
Why do I need to commit ignores under TortoiseSVN?

When I select ignore on a files under version control it marks the parent directory as changes, then when I then do a commit, it checks in svn:ignore property to the repository, resulting in another revision. Why do I need to commit the svn:ignore property? Is this a TortoiseSVN issue or just the way SVN works? ...

What is the difference between git commit and git push?

In a Git tutorial I'm going through, git commit is used to store the changes you've made. What is git push used for then? Thanks for reading! ...

How can the Three-Phase Commit Protocol (3PC) guarantee atomicity?

I'm currently exploring worst case scenarios of atomic commit protocols like 2PC and 3PC and am stuck at the point that I can't find out why 3PC can guarantee atomicity. That is, how does it guarantee that if cohort A commits, cohort B also commits? Here's the simplified 3PC from the Wikipedia article: Now let's assume the following ...

Why doesn't git commit -a add new files?

I'm a bit new to git, and I fail to understand why git commit -a only stages changed and deleted files but not new files. Can anyone explain why is it like this, and why there is no other commit flag to enable adding files and committing in one command? BTW, hg commit -A adds both new and deleted files to the commit ...

Start a git commit message with a hashmark (#)

Git treats lines starting with # as comment lines when committing. this is very annoying when working with a ticket tracking system, and trying to write the ticket number at the beginning of the line, e.g. #123 salt hashed passwords git will simply remove the line from the commit message. is there any way to escape the hash? i tried \...

Defines JEE 5 the handling of commit error using bean managed transactions?

I'm using glassfish 2.1 and 2.1.1. If I've a bean method annotated by @TransactionAttribute(value = TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW). After doing some JPA stuff the commit fails in the afterCompletion-Phase of JTS. GlassFish logs this failure only. And the caller of this bean method has no chance to know something goes wrong. So...

Git commit -a question

What is the difference between: git commit -m "added a new page" and git commit -a -m "added a new page" I know that the -a option will stage files that have been modified and deleted, but then what does running it without the -a mean? Thanks for reading. ...

Find the git branch or branches from commit id

Hi All, Actually am try to get a report on merge conflicts. I used 'git blame' to see who has changed what line, but i couldn't find the branch and repository name information. Is there a way to find the repository name, branch name and author name of a file from 'git blame' or from commit ids' so that whenever a merge conflict occurs ...

Show the progress of commiting

I need to show a process of commiting my files to the svn. I use vs2008 C#.I take a progress bar, but when I am starting commiting, I don't know how to show my progress(also I want to look what file is uploading now in a label for example) ...

Commiting and get specific revision

I work with sharpSVN,i need 2 things: 1) I need to get a revision with specific logmessage 2) When I commit my revision, I want to show every file, that is commiting. I find an event commiting, but I don't know how it works(Commiting and get specific revision) ...

Should I commit or rollback a transaction that creates a temp table, reads, then deletes it?

To select information related to a list of hundreds of IDs... rather than make a huge select statement, I create temp table, insert the ids into it, join it with a table to select the rows matching the IDs, then delete the temp table. So this is essentially a read operation, with no permanent changes made to any persistent database tabl...

Multiple CheckOut or Multiple Commit .

Hello sorry for my English ... I'm using Visual studio 2008 with C# and SharpSVN dll (for Subversion 1.6) I wish to commit to multiple different folders in my repository, but without having to checkout the entire repository. I tried using the method: SVNClient.Commit (ICollection coll, CommitArgs ca); Where eg coll [0] = "c:\svnChe...

Subversion commit conflict

I use Subversion mainly to synchronize work between two computers I use on a daily basis (and as a backup, since I have a checked-out copy of the repository on each computer). I keep the main repository on a USB flashdrive. I recently came across the following error when trying to commit a current working copy (and both working copies,...

Git: Remove specific commit

I was working with a friend on a project, and he edited a bunch of files that shouldn't have been edited. Somehow I merged his work into mine, either when I pulled it, or when I tried to just pick the specific files out that I wanted. I've been looking and playing for a long time, trying to figure out how to remove the commits that conta...

How to commit my current changes to a different branch in git

Sometimes it happens that I make some changes in my working directory and I realize that these changes should be committed in a branch different to the current one. This usually happens when I want to try out new things or do some testing and I forget to create a new branch beforehand, but I don't want to commit dirty code to the master ...

How to find commits by a specific user in Git?

Our project uses Git as the version control system and recently I needed to review someone's commits. How can I see a list of commits made by a specific user? ...

MySQL Create tables without committing current transaction

I'd like my program to be able to install plugins, and rollback all the changes made if an error occurs. So I create a transaction that keeps all the things that were added while installing the plugin. The problem is that the plugin may want to create tables, and doing so automatically commits the current transaction in MySQL. See State...

Transactions in MVC

Hi, Was wondering if there are any transactions support in for MVC 2? i.e. commit & rollback? I have a few slightly risky db transacts which i'd prefer firmed up with transactions. could the system transactions namespace be incorporated into a respository of db calls? ...

Webuilder SVN Commit Shortcut

Hello! I've been using Webuilder to develop my project for a while and i don't want to waste my time finding the file i'm working on on the file explorer, right click, then click "commit to perform a subversion commit. How can i create a keyboard shortcut for Webuilder to commit active file easily? ...

Proper Commit Messages

What are commit messages for? I've always been writing them as an explanation of what I did, but I've recently gotten into a discussion about it with a colleague who writes commit messages explaining why he did. Which one is right, or is there another answer entirely? NOTE: I have absolutely no idea if there is a "right" answer for this...