
Default Struct Initialization in C++

Say I have a struct that looks like this (a POD): struct Foo { int i; double d; }; What are the differences between the following two lines: Foo* f1 = new Foo; Foo* f2 = new Foo(); ...

IIS6.0 - ASP.NET 4.0 - Default Content Page throwing Error message 401.2

We have a .NET application that was recently converted to .NET 4.0 and then published to IIS 6.0. When we trying going to the url without a page we get the following error: Server Error in '/' Application. Access is denied. Description: An error occurred while accessing the resources required to serve ...

Setting a default selection for an NSPopupButton?

Is it possible to set a default selection on an NSPopupButton? I have one that allows the user to select the type of server they want to set up, but since an NSPopupButton always shows the first item, they may ignore it if that's the type they want. However, even though that item is being displayed, calling -selectedItem returns (null). ...

Default values on arguments in C functions and function overloading in C

Converting a C++ lib to ANSI C and it seems like though ANSI C doesn't support default values for function variables or am I mistaken? What I want is something like int funcName(int foo, bar* = NULL); Also, is function overloading possible in ANSI C? Would need const char* foo_property(foo_t* /* this */, int /* property_number*/); ...

Get default value of class member ( C# )

Let's assume I have a class ClassWithMember class ClassWithMember { int myIntMember = 10; } How do I get the default value 10 of the myIntMember member by System.Type? I'm currently struggling around with reflections by all I retreive is the default value of int (0) not the classes default member (10).. ...

How can I find if there are printers installed (using Delphi)

My program is written in Delphi (object oriented pascal). When I try to print anything I get the message "There is no default printer currently selected." on computers with no printers installed. To prevent this I want to check if there are any printers installed. Is there any way to check if any printers are installed? ...

How to obtain the default browser without registry lookup in .NET ?

Does anybody knows a way how to get the default browser without doing a lookup on the registry using the .NET framework? ...

How to Start/Stop Default Web Site and Apllication Pools in IIS7 programmatically

Hello together I want to Start/Stop the Default Web Site and any Application Pool of the IIS7 programmatically in C# Knows anyone how to do this, is there any library?? Thank you very much ...

How to use reflection to get a default constructor?

I am writing a library that generates derived classes of abstract classes dynamically at runtime. The constructor of the derived class needs a MethodInfo of the base class constructor so that it can invoke it. However, for some reason Type.GetConstructor() returns null. For example: abstract class Test { public abstract void F(); } ...

PropertyInfo SetValue and nulls

If I have something like: object value = null; Foo foo = new Foo(); PropertyInfo property = Foo.GetProperties().Single(p => p.Name == "IntProperty"); property.SetValue(foo, value, null); Then foo.IntProperty gets set to 0, even though value = null. It appears it's doing somemething like IntProperty = default(typeof(int)). I would l...

How to remove namespace prefix. (C#)

Hi, I have an XElement, resulting from a transform that looks like the following. <src:Person xmlns:src=""&gt; <src:Name>Jenifer Harvey</src:Name> <src:BirthDate>1969-11-13</src:BirthDate> <src:IdentityNumber>6906678550017</src:IdentityNumber> <src:Sex>Male</src:Sex> </src:Person> I would like to transf...

How to change the default project directory (folder) in Netbeans 6.9 ?

How to change the default project directory in Netbeans 6.9 for Java SE\ME\EE? ...

Java code conventions: Using 'default' as a variable name

I would like to use 'default' as a variable name. Is there a code convention (like class -> clazz) that suggests how I should name the variable? ...

jQuery AJAX - Make content appear by default

I'm using jQuery AJAX to retrieve a page with different user selected options. I'd like the page to appear by default with default options so in $(document).ready I call the function which contains the AJAX. This creates a delay in loading as the browser first loads the actual page, then the jQuery javascript file and then finally it re...

How to change default framebuffer for Android?

i'm porting android to an overo gumstix. thus it seems the the omapfb driver has some problems on that platform. it doesn't matter at all, because i want to use udlfb (a driver for usb displays) anyway. till today, i wasn't able to figure out how i can define udlfb as default framebuffer. tried make menuconfig and select udlfb there, bu...

Sharepoint data view web part toolbar sorting default

I have a data view web part on a page which is displaying a table of data. I want to allow users to choose which column to sort by. I think the only way to do this is go into the data view properties, and enable the toolbar with sorting. This works and allows the user to select a column to sort using a dropdown list of columns. The defa...

Isolated storage File saving on the Default User Profile for a web service

Hi, My problem is The following: I have a windows application that stores a file on the current user's isolated storage, lets call this user Adam. On the same machine I have a Web service (The Web Service's application pool is running with Adam's credentials) that uses the same dll to access the file on the isolated storage but it is ...

IIS7 default document

Hi, I am new to IIS7. I got a problem with the default document for a website. I have the default document enabled and the default document was set to home.aspx but when I browse the site using only, I got the 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied error. It works fine when I use the URL with the name of the file like th...

Why does my C++ subclass need an explicit constructor?

I have a base class that declares and defines a constructor, but for some reason my publicly derived class is not seeing that constructor, and I therefore have to explicitly declare a forwarding constructor in the derived class: class WireCount0 { protected: int m; public: WireCount0(const int& rhs) { m = rhs; } }; class WireCo...

How do I specify the default font sizer in CK Editor v3

How do I specify the default font size for CKEditor. I tried changing contents.css (body -> font-size) and I tried changing config.js (config.fontSize_defaultLabel) without any success. Does anyone know where i should be looking? ...