
Deleting a row based on the max value.

How can I structure a mySQL query to delete a row based on the max value. I tried WHERE jobPositonId = max(jobPostionId) but got an error? ...

Deleting with Max

This is based on my previous question. I have the following table Table1 JobPositionId | JobPositionName 1 | Sound 2 | Lights 3 | Sound 4 | Ground How can I delete row three (Name = sound, and max position) ...

How would I know when to insert, delete or update based off a C# list?

Let's say that I have three tables "Person", "Area", and "Person_Area". Each person can work in many areas and each area can have many people in them. "person_Area" is a bridge table that contains person_id and area_id In my code I have two asp list boxes located on a person form. List box one contains all available areas and list b...

NHibernate Problem with Deletion and abstract classes

Hello, I have some annoying problem with NHibernate and deletion of classes. I have a rather complicated tree-like class diagram, where the "leaves" are abstract classes with many different "sons". I have no problem with saving or updating it, but I have some annoying problems with delete, so I decided to change the cascades to "save-upd...

LINQ to SQL doesn't call DELETE

I am deleting a bunch of records from different tables that are linked with foreign keys. When I call 'SubmitChanges' the following error is received: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint FK_PTXProductMap_CustomerProduct". The conflict occurred in database "SOTI", table "dbo.PTXProductMap", column 'Inst...

Implementing ondelete restrict association in CakePHP

Hi I have Event belongsTo Venue association. When a user tries to delete a venue, I don't want it to happen when one or more event is associated with it. What's the most automagic way to do it? ...

imap_delete not working

I am using php imap functions to parse the message from webmail. I can fetch messages one by one and save them in DB. After saving, I want to delete the inbox message. imap_delete function is not working here. My code is like that: $connection = pop3_login($host,$port,$user,$pass,$folder="INBOX",$ssl=false);//connect $stat = pop3_list($...

How can I recursively delete folder with a specific name with PowerShell?

I can delete files with specific extensions in multiple folders with this: Get-childitem * -include *.scc -recurse | remove-item But I also need to delete folders with a specific name - in particular those that subversion creates (".svn" or "_svn") when you pull down files from a subversion repo. ...

Theory on C++ convention regarding cleanup of the heap, a suggested build, is it good practice?

Hi everyone! <-- Rookie C++ here again ^^ I have another theory question , as the title suggested it's to evaluate a build of code. Basically I'm considering using this template everywhere. I am using VC++ VS2008 (all included) Stapel.h class Stapel { public: //local vars int x; private: public: Stapel(); Stapel(...

Detecting a File Delete on an Open File

I am opening a file with read access and allowing subsequent read|write|delete file share access to the file (tailing the file). If the file is deleted during processing is there a way to detect that the file is pending delete (see Files section If some outside process (the...

What is the safest way in ColdFusion to delete a folder and it's contents?

I am finishing creating a file upload utility for our site, and if the upload is an invalid format (per our specs not worth going over here) I would want to delete the folder the zip file was unzipped to, and all it's contents. So far I have used a method of creating a dynamic batch file like this: <!--- check if folder exists befo...

delete oldest records from database

I have a database with 1000 records. I am trying to create a sql statement so if the number of records will grow, then the oldest records to be deleted. I am using sqlite, but I assume the usual sql syntax will fit here. Thanks ...

Overloading Delete Operator in c++

In my code, i have overloaded the new and delete operators to get filename and line number. In my code I am using map and stack. When i do erase a particular value from the map it just call my overloaded delete function but I want only explicit delete statements to be able to access my function, not others. How can I do that? ...

Automatically removing associations when deleting entities in NHibernate

I have the following entities: namespace NhLists { public class Lesson { public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual string Title { get; set; } } public class Module { public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual IList<Lesson> Lessons { get; set; } public Module() { Lessons = new List<Lesson>...

Remove Duplicate Rows Leaving Oldest Row Only?

I have a table of data and there are many duplicate entries from user submissions. I want to delete all duplicates rows based on the field subscriberEmail, leaving only the original submission. In other words, I want to search for all duplicate emails, and delete those rows, leaving only the original. How can I do this without swappin...

how to release resource after delete a file by java

I write code to delete a file, just like: File logFile = new File(fileName); deleteSuccess = logFile.delete(); But the Veracode: give me some warning about the resource is not released. I want to know how to release the resource after delete a file. The Veracode error is like follows Veracode: Description The application fails to ...

How do I make an automake rule in an .mk file that deletes a directory upon cleaning?

I would like to delete a another directory when I run make clean, but I can't figure out how to code it up in the rules. I have tried clean-local: -rm -f del.dir but that didn't work. I also tried CLEANFILES = del.dir but that also didn't work. Any suggestions would be appreciated, Thanks for your time, Josh ...

How to disable slide to delete for a UITableView

Does anybody know how to disable the 'slide-to-delete' in a uitableview? I still want to be able to delete the rows while the table is in editing mode. Thanks ...

Selectively deleting large amounts data from Sybase table

Using Sybase ASE 15 for this - I have about a large amount of rows (up to 10 mil) to delete from a table on a regular basis, but I want to keep a selection of the latest added data to the table, so that rules out using truncate directly on the table. delete from master_table where... Using the above delete is very slow, so my strategy...

Delete linkbutton not firing inside a gridview inside an update panel

Looked to various posts on here but couldn't find one quite like it, I know this is going to be something small but I just can't figure it out. I am using a gridview inside an update panel. The gridview is using the auto generated delete column converted into a templatefield column. Here is the code: <asp:GridView ID="gvFiles" runat="s...