
EAGLContext not work on openGLES 1 iphone os

Hello, i have a 3D project based on the EAGLView exemple from Apple. I have a very stange bug with the context ( i think ), my context is create by using : [context renderbufferStorage:GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES fromDrawable:(CAEAGLLayer*)self.layer]; on init the 3D view it's work, and on layout subview, my frameBuffer is destroy an crea...

Create AppDomain with web context

I'm building an ASP.NET MVC web application that supports plugins in the form of bundled .dll files that can contain (among other things) precompiled (through aspnet_compiler.exe) .aspx view pages as well as Controller objects handling requests. I've built the plugin system so that all plugins are contained within a separate AppDomain t...

DLL Problems Causing Casting Exception

I've been breaking apart a large VS C# project into smaller projects, and while everything worked fine when it was all one project, I'm getting an error now that I've split it apart. There is an exception being thrown when I try a cast, though I haven't changed any of the code. The exception is as follows: InvalidCastException [A...

Is there a class in bada which is similar to "Context" in android?

I'm changing a project from android to bada, but I dont find a class which has the same effect as "Context". Any suggestion? Thanks you very much. ...

Content of a inflated EditText

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to getText() as a readable String from a inflated EditText. I have a boolean method that checks something, so, in the onCreate method i call it like this if(method) { if(booleanVariable) { LayoutInflater factory = LayoutInflater.from(MyActivity.this); View child =

Django: Customizing the comments framework: accessing context user in custom form?

the goal is to render a comment form with an extra recaptcha field if the user is not authenticated. I'd like to extend the comments framework, making the contrib CommentForm dynamic, so the constructor checks to see if the context user is authenticated. But it doesn't seem like I can get the context user in the form without passing it...

wxPython: Context help

In Windows dialog boxes, sometimes there is a small ? button on the upper right corner. Its usage is to click on the ?, then the cursor changes to an arrow with a ?, then click on widget inside the dialog box, which will then display a popup help balloon. This is how my class definition looks like: class Frame(wx.Frame): def __init__...

iphone drawing context question

Hi there. I am not trying to draw on a component I am simply trying to create a new context (I think) and spit out a UIImage with the contents of my drawing on it. I'm not trying to draw on any existing component. I am using the following code: CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); CGContextRef context = CGBitmapC...

Passing context into this safe

i'm using a timer wich needs context.. Now i have the following code : mContext=context; mEventID=eventID; CountDownTimer cdTimer = new CountDownTimer(20000, 1000) { public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) { // Do nothing onTick... Sorry } public void onFinish() { int delet...

excanvas + Dojo: getContext is undefined

When I execute the code below in IE7/WinXP32, then the output in the console is "undefined". The output changes to the expected "getContext()", when I make either of two modifications: I remove the image tag. I use: <body onload="draw()"> Any idea what is going on here? What may be a workaround? <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD...

Java Datasource Management via WebApp

Currently, we store datasource definitions in the Tomcat container inside server.xml and expose environment variables through context.xml. Any time we change an environment variable or datasource, it requires a server restart for those changes to be live. Is there a way that we could create a web application to manage these things? Ins...

No reaction for Menu trail condition for Drupal Context module

I'm using Development Seed's fantastic Context module (version 6.x-2.0) for Drupal 6 on a site that I am developing. Everything is working fine except in the case where I need to set a context for a particular menu trail. Perhaps I am misunderstanding the menu trail condition, but the context only exists when the defined menu item is a...

Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES))

I recently deployed a working webapp on my localhost to amazon web services. The problem i'm encountering is - though context.xml has username as 'james', the exception stacktrace mentions otherwise. org.apache.jasper.JasperException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: o...

Copying data across databases with Entity Framework

Hey guys, I'm trying to use the entity framework to take data (nested relationships) from one DB and insert it into another. The idea is you download the data as an XML file and then upload it and it gets inserted into the new DB. The download to XML is simple: var BoroughQuery = from b in Context.Borough.Include("User").Include("Loc...

JavaScript losing "this" object reference with private/public properties

I have the following error when running the page below: "this.testpublic is not a function" test = function() { var testprivate = function() { this.testpublic(); } this.testpublic = function() { console.log('test'); } testprivate(); } new test(); Apparently w...

Onrender Method in WPF

i have drawingcontext object i want to show it this code: public DrawingContext Drwc { get { return drwc; } set { drwc = value; OnRender(value); } } protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext) { base.OnRender(drawingContext); } but donot show any element of drawingcontext ...

jquery: context with closures?

Hi there! I got a simple question about jQuery but rather javascript approaches in general... Is it ok, to do this? : this._checkedTexts.length = 0; // <- array belonging to "me" var contextCheckedTexts = this._checkedTexts; $('#valueContainer input:checked').each(function() { contextCheckedTexts.push($(this).text()); }); Since '...

Couldn't use Activation Context API from within Excel 2007 Add-in on Windows XP/2003?

I use VS2008 to develop a excel 2007 add-in, within add-in I want to use Activation Context API to instantiate a COM class. The werid thing is I can instantiate the COM class successfully on Window 7, buf fails on Windows XP/2003. Here's the code-snippet string codeBase = this.GetType().Assembly.CodeBase; string asmFullPath = new ...

Perl using a sub call as argument to another sub - unexpected context

I am using a sub call as an argument to another sub. Example code: test(isInString(), 'second parameter', 'third parameter'); sub test { my ($boolean, $second, $third) = @_; print "boolean: $boolean\n second: $second\n third: $third\n"; } sub isInString { my $searchFor = 'a'; my $searchIn = 'bcd'; return ($s...

JS λ-functions & "upper context" variables

Say I have some context where variables are set and a λ-function is called which uses them directly: function outerContext(){ ... var data = ...; // some data the script uses ... someObject.method = function(){ data; // the variable is used here }; ... } I know that the dynamically created funct...