I'm developing a firefox extension and I'd like to provide automatic update to my beta-testers (who are not tech-savvy). Unfortunately, the update server doesn't provide HTTPS. According to the Extension Developer Guide on signing updates, I have to sign my update.rdf and provide an encoded public key in the install.rdf.
There i...
how get the date and time of the last modified particular TYPE file in that directory
let me explain with an example
if i use the command dir *.reo /o:d
i get the all *.reo files in that directory sorted according to the date ..
this is the the last line of the output
29-03-2010 11.31 arun.reo
now i just want to copy the date a...
From Java, is it possible to get the complete commandline with all arguments that started the application?
System.getEnv() and System.getProperties() do not appear to contain the values.
Here's my batch file to parse a directory, and zip files of certain type
REM Begin ------------------------
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq 7za.exe" /FO CSV > search.log
FOR /F %%A IN (search.log) DO IF %%~zA EQU 0 GOTO end
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir C:\Temp\*.ps /b') do (
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\cmdline\7za.exe" a -...
I am calling a command-line program from my Perl script. When these programs crash, I am prompted with a messagebox asking me if I want to notify Microsoft. Since this is an automated system it would be desirable if I could suppress that message and continue with other things in my script. Is this possible?
In Visual Studio Debug part, we can pass arguments.
I want to know how to pass the solution folder as an argument, but without putting the directory hardcoded. I will use the project in different locations and I don't want to change those arguments all the time.
Thamks in advance!
In OptionParser I can make an option mandatory, but if I leave out that value it will take the name of any following option as the value, screwing up the rest of the command line parsing.
Here is a test case that echoes the values of the options:
$ ./test_case.rb --input foo --output bar
output bar
input foo
Now leave out the value...
I want to compile a simple hello-world-style program using the Windows command line.
cl file_name.c
is easy enough. Now I want to do the same thing in 64 Bit. What should I do?
I'm a writing a program that will determine the number of lines, characters, and average word length for a text file. For the program, the specifications say that the file or files will be entered as a command line argument and that we should make a TestStatistic object for each file entered. I don't understand how to write the code for ...
link-mbp:~ benb$ p4 Perforce client
error: Connect to server failed;
check $P4PORT. TCP connect to 1666
failed. connect: 1666: Connection
refused link-mbp:~ benb$
though when I check p4 set it shows all the right data for those environment variables.
hai consider that my application name is sApp.exe
when i run my application as
sApp.exe < myValue>
my application should start and i want to get that myValue in my application
how i can do this?
When I try to print the $_SERVER variable from a command line php, it thinks $_SERVER is not set.
$ php -r "print_r($_SERVER);"
Warning: print_r() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in Command line code on line 1
However, when it's in a file, running it from the command line has it set
$ cat test.php
$ php t...
I need to write a CGI program and it will display the output of a system command:
echo "++++++"
VAR=$(expect -c " spawn ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $USER@$HOST $CMD match_max
100000 expect \"*?assword:*\" send -- \"$PASS\r\" send -- \"\r\" expect eof ")
echo $VAR
echo "++++++"
In CGI file:
my $command= "ksh ../cgi...
how to append an empty line in text file using command line
echo hi >a.txt
echo >>a.txt
echo arun >>a.txt
here the out put comes as
echo on
so how could i append a empty line ..i want it to be like .
when i added this line on code @echo off
it said echo off .how can it be done
There are only three ways to invoke install.sh
./install.sh --force
./install.sh -f
I can write it easily. However I am trying to make use of OptionParse. This is what I have so far.
def self.parse
option = {}
optparse = OptionParser.new do |opts|
opts.banner = "Usage: ./install.sh [--force]"
Hi, I am on a Mac running Mac OS X 10.6.3 and Xcode 3.2.1 64-Bit and I was wondering if it was possible to compile a C program with multiple .c files in Xcode.
Thanks in advance!
Need to convert MicroStation(dgn) files to pdf file using command line execution
Thanks in Advance
I have a mixed mode C++-CLI program in Visual Studio 2005 that is set to use the /SUBSYSTEM:Windows. Generally speaking it is a graphical application that is launched from its shortcut or through the filetype registered to it.
However, there is a rare occasion where a user will want to run it from the command line with arguments. I ca...
How can I add a start up item via command line on a mac? From googling, I know you have to edit ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginitems.plist using defaults write com.apple.loginitems [key] [value] but i'm not sure exactly which things to edit.
I have a bash script that uses growlnotify to send notifications. However, growlnotify doesn't work if Growl isn't already running, and it won't auto start Growl if it needs it, either. So I want to be able to check if Growl is running, and then start it if it isn't.
I'm thinking of doing something like:
g=$(ps -e | grep Growl | grep -v...