
Get size of mouse cursor in javascript

Hi, I need to determine the width and height of the current mouse cursor used on our webpage. I need to show a div right under the cursor, and possibly to the right of it. So I need to determine the offsets of my div from the exact pointer location, so the cursor do not cover up the div. The mechanism will be used in intranet system...

contentEditable javascript caret placement in div

I have a contentEditable div. Let's say the user clicks a button that inserts HTML into the editable area. So, they click a button and the following is added to the innerHTML of the contentEditable div: <div id="outside"><div id="inside"></div></div> How do I automatically place the cursor (ie caret) IN the "inside" div? Worse. How...

clarification of cursors in oracle with jdbc

I have situation where a 3rd party open source product I am using is running out of cursors in Oracle and receiving the error: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded My maximum cursors is set to 1000 and I am trying to figure out if the code that is reaching this limit is doing something incorrectly, or if I sim...

create JS cursor loop

is there any solutions to make loop after mooving cursor on page in JS? ...

Small dot trailing cursor in Swing application

There is a small dot that keeps trailing the cursor on a Swing application as I move the cursor about over the application frame. What is causing this? ...

Monitoring Cursors, what are some good queries/scripts to do this?

I need to provide management with proof that a group of existing stored procedures that use cursors are the cause of much of our performance issues. Can someone point me in the right direction to find scripts and queries to accomplish this, please? Such as, how to monitor and measure cursors, etc. Using SQL Server 2005. Thanks. ====...

Word SmartDoc - Node Manipulation based on Current Cursor Position

I've created a smart document xml expansion pack for word that has an action associated with #actionPertainsToEntireSchema. An image in the action pane has several "hotspots" painted and using the X,Y pos I determine what the user desires to do. I'm using CS Here's where the user invokes a command: ImageClick(int ControlID, string App...

Oracle PLSQL - Declare a cursor on a non-existing table

Hi, I want to declare a cursor on a table that does not exist. Of course, my procedure doesnt compile. This table is a temporary table, and is created by a pre process. It will exist on runtime, but at compile time its another story. For my select / updates an other DML operations, I've used EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'operation from tmp_tab...

How to change cursor when dropping into Java application

Hello fellow programmers! I'm having some problems I just can't figure out... I'm writing a Swing Java application with a JList that accepts drag-and-drops. I want to change the cursor while dragging a file or folder from my system over the Java application. I've spent hours searching google but I've found nothing useful so far. Maybe...

c# set cursor to "Working in Background" cursor.

How can I set a form's cursor to the Working in Background cursor? I know how to set it to the WaitCursor but I can't find the Working in Background (aka Busy Interactive) cursor. I'm using a background worker and figured this would be an easy way to inform the user what's going on. ...

How to hide cursor

Is there anyway to hide cursor other than using transparent gif image? ...

android simplecursoradapter not updating with database changes.

I have an android list activity that is backed by a database cursor through a SimpleCursorAdapter. When the items are clicked, a flag field in the coresponding row in the database is toggled and the view in the list needs to be updated. The problem is, when the view that's updated goes off screen and is recycled, the old value is ...

How to animate mouse cursor with custom image when loading page?

Hi! I'm trying to change cursor mouse on my website with custom images. Here is my actual CSS: <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { cursor:url(images/default.cur),auto; } a:hover { cursor: url(images/hover.cur),auto; } a:active { cursor: url(images/wait.ani),auto; } --> </style> Firefox 3.5.6 does change the default cursor with my ....

Flex mouse cursor "xor" color

In an online mapping application I'm doing in Flex 3 I need a cursor for certain operations that has XOR coloring with the background. i.e. it is always the "negative" color of whatever pixels it stands above off (white on black, red on green, etc.). Can this be done with Flex? (Can I roll my own programmatic cursor?) ...

MySQL stored procedure, handling multiple cursors and query results

How can I use two cursors in the same routine? If I remove the second cursor declaration and fetch loop everthing works fine. The routine is used for adding a friend in my webapp. It takes the id of the current user and the email of the friend we want to add as a friend, then it checks if the email has a corresponding user id and if no f...

Android: How to text filter a listview based on a simplecursoradapter?

I have a ListView that is backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter. I'd like to be able to filter the list like you would a contacts list, just by typing, and I came across the textFilterEnabled() Problem is, I couldn't see how to get it to work with a SimpleCursorAdapter. Is this even possible? If so, how is it done? ...

Insert statement with cursor

In a table there are like 113 columns. and there are two default records in the table, one is for unknown and another is for inapplicable. So, each column has its own default value to represent unknown and inapplicable. I dont wanna write regular insert statement to get those two records. so, I tried to insert each column using a cu...

Using an Oracle Table Type in IN-clause - compile fails

Simply trying to get a cursor back for the ids that I specify. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE some_package AS TYPE t_cursor IS REF CURSOR; TYPE t_id_table IS TABLE OF NVARCHAR(38) INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; PROCEDURE someentity_select( p_ids IN t_id_table, p_results OUT t_cursor); END; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY some_...

how to check the range and number of records in that range without using cursor ?

Hi All, I have a table "RANGES" with the following columns LowRange as int HighRange as int with the data similar to below select * from Ranges LowRange HighRange 1 100 101 200 201 300 . . . 901 1000 And another table "infoDetails" with the following columns Range as INT amount as money ...

What are the best cursor (mouse) tracking applications for web sites?

What are the best cursor (mouse) tracking Javascript applications for web sites? To be stored in a database... ...