
Architectural Patterns Pub/Sub Scaling and Disaster Recovery

We will have a source system broadcasting messages over a JMS compliant pub/sub infrastructure. For the majority of messages published the subscribers will be GUI applications updating a screen with the data in the message. One of the subscribers, however, will be a translation service. For certain messages published the translation s...

USB Backup App - Best approach

I'm interested in writing a little app to backup files from a USB to help my wife and reduce her stress levels when she thinks she's lost stuff! I'm trying to figure out the best way to do so, I want something very simple, but like the idea of backing up files that change (bit like SVN). So I've come up with the following idea, but I'm ...

Where can I find a good commercial site template for a software website?

I'm hunting for a commercial quality template (CSS based) for building a website to showcase new software. Any recommended places to look? ...

Handling ObjectDisposedException correctly in an IDisposable class hierarchy

When implementing IDisposable correctly, most implementations, including the framework guidelines, suggest including a private bool disposed; member in order to safely allow multiple calls to Dispose(), Dispose(bool) as well as to throw ObjectDisposedException when appropriate. This works fine for a single class. However, when you subc...

Teaching principles of web design

So, another teaching question. I'm teaching this course in web development and the school i'm with has a recommended text that we should use but i feel that most of the stuff is pretty surface level for the "principles of web design" area, eg, these are the topics: Browsers Platforms Standards Monitor Resolution Connection speed and m...

What CSS framework would you recomend?

I'm a software developer, not a designer, but I'm being forced to design websites. In the past, I designed "by hand", never using anyone of these before. Now, I have found that there are a lot of CSS framewoks. I want to give a try to some of these, but I don't know where to begin and I don't want to waste my time. I think the most popu...

I need to represent allocation of 100% of some resource between 3 owners in GUI - any recommendations?

For 2 owners the answer is easy - use a slider with one owner on the left, the other on the right, and slide to control the percentage of each. How do I do it with 3 or more owners? Specifically I'm talking about JAVA Swing-based GUI, but am mainly looking for the design idea. Thanks! ...

What is the use of passing const references to primitive types?

In a project I maintain, I see a lot of code like this for simple get/set methods const int & MyClass::getFoo() { return m_foo; } void MyClass::setFoo(const int & foo) { m_foo = foo; } What is the point in doing that instead of the following? int MyClass::getFoo() { return m_foo; } // Removed 'const' and '&' void MyClass::setFoo(...

Plug'N'Play Framework/Best practices

I need to rewrite an old webservice, which act as a Plug'N'Play repository for drivers. A request for a driver can return one or more objects depending on a range of identifiers. Could anyone recommend any best practices in regards to the architecture/design or perhaps existing frameworks or tools? I would think that this is a well known...

Quality Assurance in the design phase?

How does quality assurance fit into the design phase of software development? What (if any) quality assurance activities are done in the design phase? ...

is state machine suitable for handling state changes in sales-promotion system?

I'm developing sales promotion system and I just stepped on something that could be probably handled with state machine pattern, but I have no experiences with state machines yet. Maybe the state machine is totally useless in this situation :) So I have a sales promotion which has some duration, some assigned customers, products, discoun...

WCF: MessageContract, DataContract ... Confused?

Hi, I'm writing my first WCF service. I decided to write the service just as a DLL to begin with and then aspect the WCF stuff on afterwards which is where I am now. I was advised by the arcitect that I should stick to a specific format for message objects which I have done. However I've used Interfaces, complex types and lists thereof...

Overriding a CSS style

In a global style sheet used across all of our pages sits the following line: ul { margin: 0; } li { list-style-type: none; padding-bottom: 3px; } Therefore, any ul's inside my pages render with no discs next to li's. However, in special cases, I need to display the disc next to a li. I have a div with the class "blog-post" and thou...

What are all the useful design review tools?

Have you ever used any tools which helps in analyzing design itself? Though design is mostly compared to art, is there any tool which directly analyzes or helps in analyze existing design? Note : Though mostly I am interested in Java, anything is fine. ...

Is it possible to change the width of a table with CSS while printing?

I need to change the width of the table while printing the page using <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/reportPrint.css" media="print" /> Can I change the width of the table while printing from the CSS file? Any help would be appreciated. ...

Good examples of Winform UIs - from a UX and aesthetic standpoint

Can anyone recommend some good online resources that show samples of what would be considered good Winforms "design" in terms of both User Experience and overall aesthetics. I'm looking for something that includes screenshots so as to inspire me..... not just a bullet list of best practices. Thanks! ...

Tracking changes to a (functional) design document

Hi, I am looking for a good way to keep a design document up to date with the latest decisions. We are a small team (two developers, game designer, graphic designer, project manager, sales guy). Most of our projects last a couple of months. At the start of the project a design is made but we generally find ourselves making changes or ...

How to handle translation of UI widgets in a massive project?

I am working on a large Java 1.4.2 project (~3000 files...) that contain lots of GUI widgets. There is a requirement to translate all text on the UI widgets to different languages (Italian, French, German), only European languages at this point. How would you go about designing a solution for such a problem? How would you verify that ...

Design for future changes or solve the problem at hand.

While writing the code or during design do you try to generalize the problem at the first instance itself or try to solve that very specific problem. I am asking this because, trying to generalize the problem tends to complicate the things (which may not be necessary) and on the otherhand it will be very difficult to extend the specific ...

Which way to structure Data for User Generated Form Templates

Hello, I'm thinking about an idea for something, as well as learning Ruby on Rails (easy eh :) ). I want something to allow a user to generate forms as templates, then assign these templates as forms in a location in a tree hierarchy, then allow users to fill in instances of these forms and save the data. So, I've got two different t...