
What does wikipedia use for text and revision diffs

I'm trying to take 2 versions of text (10 pages long) and compare the 2 to produce the difference. I know Wikipedia has a similar feature to compare revisions. Does anyone know what they use? I'm hoping they're using a php-driven solution. ...

TortoiseSVN : Good 'patch file' viewer ?

Hi, The default patch file viewer is messy (ie. no side by side diff view etc). I tried setting the path of beyondCompare exe in "Settings->Unified Diff Viewer->custom", but beyond compare also behaves same as default diff tool. Is there a way to atleast allow side by side diff in patch files ? If so, what is the method ? My aim is to al...

Interactive GUI-like command line merging tool (like BeyondCompare or WinMerge) for Linux

May be something that uses reverse-video to show the differences. ...

Are there java libraries to do a word-based diff?

I have two pieces of text. I would like to make a word-based diff between them (like whe unix utility wdiff does) but with more information in the output (I mean, the character's posizion where the added/delited word starts). I need to do this in Java, so a simple output of the differences (like wdiff) doesn't suite for me: I would like...

Any diff/merge tool that provides a report (metrics) of conflicts?

CONTEXT: I am preparing a big C# merge using visual studio 2008 and TFS. I need to create a report with the files and the number of collisions (total changes and conflicts) for each file (and in total of course) PROBLEM: I cannot do it for two reasons (first one is solved): 1- Using TFS merge I can have access to the file comparison bu...

Using a regex pattern to find revision numbers from a svn merge

svn diff -rXX:HEAD Will give me a format like this, if there has been a merge between those revisions: Merged /<branch>:rXXX,XXX-XXX or Merged /<branch>:rXXX I'm not very familiar with regex and am trying to put together a pattern which will match all the numbers (merged revision numbers) AFTER matching the "Merged /branch:r" part. ...

visual tool to resolve conflicts merged into a single file

I did a git merge and ended up with a file like that looks like this: class member extends item{ /********CONSTANTS**********/ const is_flaggable = true; const is_commentable = false; const is_ratable = false; const table = 'member'; <<<<<<< HEAD const table_about = 'mem_about' ; const table_to_about = 'm...

Visualizing rst diffs with rst2pdf

Is there an easy way to visualize the differences between rst files using rst2pdf? I know I could use rst2latex instead and then latexdiff to generate PDF files (and that is the effect I am after), but I would like to have the same style in the original and diff files. ...

Bash scripting know the result of a command.

Hi, I am writing a bash script to run an integration test of a tool I am writing. Basically I run the application with a set of inputs and compare the results with expected values using the diff command line tool. It's working, but I would like to enhance it by knowing the result of the diff command and print "SUCCESS" or "FAIL" depen...

Detecting if two png images are different

(Context: running autohotkey scripts to try and automate some tests. The plan is to take screenshots and then compare them to 'standard' screenshots to detect if output has changed). Is there a 'clever' way to check if two png images are different? By clever I mean other than comparing them byte by byte? (after having compared their s...

is there a way to pipe the git or Mercurial diff output to a GUI Diff tool?

the diff result in text might be hard to get used to at first. Is there a way to pipe that output to a visual diff tool, such as something like $ hg diff --visual code.rb or $ hg diff code.rb | sometool so that the result can be viewed visually? ...

Is there any Rendered HTML Diff engine for .NET

There are some questions on SO about Html diff engines, but i cant find right answer. What i need is .NET library for comparing two rendered html strings and displaying diff (like SO renders questions/answer editing revisions (example)). ...

How to efficiently work with gettext PO files when making small edits to large text values

Looking for tips and/or tools on how to efficiently work with gettext PO files when making small edits to large msgid values. Example: We have lots of multi-sentence/multi-paragraph messages that are stored in our PO message catalog files. If we make a very minor change to a message, perhaps editing a single sentence or even correcting ...

MySQL diff generator for use in a Joomla context

Is there any (mysql) db diff tool that can output the differences between 2 dump files (or 2 db) as a series of ddl and dml sql statements? I would like to maintain the db version controlled and so far the 'best' option i've seen is create a initial dump of the database and then put the modifications as a serie of scripts. The problem ...

How to use a custom compare tool with Perforce?

I have copy of Grigsoft's Compare it! tool, can anyone tell me how to use it with Perforce source control? ...

Are there any FREE Xaml Diff/Merge tools available?

I am searching a free diff tool with support of native syntax and markup for XAML, but failed to find one. I like Altova's DiffDog but it's paid. CodeCompare is an useful tool. It has some worth with its integration into VisualStudio and usage of native editors. It's a perfect solution for XML! However, it does not support XAML editors. ...

CVS Diff to output only modified files?

Is it possible? Run a cvs diff in terminal at the project root that outputs only modified files (like local files that aren't in source control and local modified files - mainly what I did to my project). I'm running cvs diff --brief but I still have too many results since my project is large, and with a lot of subdirectories - it shows...

Django Fancy String Diff During Test Execution in Console

Anyone know of any pre-existing tools out there what will highlight differences in output when running Django tests? I'm comparing some JSON output and it's tough to find things like extra spaces. I was about to just copy and paste this into an existing diff tool but I figured this might be on someone's radar. Currently I see somethin...

How to configure Beyond Compare 3 for Eclipse conflict resolution?

What is the correct parameters to get Beyond Compare 3 working with Eclipse/Subclipse conflict resolution? In Preferences > Team > SVN > Diff/Merge there's the option to specify an external program to resolve conflicts. The default parameters are: "${yours}" "${theirs}" "${base}" "${merged}" And it suggests TortoiseMerge settings of...

diff implementation in Java

Hi, I'm looking for a diff implementation in Java. I've seen that Python has its own SequenceMatcher (with difflib), which is exactly what I need... in Java. Is there any portage? Or is there any other class/library that performs the same in Java? If not, where can I find the source code of that difflib (if free as in speech) to make ...