
Compiling/Using MySQL Connector/C++ with MinGW

Well, I guess the title sums it up pretty well. The connector comes with Visual Studio libraries and dlls. There is also a source tar available which doesn't compile. ...

Compiler design and construction class

I'm taking several classes this fall for my masters and one of them is Compiler Design and Construction. I am pretty well versed in most things related to computer technology, but I have not had much experience with how compilers do the dirty, I just use them when I need to. I am not usually nervous about classes, but I kind of feel li...

Which backend languages should my compiler target?

I've written a compiler for a general-purpose programming language that produces an optimised parse tree of its input. This intermediate format is then run through a preprocessor to translate it into a target language for subsequent compilation to a native executable. At present the only target language is C++, but I'd like to offer oth...

Compiling a 6GB site

Hi this morning i moved a .net website from our local server to live(not pre-complied). when i go to the url the sites hosted on the browser starts loading the site and has been doing this for the last hour. I presumed it is compiling the site and its just taking a while because of the size of the site. Is there any way to check if this ...

Recommendations for a Compiler Development book

Possible Duplicate: Learning to write a compiler Any recommendations for a book with a good description on compilers development, and what makes it good in your opinion? Thanks! ...

Compile AS3 into a SWF online using Flex SDK's mxmlc

Read my question thoroughly before responding, I know there’s a site called I‘ve got the Flex SDK 4 on my Mac and I found a way to compile AS3 into SWF files using Flex's mxmlc compiler in Xcode, so I wondered, would it be possible to do this sort of simply online? Using for example a language I'm familiar with, PHP? I tho...

Linking in several C object files that contain functions with equivalent signature

Lets say I have a C++ program and I want to call functions from a C object file in it. The constraint is that I'm not allowed to make any changes to the C source files. In this case I would include the C header as extern "C" in my C++ file, call the function, compile the C object using gcc -c, and pass the result to g++ along with the a...

8086 Assembler - Generating the object code from opcodes

I'm working on an assembler for the 8086 . My question is how do you convert the hex opcodes to an executable file like .EXE,.ELF,.COM,a.out etc .Looking for links/resources for this and should the assembler do the linking process or is it done by the OS automatically? ...

Are static members of generic classes shared between types

I'm trying to create a generic class which will have some static functions based on the type. Are there static members for each type? Or only where there is a generic used? The reason I ask is I want a lock object for each type, not one shared between them. So if I had class MyClass<T> where T:class { static object LockObj = new...

There is no such thing as a "compiled language" or "interpreted language"

"There is no such thing as a "compiled language" or "interpreted language". Whether a language implementer chooses to write a compiler, an interpreter or anything in between is an implementation detail and has nothing to do with the language. " Is the above statement is true ? ...

How can you change the path where Hugs98 (Haskell) looks for Module and Libraries?

I have installed Ubuntu as a virtual machine so I could use Hugs98. However, after installing I realised I couldn't use Data.Char and Data.Ratio modules. I had to load them manually with :load /usr/lib/etc . It seems this happens because the modules are not in the place where they should be. Can anyone please tell me how I can change the...

How do I programmatically compile projects and solutions in release with c#?

My dilemma is that I need to compile a large amount of projects and solutions as per the configuration settings specified in the files. I've found a few different ways to do this, and I've landed on using the Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Engine class, which has recently become deprecated. Here's some sample code that illustrates its use...

How do languages/runtimes based on JVM generate Java bytecode?

There are several languages/runtimes atop the JVM: such as JRuby, Groovy, Jython, Clojure, Rhino, Scala, and so on... How do these generate Java bytecode? Are there standardized libraries for doing this? How the generated bytecode gets executed? (Or is my assumption wrong, and some of mentioned languages do not generate bytecode?) ...

Complex structure translation with lazy evaluation

Some background: I am writing a generic high-level to low-level compiler. On the high-level side, it understands classes, methods, fields, virtual method calls, etc. and on the low-level side, it understands functions, structures, arrays, etc. Front-ends translate compiled forms of languages like Java (the main focus) and C# into my IR...

A Windows Based PHP Compiler?

Possible Duplicate: PHP compiler for windows I am looking for a PHP compiler like phc that I can use on my windows machine hopefully with a GUI (!). It needs to work with PHP version 5.3.x. A freely available compiler is what I am looking for. I have had no luck in finding something that works with php 5.3 and that is activel...

Do the .NET compilers (e.g. csc.exe, vbc.exe) use Reflection.Emit()?

I've been playing with Reflection.Emit() to build some assemblies. I'm curious if this approach is used by the shipping compilers. The compiler exe's don't appear to be managed code, so this leads me to suspect that they're writing the IL direct to disk. Do they: use Reflection.Emit() write the assemblies out using low level file com...

Artificial Intelligence Compiler

I was wondering, is it possible to use Artificial Intelligence to make compilers better? Things I could imagine if it was possible - More specific error messages Improving compiler optimizations, so the compiler could actually understand what you're trying to do, and do it better If it is possible, are there any research projects...

How to translate between programming languages

I am setting out to do a side project that has the goal of translating code from one programming language to another. The languages I am starting with are PHP and Python (Python to PHP should be easier to start with), but ideally I would be able to add other languages with (relative) ease. The plan is: This is geared towards web develo...

old gcc version for boost

When I try to use boost on an old Linux system, I get the message: Compiler not configured - please reconfigure The version of my gcc is: gcc version 2.9-gnupro-99r1 And in boost's gcc.hpp file I see: // versions check: // we don't know gcc prior to version 2.90: #if (__GNUC__ == 2) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ < 90) # error "Compile...

Viewing available message strings (from mc.exe) in a 3rd party DLL

Is there a way to view all the messages (ie messages created for FormatMessage by the mc.exe message compiler) available within a DLL? It appears they are added as a single resource as type 11. Unfortunately that resource is binary. ...