
Design and Test Approach for given scenario

Hi All, This is not an homework. But an practice to understand what are the best practices to design , implement and unit test a particular scenario and so discussion explaining why a particular approach was taken as compared to other would be really helpful from understanding point of view to gain better understanding of how to approa...

algorithm to match prefix and name to a list of names

I have a std::vector<std::string> of all the files in a directory: // fileList folder/file1 folder/file2 file3 file4.ext and a std::set<std::string> of filenames and the same for all used folder prefixes: // set1 file2 file4.ext // set2 folder I need to generate the full (relative) paths to the ALL files in set1, but see no way of...

How do I design my models with "interchangeable" fields?

Sorry about the title, I couldn't find the right word. I'll try my best to describe it properly. I have a business model which needs some properties. But the properties of the business depends on what category it is. So for example, I have a business named "XYZ" under the category "Restaurant" and a business named "ABC" under the cate...

I want to convert my HTML site into iPhone or Droid compatible site. How can I do that?

My website is really very simple HTML based site. My site is located here: How can I convert this simple HTML site compatible with iPhone or Droid? Do I need to convert the same into PHP based site and then convert? Your help will be much appreciated. ...

How to approach this design problem

Scenario One warehouse, suppliers and consumers. One supplier can produce only one type of stuff. One consumer can also consume only one type of stuff. The warehouse knows about suppliers and consumers, but none of them is aware about each other. How can I Design the interfaces for all actors in this scenario and simulate it using gen...

how to implement the idea of mvc design in matlab gui's

hi guys, please am a student working on a project to develop a visualization tool to analyse data using an mvc design in matlab. but the problem im having is that im new to programming and matlab is the first real programing im doing. ive pretty much done the codes but i fear they are no way in an mvc design pattern so i need to change t...

How to pass user details between objects in

I'm redesigning an old VB6 application into and there is one thing I'm not sure on the best way to do. In the VB6 application whenever we created a new instance of a component, we would pass in the user details (user name and the like) so we new who was performing the tasks. However, no that I'm redesigning I've created some nice...

ASP.NET Silverlight online trading simulation game implemenation

Hi, I am going to start a new online trading simulation game. Server Page: A game will be loaded with an xml which contains the instruments for this game and each instrument initial and changing factor price(which determines the price for the next interval ex: 1 min). User Page: After the game is loaded successfully, Users can laun...

What resources are available for SDK design and implementation?

Hi, I will soon be undertaking an SDK writing project at work and I was wondering if anyone could point me towards some good resources for design and implementation considerations, best practices etc. Or if anyone has any experience in the field and could offer some advice that would also be greatly appreciated. The project is based a...

Database Design: Defining Access Control

An application I am developing needs to provide access to data based on a list of cities defined for each client. A client can have: access to all cities in a country OR access to all cities in a state / region OR access to select cities in any state or country. What would be the best way to define this in the database (if the db has...

How should I structure a data driven Win forms solution?

I am writing a Windows Forms application which is growing and becoming quite extensive. Initially I thought that a separate project for graphical components and one for business logic and one for data access would be the best approach. As the application gets larger I'm beginning to think that a more modular approach would be cleaner.....

Should we always have a zero-argument constructor in a Class?

Should every Java class have a zero-argument constructor? ...

What is the best practice for WinForms dialogs with ninject?

I try to create aplication with Ninject. I have one MainForm and dialog form for settings. How should i implement this? Should MainForm have a Kernel instance and then create SettingsForm with Get() method? Or should MainForm constructor have parameter with SettingsForm instance? I tried find some example of WinForm application with nin...

Avoid reinventing the wheel, mental process you use to force yourself not to rewrite existing code.

Need help here, I'm a coder who has always felt the weight of a tremendously strong force pushing him to reinvent the wheel. It was so strong that I was nearly trying to reinvent jQuery lately [Note] and this really made me think. I read also these well written articles, but they don't give any practical suggestions to follow in order...

Setting html document width to fit text

I have an html document that is included as an iframe in a toolbar. The document includes a single line of text. I wish to limit the width of the document, so that it doesn't exceed a maximal width, but can occupy less if the text is short. How can this be achieved? If helpful, the document is actually a php document and I can use jav...

how can I enlarge the boundaries of an html table

There are many tables nested inside as it showd in the following three images. Please give an idea so that I can see the circled images fully in the third image.. ps: if you want any html code of o a part, I can share it here on request.. Now *1* 2 The Desired Html Page: The Final Scene: ...

iPhone app 3d engine or not

I am developing a simple iPhone app, which: retrieves data from the server presents the data In order to present the data better I want to add nice 3d dynamic objects, for example: a car with spinning wheels next to car sales bar chart. power plant with smoke coming out of the chimney next to CO2 emission numbers The questions a...

How can I index a collection and allow each index's variable to have a custom setter?

So I have an object called Vertex which contains some parameters (let's call them sx, sy and i). sx, sy and i each have special setters: ie, Vertex looks something like class Vertex { public: float sx() { return sx; }; void setSx(float val) { val > 0 ? sx = val : sx = 0; }; float sy() {...

List all parts of a set in one Given-When-Then statement, or break out to separate specs?

When you write Given When Then specs, do you prefer to list elements in a set in 1 When statement, or do a separate spec for each? i.e. GIVEN a book WHEN category is "Fanatsy", "Sci-Fi", or "Horror" THEN Buy it. vs. GIVEN a book WHEN category is "Fanatsy" THEN Buy it. GIVEN a book WHEN category is "Sci-Fi" THEN Buy it. ...

Domain Design and NHibernate

Given the database design below how would you model it? Address Type is Bussiness/Home etc and the PersonId is on Address table is because there are many addresses for one Person. I would most do something like: public class Person { public virtual int PersonId { get; set; } public virtual string FirstName { get; set; } publi...