
Persistent connection using Javascript

Is there a general way to implement part of an application with JavaScript and supplying a persistent connection to a server? I need the server to be able to push data to the client, regardless of the client being behind a firewall. Thanks in advance ...

Why does an Entity Framework Connection require a metadata property?

I switched my DAL from using LINQ over to Entity Framework. Because my application connects to different databases depending on the current user, I need to dynamically create the DataContext at run time and pass in the appropriate connection string. However, when I tried to programatically create an Entity Framework connection using my...

scope in PHP classes

I am creating a database connection object, and I'm not sure what the best way would be... If I create a dbConnection class which establishes the connection (using mysql_connect) can I then call mysql_query from anywhere in the main script? what about from inside OTHER classes? Do i need to pass the object or attribute as parameters? ...

Does blackberry API allow blackberry to connect to desktop via TCP/IP?

Wondering how to connect blackberry to desktop or the other around via tcp/ip? I assume both the desktop and the blackberry are connecting to the same router. ...

Connecting to a remote server using Visual Studio

I am trying to add a remote server to "server explorer" (not a data connection) so I can view Event Logs, Services etc. I keep getting the following error: "Could not reconnect to 'mail'. Make sure the machine name and path are valid." '' is what the IP address I enter resolves to (this is due to the email server being ...

sql connection not working after Windows 6 app moved from local to server

I have a Windows 6 app I am developing (in VB). I am pulling data from a MSSQL 2005 database. Everything worked fine running it locally (with an emulator) but when I moved the database to a test box, I get the following error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException {"Specified SQL server not found:\sql2005"} My connection s...

How to keep logged instance (httpwebrequest) alive and query another page with it?

Hi, After I've succesfully logged into website using POST variables by httpwebrequest and got response by HttpWebResponse ..How do I query other websites with the "current logged in" instance? Do I save it to some variable?? ...

Sql Server Agent Required For Remote Connections?

I'm connecting to a remote sql server instance with the following connection string "Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Data,1433;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;User Id=MyUserId;Password=MyPassword;Connect Timeout=120;" Sql Server Browser is running Local and remote connections are allowed using TCP/IP only The application ran...

What are the steps for connecting jdbc with mysql

I'M NOT ASKING ABOUT THE CODE. I just want to know what are and all the steps involved in the connection other than coding. I'm using j2sdk1.4.0 and MySQL Server 4.1. Am very new to this area. Thanks in advance ...

InternetCheckConnection always return false

I want to use the wininet function InternetCheckConnection to check whenever the machine is connected to the internet and can access a specific host. The problem is that this function is always returning false, no matter the URL I put on it. MSDN link ...

With Twisted, how can 'connectionMade' fire a specific Deferred?

This is part of a larger program; I'll explain only the relevant parts. Basically, my code wants to create a new connection to a remote host. This should return a Deferred, which fires once the connection is established, so I can send something on it. I'm creating the connection with twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSSL.connectSSL....

How to receive data from URL on iPhone?

I'm using the code from Apple's Document to do some HTTP communication.I can connect to the url sucessfully, but I failed to receive the data from my server. // create the request NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://..."]                         cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePoli...

How do I simulate a slow internet connection (Edge/3g) on a mac. Is there a Firefox plugin?

Exact Duplicate: How do I simulate a slow internet connection (Edge/3g) on a Mac? Is there a Firefox plugin? ...

How to pop up alert when HTTP connection fails on iPhone?

I want to write some code to handle exceptions when HTTP connection fails. I use the following codes: -(void) connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didFailWithError: (NSError *)error { UIAlertView *errorAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: [error localizedDescription] message: [error localizedFailureReaso...

Question about HTTP exception handling on iPhone

I try to add a method to handle exception, but the program just crashes instead of pop up an AlertView. 1) I set up the connection: -(void)connect:(NSString *)strURL { NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:strURL] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy ...

Connect asp 2.0 page to VBscript on a remote server

I'm developing a website and I need to have my asp page connect to a VB script on a remote server send it some variables and get a string returned. Then spit out the returned data. I've done similar work in Java. Can anyone point me in the right direction to help me produce a simple proof of concept? ...

Check if a server is available

Hi, I'm looking for a way to check if a server is still available. We have a offline application that saves data on the server, but if the serverconnection drops (it happens occasionally), we have to save the data to a local database instead of the online database. So we need a continues check to see if the server is still available. W...

High latency using brctl, eventual timeout.

When using brctl, my latency on the notebook that is doing the bridging becomes horribly slow. Eventually, I cannot get the notebook to connect to anything, even the routers admin panel, or pinging the router. The scenario is I have an 802.11b router upstairs, an 802.11b card in my notebook, and an eth port in my notebook. I am setting ...

Best way to check OleDbConnection state

Apparently (MSDN) sometimes OleDbConnection.ResetState() does nothing, so even if the connection fails OleDbConnection.State will still be set to Open. I am looking for best workaround for this, so that when I check connection state I can avoid raising exceptions (as long as connection hasn't failed between the last check and usage attem...

Error connection to CVS

I try to connect to CVS through eclipse. After entering (host, repository path, user, password) and by clicking finish, it gives me the following error : Error validating location : "Could not connect to :pserver:username@host:/CVS/Myproject:I/O exception occured: ProxyHTTP: java.IOEXCEPTION: proxy error (the specified socket layer (...