
DesignInstance: Type was not load

Attempt to make a stub data for custom Silverlight 4 control failed. Here is XAML code: <UserControl x:Class="VfmElitaSilverlightClientView.Pages.FieldItem" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="

What is the best way to parse this configuration file?

I am working on a personal project that uses a custom config file. The basic format of the file looks like this: [users] name: bob attributes: hat: brown shirt: black another_section: key: value key2: value2 name: sally sex: female attributes: pants: yellow shirt: red There can be an arbitrary number of users ...

Is This a “Large” GraphViz Chart, and How to Fix it?

Hi, I started using GraphViz yesterday in order to visualize the relationships between some things—a project I’ve been wanting to tackle for quite a while now. So far, I’ve gotten it pretty well done, but there’s a few things I’m struggling with, specifically getting the chart to look good and how long it takes to process the DOT file—...

Help me to find a better programming approach

Hello SO My application has a set of base classes derived from almost all the UI controls XCombobox,XButton,XMenu etc. All these classes have some additional functionality apart from standard functionality (ex: Serialization capability) I use all these controls in my test windows application. I want to implement a concept similar to t...

Can we have a return type for a constructor in Java?

The following code gives a compilation error: class parent { parent(int a){} } class child extends parent{} Error: cannot find symbol symbol : constructor parent() location: class parent class child extends parent{} ^ 1 error I was trying to do different things and found that adding a return type to the parent cons...

Is there a mass registration pattern for adding a listener to multiple JComponents?

I have a java applet that is used as a drawing tool. Across the top of the applet I have several buttons and other widgets that allow the user to draw/modify/erase various features on the "canvas". I have a requirement of adding some key binds that act as short cuts as well as providing some other features. I have a key listener def...

Application design question

Hi everyone! I'm building web shop in ASP.NET MVC. I have two entities: Category and Product. One product can belong to one or more categories. On webpage, user can see a list of categories. By clicking category name, he can see all products in that category. User may also search products by name, category, price, etc. Controllers Whi...

How do I design my software for remappable short-cut keys?

I've just started on a GUI application which will feature several distinct modes and a large number of keyboard shortcuts. Ideally I'd like to support letting the user remap these, like in eclipse. What is - if any - the standard solution to this situation? I can imagine the main window captures all key-presses and translate them to key-...

best practices for building a community website in PHP

I'm very new to php and I'm looking to build a community website. It should have support for user profiles, messaging, user photo gallery, authentication and profile comments. I've looked around and narrowed my options: 1-use a social networking package like elgg 2-use a php framework like cakePHP and add required functionality 3-start ...

Decoupling - OOP

Hi, I have a simple question (working with Java). I have two classes, one represents a Document, a second represents a Word. The Document class needs to know some info about the words that is kept in Word. My question is, what's the best way to decouple the two classes? I have 2 options in mind: Have no connection between the classes...

BDD features of features, should I make a new story or it belongs in a scenario ?

Ok so I'm just starting to try and use BDD for some new development we are doing and I wrote up a story like this for a log viewer feature: Story: User reviews workflow execution logs As a user I want to review the log of rules execution So that I can examine the results and make adjustments/fixes to the rules definitions with some s...

Stories and Scenarios that implies UI

I am trying to learn how to use BDD for our development process and I sometimes end-up writing things that implies a UI design, so for brand new development or new features, the UI does not always exists. For example, if I say this in a scenario "When a column header is clicked" it implies that this feature is based on some sort of tabl...

make my gtk buttons more windows-like

How can I get my gtk buttons to look more like standard windows buttons? In this particular example, I have OK and Cancel buttons, but they're a different size than the OK and Cancel buttons in every windows app. How can I change their size to look more like windows'? ...

c++ handling derived class that's self referencing

So suppose I have a tree class like this in c++ class Node{ void addChild(Node*); /*obvious stuff*/ protected: Node* parent; vector<Node*> children } class specialNode : public Node{ void addChild(specialNode*); /*obvious stuff*/ /*special stuff*/ } Now whenever I access the children in special...

Implementing Hierarchical State Machines in C

I'm a bit confused about how to implement my state machine. I already know it's hierarchical since some states share the same action. I determine what I need to do by these parameters: Class (Values are: Base, Derived, Specific) OpCode Parameter 1 - optional Parameter 2 - optional My hierarchy is determined by the Class and the OpC...

mfc directory picker?

I did see this to modify CFileDialog ( but it looks like a lot more than I need. I'm using the CFileDialog to pick files, is there a simple way to use it to just select a directory? Any other suggestions? (I also saw this but is for XP only?

How to do design list view like SharePoint 2010 Custom List or Document Library?

I am generation Recent Activity list from SharePoint 2010 site, What i need is ,i have to display the list in a particular page,The UI must be like a SharePoint 2010 Custom List or Document Library, How to design it, Is there any way to do this. ...

How can I write a contract for an abstract method?

I am using contracts in my Java project. (Contract = doing checks at the start and end of methods) I am wondering if there is a nice way/pattern to write a contract for a generic method. For example: public abstract class AbstractStringGenerator{ /** * This method must return a new line as it's last char * @return string ...

OpenGL design practices for manipulating quads in 3 dimensions

I'm basically looking to see if I have the design of the following system correct in my mind, since I was handed a prototype as a starting point - but it approached the problem in a separate way than I would. The Application Very simple OpenGL application (will be written in Java) where we will have a window that contains a number of q...

Are Modules still commonly used in program structures?

I am not a program designer by any means but I would really like to start getting a better grasp of how to do it and a better understanding of the .NET languages in general (VB, C#). I was reading a book by Wrox - Professional Visual Basic 2008. In it I believed it mentioned that Modules are slowly going out of existence. I can see why m...