
using svn to delete multiple directories at once so then I can replace them with new directories of the same name

Hey all, I find a lot of svn commands out there to delete directories and files. Unfortunately, every time I run these commands, I get strange errors afterwards like 'not under version control' or 'conflict'. I'm just looking for a straightforward svn command that will allow me to delete all the directories under the MARKT directory bel...

using svn to delete multiple directories at once so then I can replace them with new directories of the same name

Hey all, I find a lot of svn commands out there to delete directories and files. Unfortunately, every time I run these commands, I get strange errors afterwards like 'not under version control' or 'conflict'. I'm just looking for a straightforward svn command that will allow me to delete all the directories under the MARKT directory bel...

Delete all data in SQL Server database

How I can delete all records from all tables of my database? Can I do it with one SQL command or I need for one SQL command per one table? ...

C++: Is deleting an array stored as static local variable needed, and how?

I have a few arrays and a resource that needs deletion, the value of these variables are retained throughout the lifetime of the program and they are only used in a single function so it naturally fits into static variables: void func() { static GLfloat arrs[4] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; static GLUquadric* quad = gluNewQuadric(); // delete...

Why is there a delete[] in C++?

Why is there a delete[]? From my understanding its to behave differently for arrays. However, why does it really exist? Theres only free in C and no free_array. Also in syntax the only difference between delete var and delete []var is the [] which has no params (i'm not telling the length of the array). So why does delete[] really exist...

Hibernate deleting all rows before inserting ...

hi, Im new to hibernate... I have this entity class, the first one i built to test Hibernate, it uses an oracle sequence to fill the ID field : @Entity @Table(name="COMPANIES") public class Companies { private Integer cmpid; private String cmpname; private String cmpcountry; ...

git checkout HEAD~2 (example) deletes untracked files if they were added with last commit. Unwanted!

I add new files (which were present before as untracked files) and commit them. When I checkout to before this commit, these files are deleted. They should not. It does not matter whether .gitignore lists these files or not (which requires to do git add -f ...). ...

How do I delete item using ASP.Net MVC

What is the best way to delete an item in MVC? I have a list of items. Each row will contain a "Delete" link. I want the Delete link to prompt for confirmation, then delete the item from the datastore and refresh the page with the new data. Here is my view code: <%: Ajax.ActionLink( "Delete" ...

How can i free a pointer vector?

Hello, how can i free up memory in a pointer vector? Here's the code: class A { private: int x,y,z; public: A(param1, param2, param3) { x=param1; y=param2; z=param3; } ~A() { //prompts an alertbox, warning me about the successful call...

Check if a row could be deleted in MySQL

Is there a way I can check if a row potentially could be deleted? That it for example is not currently connected through restricted foreign keys to anything else. Reason: I am making an admin page with all the users in the system listed. They can always be disabled, but they may also be deleted. However they can only be deleted if they...

MySQL: Delete singular entires

If I have this table: +------+-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+------------+-----------+----------------+------+------+--------+------------+------------+ | type | class | username | userid | userip | usermobile | useremail | daysleft| pin1 | pin2 | pin3 | active | schoolname | schoolsite | +------+------...

creating objects in c++ not using "new"

hey, i want to make a program that lets say represents a matrix now the matrix will be represented by a vector that each object in the vector will represent a cell example: vector now when constructing the matrix the constructor recives a list of cells to insert in the matrix. the size of the list is unknown in compilation time i am ...

How do I delete a node from linked list? c++

How can I delete a node (between two nodes) from a single linked list without passing any parameters to the class function? For example, I have a list of 6 nodes with one head node and i want to delete 2 of them (without prior knowledge of their address or position) from a class function, how would i do that? void WordList::deleteNod...

Quick CoreData question -- inverse delete rules

Quick simple question. Apple's CoreData docs explain how delete rules work on a department's employees relationship. Delete a department, and various different things can happen to the associated employees. But what about an employee's department relationship? Should I set my delete rule to No Action, since I don't want the deletion ...

Should we delete before or after erase for an pointer in the vector

Hi , Should we delete before or after erase. My understanding is both are OK. Is it correct? In addition, is there any case we won't want to delete the element while erasing it? I believe there must be , otherwise, the erase will be happy to take the responsibility. std::vector<foo*> bar; ... for (vector<foo*>::iterator itr =

CoreData - Data Models

Having created an entity, and run the app successfully, I realised I had missed something out of it. I added the new attribute and now get an error regarding different data models, unable to open, SIGABRT (to paraphrase, but I think you get the picture). How do I go about resetting the data model, or will I have to create a new entity? I...

Release resource on boost::shared_ptr finalization

I do receive a shared_ptr from a library call, and pass it and some resource back into the library. The resource can only be deleted when the shared_ptr deletes its pointer: std::ofstream* out = new std::ofstream(); ... shared_ptr<Lib::SomeClass> writer = Library.createWriter(out); Library.appendWriter(writer); The library expects m...

Multiple delete in a single query.

Hi, DELETE FROM Table1 WHERE ConditionID=?ConditionID; DELETE FROM Table2 WHERE ConditionID=?ConditionID; DELETE FROM Table3 WHERE ConditionID=?ConditionID; ConditionID is a column present in Table1,Table2,Table3, instead of running 3 times individually, is there a way to run all the three in a single query(in mysql)? Thanks. ...

new/delete "override" vs. "overload"

I always thought... overriding means reimplementing a function (same signature) in a base class whereas overloading means implementing a function with same name but different signature ... and got confused because sometimes people just don't care about the difference. Concerning new/delete: Are they overloaded or overridden? An ide...

deleting a list item <li> with jquery?

im trying to delete a li item using jquery, but its not working heres my code? the html file: <li> <a href="$username"><img class="avatar" src="images/$picture" width="48" height="48" alt="avatar" /></a> <div class="tweetTxt"> <strong><a href="$username">$username</a></strong> $auto <div class="date">$...