
Genetic Programming with the Mandelbrot Set

I'm reading a chapter in this fascinating book about using genetic programming to interactively evolve images. Most of the function set is comprised of simple arithmetic and trig functions (which really operation on and return images). These functions make up the internal nodes of the parse trees that encode our images. The leaves of the...

random complex number

i need algorithm for generate random complex number please help i know how generate random number but random complex number confuse me ...

Using equal(),find() on a vector<complex <double> >

Hi all, This is a pretty straightforward thing, but I've been bashing my head trying to understand. I'm trying to compare the elements of a vector<complex <double> > vec with a complex <double> num to check if num already exists on vec. If it does, it is not added. I tried to use the equal() and algorithm, with no success. Does anybody ...

Mathematica: Show Complex Numbers in Polar Form

I want to display complex numbers in trig form. For example: z = (-4)^(1/4); I'm not sure what the command for that is, and its silly to write: I thought, that the command was ExpToTrig, but solution can't possibly be just 1+i (Or can it, and I'm misusing it?). How do display complex number in trig form. Edit: Command is ExpToTr...

How should i get complex numbers from string?

I found following pattern from RegexLibrary, and i don't know how use Match to get Re and Im values. I'm new in Regex. Is it a correct way to get data from a pattern? If it's true, I need some sample code! This is what i think it should be: public static complex Parse(string s) { string pattern = @"([-+]?(\d+\.?\d*|\d*\.?\d+)([Ee][...

Mathematica Help: FullSimplify does not use conjugate identities

FullSimplify fails to recognize that: a*Conjugate[b] + b*Conjugate[a] = 2 Re[a*b] I have some very complex equations that could be simplified greatly if Mathematica could recognize this simple identity (and that a*Conjugate[b] - b*Conjugate[a] = 2 Im[a*b]). See, Mathematica will not finish solving my equations when written i...