewController to a sub-view?

An answer posted for one of my previous questions brings up another question; I am calling a new view controller, "RuleBuilder," from my rootViewController. The rootViewController holds a reference to a contacts array. How do I get a reference to that array into the RuleBuilder? I tried adding UITableViewController *rootViewControlle...

iPhone filesystem permissions POSIX-compliant?

Hi all, I'm trying to pass some files from one app to another. I communicate the path (via a custom URL). The target application cannot read the file, citing errno 13 (permission denied). I've checked the permissions on file - they're 0644 (O+R), the permissions on directories all the way up to the root are 755 (O+RX). From a POSIX per...

TTNavigator doesn't use existing navigation bar (iPhone)

I am using the three20 framework in one view controller of my App. I create TTNavigator object and open a url which works fine. The problem is that TT creates it's own navigation bar and does not use the existing bar. There is no back button on the new nav bar so I cannot go back to my previous view controller. Has anybody run into this...

Two UITabBarControllers and Autorotation

I have two UITabBarControllers in my mainwnidow.nib wired to my appdelegate. In my app delegate, I can load either one: - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { //either [window addSubview:tabBarController.view]; //or [window addSubview:tabBar2Controll...

Line smoothing in Cocoa Touch

How would I smooth a line (UIBeizerPath) or a set of points? Right now it draws it jagged. I read about spline interpolation, could anyone point me to an implementation of this in cocoa or C or give me an alternate line smoothing algorithm. ...

how to play video files by using UITableView?

Hi, In my iPhone application I need to show a video image in UITableView. Each tableViewCell have video and some labels. I used the MPMoviePlayerController for showing video in full screen when the cell is selected. But, I am getting error that MPMoviePlayerController class is not there. I tried using UIWebView. But, I could not make it....

UITextField subview of UITableViewCell to become first responder?

I have a core data application which uses a navigation controller to drill down to a detail view and then if you edit one of the rows of data in the detail view you get taken to an Edit View for the that single line, like in Apples CoreDataBooks example (except CoreDataBooks only uses a UITextField on its own, not one which is a subview ...

Persistent warning message about "initWithDelegate"!

Hi This is not an actual Xcode error message, it is a warning that has been haunting me for a long time. I have found no way of removing it and I think I maybe have overstepped some unwritten naming convention rule. If I build a class, most often extending NSObject, whose only purpose is to do some task and report back when it has data...

UITableView via NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate, select first record by default?

I have a UITableView that gets populated from CoreData via a controller that implements NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate. How can I have it automatically select the first row (and fire the tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath message)? The tableview is used for a variety of predicate queries, so I'm suspicious of solutions that work on t...