
How to place mouse cursor to certain input box

Hi, How can I place the cursor automaticly to certain input box. This would help to not use the mouse all the time when open the page. (php and html) Thank you! ...

The biggest size of Windows Cursor

I have a cursor what the size size 128x128, but when i used LoadCursor to load and show it, it only has 32x32. Which API can make it correctly? It seems MS resize it. Thanks. ...

foxpro cursor size

This seems like such an easy problem, but I can't seem to find a solution anywhere. My co-worker and I are working on an application that makes use of the Foxpro xml dump facilities. It works great, but we're wishing to split the table into multiple files based on some size constraints. This seems like it should be the easy part: How...

WPF ListBox Show WAIT Cursor ?

I have a WPF ListBox that displays images loaded from a local folder, usually somewhere between 1- 300). I'm using a converter in my imageTemplate to make sure and show thumbnails of the images, and not the images in their full size. Even while doing this, it still can take several seconds to load initially. My question is, how do I know...

Cursor design and refactoring question

I have many cursors that all return rows with the same fields: a numeric ID field and an XMLType field. Every time I access one of these cursors (each cursor has now got its own function for access), I go through the same pattern: --query behind cursor is designed to no more than one row. for rec in c_someCursor(in_searchKey => local_se...

SQL Cursor value in single group

I am using a SQL cursor. I want to select the values Eg:- While(@@fetchstatus ==0) BEGIN if(cond) SELECT rownumber, rowname FROM TABLE END ANSWER:- During the first round of execution of While loop I am getting the value. 1,"Firstrow"(From Row select) Next 2,"SecondRow" All these values are displayed in my output as separa...

Cursor in While loop

My Cursor and Output SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @vendor_id int, @vendor_name nvarchar(50) DECLARE @subvendor_id int, @subvendor_name nvarchar(50) PRINT '-------- Vendor Products Report --------' DECLARE vend_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM MYSEQ OPEN vend_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM vend_cursor INTO @vendor_id, @vendor_name WHILE @@FETCH_S...

if-else, case or decode inside of a ref cursor

Hi there, I have this big code where I want 3 things in my search: 1- look for all the orders (delivered and not) that match the search: 2- look for all the pendent orders that match the search; 3- look for all the delivered orders that match the search; create or replace function search_order(search IN VARCHAR2, a_option NUMBER) R...

How do you set hotspot co-ordinates on a Windows cursor generated from an icon file?

Hello. I'm setting a custom cursor on my app from an icon file, but the click point is at the wrong co-ordinates. I'm setting the cursor with SetClassLongPtr(hwnd, GCL_HCURSOR, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>cursor) where cursor is the result of; LoadImage( NULL, "some_path/cursor.ico", IMAGE_ICON, //also tried IMAGE_CURSOR...

How do I hide the textfield cursor on the iPhone?

How do I hide the textfield cursor on the iPhone? ...

How to set the cursor position of a text box on click.

Hi, I'm required to have a textbox pre-filled with some text, and want the cursor to default to the beginning of the textbox when it is focused. private void txtBox_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.txtBox.Text == "SOME PREFILL TEXT") { this.txtBox.Select(0, 0); } } I'm capturing _Enter as above and it...

SQL Server Recursion Question

I need to create links between pairs of items and rows of item pairs: ItemA ItemB ---------------- 1 2 1 3 4 5 4 6 6 2 7 8 9 2 9 10 11 12 11 13 14 15 Matching on either side of a pair constitutes a link: Link A B --------------- 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 4 5 ...

Need help on rewriting a query that Uses a Cursor

I have a query that looks like this: DECLARE Match_Cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT ID,UserKey,TypeCode FROM [DB1].Table1 as t1 OPEN Match_Cursor FETCH NEXT FROM Match_cursor INTO @ID,@UserKey,@TypeCode; WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) BEGIN INSERT INTO #TempTable SELECT t2.Name, t2.Address, t2.Country, @UserKey, @Typ...

PL/SQL Using variables in an Explicit Cursor statement

I'm declaring an explicit cursor, however, I need to order the sql differently depending on user interaction. The column to order by is passed to the procedure as a parameter, however, I'm having difficulty incorporating it into the sql for the cursor (as near as I can tell, it is interpreting the variable name as the name of the column...

Flex - Timer event changes cursor

I have a timer event that updates certain things in my app (from a PHP Service) every 5 seconds. Every time this timer ticks, it makes the cursor blink to a clock and then back to the arrow. Since this is happening every 5 seconds, it gets pretty annoying. Is there a way for me to prevent the cursor from changing when the timer ticks?...

jQuery/js dealing with 'double focus' with cursor and event

I'm enabling keyboard navigation for a menu. I'm running into an issue in a particular situation: <ul> <li><a href="" class="link1">link</a></li> <li><a href="" class="link2">link</a></li> <li><a href="" class="link3">link</a></li> </ul> the jQuery: $('ul').keypress(function (eh){ var keyPressed = eh.keyCode; if (...

C# Windows Forms RichTextBox cursor position

Hello everyone! I have a C# Windows Forms program that has a RichTextBox control. Whenever the text inside the box is changed (other than typing that change), the cursor goes back to the beginning. In other words, when the text in the RichTextBox is changed by using the Text property, it makes the cursor jump back. How can I keep the c...

Is the hotspot of the WPF Cross cursor in the middle of the crosshair?

I'm having amazing difficulties with a high-precision pixel-oriented image program in WPF and starting to suspect that the Cursors.Cross cursor hotspot is not at its centre, as you would expect. I'm debugging using Magnifier at 16x and mouse set to the lowest acceleration. The code is based on DrawTools from CodeProject. Is this the ...

SQL Server : Invalid cursor state (0) state why ?

I have a table on which there is update trigger written it has print statement before go statement. ALTER TRIGGER user_type_check ON user_table --code PRINT 'Modification of user is done.' GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO Now with this structure whenever i perform update operation on the table it fai...

WPF Cursor on a partially transparent image.

I have a png that contains transparent regions and I set it to the image tag but how am I able to set the cursor to a hand when it is over an opaque part of the image? Thanks Tony ...