
"bad record MAC" SSL error between Java and PortgreSQL

Hello there ! We've got here a problem of random disconnections between our Java apps and our PostgreSQL 8.3 server with a "bad record MAC" SSL error. We run Debian / Lenny on both side. On the client side, we see : main, WRITE: TLSv1 Application Data, length = 104 main, READ: TLSv1 Application Data, length = 24 main, READ: TLSv1 Appl...

Etiquette for adding repository during rpm/deb install

We're distributing a commercial application for Linux and we currently make it available for download as a .tar.gz, a .rpm, and a .deb. We're setting up both RPM and DEB repositories to make upgrading easier. Is it appropriate to add our repository to /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/yum.repos.d automatically as part of the initial instal...

Darwin Streaming Server doesn't gives content

Hello! I have problems with Darwin Streaming server 5.5.5 on Debian. When i'm trying to open some stream, for ex. rtsp:// player reports it can't load stream and breaks connection. "Access History" section reports file was requested, so, at least initial connection is working, but nothing more. What can be w...

libmysqlclient hangs on vmsplice()

Hi I am running an executable that uses on a 64bit kernel & 32bit user space compatibility mode. Once in a while, my program hangs on something from libmysql: #0 0xf7f01430 in __kernel_vsyscall () #1 0xf7b451e3 in vmsplice () from /lib/i686/cmov/ #2 0xf7e72c10 in ?? () from /usr/lib/

How Linux system monitor gets process stats

Hi all, Im making a simple alternative to the default linux system monitor. Im looking to know how it lifts the process stats, which is displays in the Processes tab. It probably runs off /proc, but im unsure. Also, where could i find the source code for the system monitor program? Regards Paul Also, having looked at how gnome sys...

Compiling a Python binding on Linux

Hi I'm trying to compile a Python binding, but I'm unable to find the python.h header on debian. Which package should I install? Thanks in advance ...

How to convert 64 bit .deb file into 32 bit .deb file

Hi I have 64 bit .deb file of an application. I want to convert the same file into 32 bit .deb file. So how to convert 64 bit .deb file into 32 bit .deb ...

How to create package for .deb file

Hi I have created .rpm packages successfully for fedora FC10 linux. I can cretae .rpm file of my application similarly I want to create .deb file of my application. I want step-by-step approach to create debian packager. Please help me to create .deb file for my application I am using ubuntu linux to create packager Thanks Sunil Kumar ...

Debian Package Control file Question

I am trying to create a Debian package for a Java application. In my package there is a .jar file which is executable, a script which will run this jar file and a .so file for fmod. I've read this tutorial. In the control file there is a 'Depends' field which basically describes the packages that need to be installed in order to insta...

Running ssh-keygen without human interaction?

Would it be possible to run ssh-keygen without human interaction? I have a shell script that takes care of server deployment from start to finish, but ssh-keygen is the only remaining piece that still requires my input. Would it be possible to feed the parameters to it? Or is there something similar to debconf-set-selections that could...

Finding missing symbols in libstdc++ on Debian/squeeze

I'm trying to use a pre-compiled library provided as a .so file. This file is dynamically linked against a few librairies : $ ldd /usr/local/test/lib/ => (0xb770d000) => not found => /lib/i686/cmov/ (0xb75e1000) => /lib/i686/cmov/ (0xb7499000) /l...

Remove files created between certain time stamps.

Last night I had a script go a bit crazy and create a bunch of directories between 3:00 and 3:09am. Is there a quick one liner that will hunt these down and remove them for me? ...

How the Google Chrome Linux version handles automatic version updation

Hello, Can some one tell me how the Chrome's Linux beta version carry out automatic version updation using debian package manager. I need to implement something similar to my application on linux and information provided here would be of lot of help. I am currently checking out the postinst script present in the debian control package an...

Merging MP3 files in Linux Debian using PHP

What's the easiest way to merge the contents of several MP3 files into one using PHP 5.2 on Linux Debian system? I found some scripts that are supposed to do in PHP only, but they seem to be buggy. Perhaps there is a way to accomplish this task using command line programs, that I could install on my Linux Debian machine? ...

sscanf + c99 not working on some platforms ?

When I compile a simple Hello World! program that uses the sscanf function on my local Debian lenny x64, it works. But when I upload the same program to the server running CentOS x86, it will not work. If I do not use sscanf, then the program works on both computers. gcc -std=c99 -O2 -pipe -m32 If I compile it with sscanf but without -...

Automatic Hudson CI setup and plugin updates through apt?

Hi! We've used Hudson for quite a while to implement a CI server with all the bells and whistles. The setup is quite straight forward, when installing from the provided RPMs and Debs, but through googling I haven't been able to figure out whether the plugins are installable using apt/rpm or some other package manager? The reason is th...

Simplest way to get current time in current timezone using boost::date_time ?

If I do date +%H-%M-%S on the commandline (Debian/Lenny), I get a user-friendly (not UTC, not DST-less, the time a normal person has on their wristwatch) time printed. What's the simplest way to obtain the same thing with boost::date_time ? If I do this: std::ostringstream msg; boost::local_time::local_date_time t = boost::local_t...

Getting rails application from github to debian server

Hello. I've been developing my first rails application on my windows computer. But now i have been setting up a debian server with nginx and passanger. I've been using Github to keep track of my application and now i am wondering how i can get the Github version of my application to the debian server and put it in production mode? Anybo...

What configuration should i use for compiling expat for MIPS running Debian Embbeded Linux

Hi, I trying to understand what flags should I use when running ./configure of expat. To compile for and embedded target running a debian based distribution on MIPS. For example: Do I have to tell it where the kernel source is? Do I have to give it the architecture I'm using? ... Thanks Schmil ...

Installing PHP extensions in Debian

I'm trying to install the PECL extension pecl_http so that I can use PHP's http_negotiate_language() function. I'm running PHP5 on Apache2 and Debian Lenny. I installed the php_http package from the debian repo, however, I still can't use that function in my php scripts! The package also doesn't show up under phpinfo(). I tried installi...