
Please help me to convert vb.NEt to C# ...... Addressof part is creating error for me

Imports System.Threading Public Class clsThread 'This variable will hold the Thread Index that are passed from the main window, when we created it Private m_ThreadIndex As Integer 'This is local thread variable. We will send the value of this variable to the parent form Private m_Counter As Integer = 0 'We will nee...

PHP library for converting html to image?

Is there a free (or commercial) PHP library which would help me convert a piece of HTML to image? I googled it but haven't found anything. thanks in adv ...

How to convert accented letters to regular char in Java

How do I convert Æ and á into a regular English char with Java ? What I have is something like this : Local TV from Paraná. How to convert it to [Parana] ? ...

_tcslen in Multibyte character set: how to convert WCHAR [1] to const char * ?

I search over internet for about 2 hours and I don't find any work solution. My program have multibyte character set, in code i got: WCHAR value[1]; _tcslen(value); And in compiling, I got error: 'strlen' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'WCHAR [1]' to 'const char *' How to convert this WCHAR[1] to const char * ? ...

SQL Server 2005: converting smalldatetime to varchar behaves differently in view and 'normal' query

Hi, I have a view that basically just returns all records from a table, and adds a column 'isodate' which is supposed to be the date in ISO-Format. CREATE VIEW [dbo].[v_bedarfe] AS SELECT *,convert(varchar(16),datum,20) As isodat FROM bedarfe GO The "datum"-field is smalldatetime. The results of a query on isodat were...'surprisi...

Convert HTML to XLS from a webpage

Hey guys, i dont have a clear definition of what my client wants but i figured i could get a dialogue going. so my client wants to take some html from a page and convert it to and xls form. all the data and content is from their own website/portal and they just need the reports converted to xls for accounting or something. Oh y...

Problems using a StringBuilder to construct HTML in C#

I have this line of code that forms an html string: StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("<a href='#' onclick="); builder.Append((char)22); //builder.Append('\"'); builder.Append("diagnosisSelected('" + obj.Id + "', '" +obj.Name + "')"); builder.Append((char)22); builder.Append(" >" + obj.Name + "</a>"); In the...

Problem converting git to mercurial

I'm getting an error trying to convert a git repository to mercurial. When I run: hg convert gitdir hgdir I get this: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'tz' referenced before assignment Background: I just installed TortoiseHg and enabled the convert extension. It looks like nmercurial convert is having a problem with the gi...

How to convert a static library project into a dll project in VS2005

When I create a project in vs2005. I can also create Win32->Win32Project. I can choose "console application" or "dll" or "static library" if I created a static library project. How can I convert it to dll project. I found in setting panel of the created project. General->Configuration Type, I can switch Static Library(.lib) to DLL Howe...

Axapta: Convert utcDateTime to date

What is the best way to convert a utcDateTime value to a date type so I can use the global datetime functions on it? int timeDiff; date _now = systemdateget(); ; select firstOnly myUTCDateTime from _myTable timeDiff = Global::yearDiff(_now, _myTable.myUTCDateTime); info(strfmt('%1', timeDiff); Thanks ...

Bash: Convert non-ASCII characters to ASCII

How can I convert a string like Žvaigždės aukštybėj užges or äüöÖÜÄ to Zvaigzdes aukstybej uzges or auoOUA, respectively, using Bash? Basically I just want to convert all characters which aren't in the Latin alphabet. Thanks ...

How to convert IEnumerable to Subsonic collection?

Embarrassing question really -- I have Subsonic collection, then I filter out some data using Where. MyColl.Where(it => now I would like to pass those data still as Subsonic collection. How to do it (the most properly way)? I checked constructor for Subsonic collection, ToX() methods, and googled. edit: Subsonic 2.x...

Convert Decimal to Object

How can I convert a Decimal datatype to Object and still observe the IConvertable interface ToType() method. This is preliminary work in order to convert a custom datatype (based on Decimal) using Convert.ChangeType. EDIT: we would like to convert to object so that we can support the ToType method of IConvertible. this method returns ty...

Best way convert text with '&' into the variables

I've got a this text "?foo=bar&foobar=barfoo" what is the best way to convert this text to variable? Like this: <?php echo $q['foo']; //bar echo $q['foobar']; //barfoo ?> Thanks. Sorry for my English. ...

Bitmap to int[] using Marshal.Copy()

Hi, I'm using Marshal.Copy() to copy the pixel information from a Bitmap to an int[] array, the problem resides in the fact that the information that is coming to this array is coming all wrong, like: [0] = -8682109; [1] = -8682109; [2] = -8616573; [3] = -8616573; [4...

Mercurial filemap exclude include... does it not do what docs say?

Converting from subversion, I take the opportunity to clean up the repo, and split it in three mostly independent projects. But... I have a filemap that says exclude bot include bot/ Which should include everything, except the "bot" subdirectory, but still include the "" file in that directory. The trouble is...

convert a single into 8 bytes

I have a single that might have a decimal place but might not. I have to put the digit before the decimal into the first 4 bytes and the digit after in the next 4 bytes. So 1.1 would be 01-00-00-00-01-00-00-00 or 2.1 would be 02-00-00-00-01-00-00-00 or 1 would be 01-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 The digit before the decimal point is stored like ...

jQuery Convert Select to Radio buttons?

I am trying to convert select boxes to radio buttons on the fly using jquery, and I'm not sure the best way. Example HTML: <form id="product"> <select name="data[123]"> <option value="1">First</option> <option value="2">Second</option> ...... <option value="n">xxxxxx</option> </select> </form> ...

Convert LaTeX to mediawiki syntax

I need to convert LaTeX into mediawiki syntax. The formulas should stay the same, but I need to transform, for example \chapter{something} into = something =. Although this can be obtained with a bit of sed, things get a little dirty with the itemize environment, so I was wondering if a better solution can be produced. Anything that ca...

convert string to datetime

i need to convert strings to date format. the requirement is if current month is selected, the date should be getdate. if any other month is selected then it should be first of that month. the data coming in is "January 2010", "February 2010" and so on. but it should be inserted into sql server database as 01/01/10 or 02/01/10 ...