
Is an array valid for vertex element data for programmable graphics pipline?

In response to my previous qeustion posted here: If I have say a vertex structure with an array of floating point values such as: public struct Vertex { float[] array = new float[4]; public Vertex(float x, float, y, ...

DirectDraw Overlays

Does anyone have a working example (code) of a DirectDraw overlay? Like something moving on the screen. I have been trying to find an example of DirectDraw overlaying usage and was unable to. Thank you. ...

What are the pros and cons of using Matrices, Euler Angles, and or Quaternions for rotation representation?

Matrices and Euler angles can suffer from Gimbal lock but what are some other arguments for using one over the other? What do you think DirectX favors? What do you use in daily C++/C/DirectX programming? ...

Hierarchical animations in DirectX and handling seperate animations on the same mesh?

I have a hierarchical animated model in DirectX which loads and animates based on the following DirectX sample: As good as the sample is it does not really go into some of the details of animation that I'd like. For example, if I have a mesh which has a running animation ...

Different options to handle mouse and keyboard input in a game

I've recently been getting into DirectX and along with that, game programming. I've started fleshing out my base of the program and now I'm looking to get into handling input. The way I have right now is through calling a function in my main loop which queries the mouse and keyboard using GetDeviceState (in a nutshell) and their respecti...

How do I check for a 32-bit z-buffer using Managed Direct3D?

I understand that a call to Manager::CheckDepthStencilMatch should get me an answer, but so far I have not been able to gather the pieces required to make this call effectively. In particular, I need to obtain values for the adapterFormat and renderTargetFormat arguments. I am not specifying any particular format while creating the devi...

Assertion Error: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse)

I get the error in the title in the following code: std::vector<short> GetIndicesFromID3DXMesh(ID3DXMesh* model) { //LPVOID * ppData; DWORD stride = sizeof(short); BYTE* ibptr = NULL; short* indices = new short[model->GetNumFaces() * 3]; std::vector<short> copy; model->LockIndexBuffer(0, (LPVOID*)&indices); ...

DirectX 9: Transform texture of one instance of a loaded mesh, but not others

In DirectX 9 I have a .X file which I've loaded and I draw several copies of it. I need to be able to alter the texture coordinates for each copy (e.g. give each one a different scale). Unfortunately because they're all the same mesh and use the same materials, it seems that transforming the texture for one does the transformation for al...

Bone behaves differently in 3D Studio Max to DirectX or something else?

I have a rigged (biped) and animated model in 3D Studio Max which I've exported as a .x file. When I use it the animations run fine, however I've been trying to get the model itself to lean and turn from the hip but I'm having difficulty in finding where in the bone hierarchy I should apply the rotation matrices. In 3D Studio Max there...

What is the difference between the x64 and x86 library files in DirectX?

I recently got Visual Studio on a new computer, and to set up DirectX on it, I went to Tools>Options>Projects and Solutions>VC++ Directories and under Library Files made a new entry C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (August 2009)\Lib\x86 and now ran a test program (essentially just initialized DirectX) and it worked fine. However,...

Overlay Webpage on 3D Application?

I'm looking for a free substitute for a library called Awesomium, that would allow me to display a local html page on top of a rendered openGL scene, such that the user could interact with the webpage (ie. click buttons), but also interact with the scene, when the mouse is no longer on top of the web page window. Any suggestions? Or any...

Direct3D Sprite->SetTransform usage?

I draw textures using the D3DXSprite. I want to transform them(rotate, scale etc..) so I use the SetTransfrom method. Should I, store the old transformation -> set a new one -> draw -> set the old one? I have a sprite class whice take care of the Draw and the Update methods. I mean something like this: D3DXMatrix oldMatrix; sprite->GetT...

Prevent screen capturing with DirectX

Hi everybody! I would like to render a single image using DirectX. It should work similar to VLC player's "directx video output", were it is not possible to capture a frame using simple screen capturing software or the printscreen-key. It should not be possible (or very difficult) to make a screenshot! Does anyone know how this works i...

Blending animations in DirectX - is this technically possible?

I have an animated mesh in the .x format I've loaded with D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromX and have an animation controller for it. The mesh has two animations, one for walking and one for throwing where the walk animation. Is it at all possible to blend the two animations in such a way that both animations can run together with the walk taki...

video compression in vb 2005?

hello, i wanted to ask is there any means i can compress a video file(.avi) to a small size than original. If A sample code/tutorial to do so would be of great help Which API should i use(except the DirectX)..? Is DirectX advisable? ...

Issue with animated .x files and multiple materials

I've been trying to export skinned and animated .x models with multiple materials on the same mesh but have found the skinning breaks when that happens. The animations work fine but the mesh stops wrapping around the bones properly (it seems) with what looks to be different vertices attaching themselves to different bones causing a stran...

how to set the timer in c#

i am drawing numerous lines in screen . i need to put timer and draw the lines in panel one by one in c# using directx ...

What's the difference between D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY and E_OUTOFMEMORY

Hi, guys, I am developing a tool drawing primitves with DX9 in my XP-32. When create vertex buffer and index buffer, there could be some error of creation failed. Return code could be D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY or E_OUTOFMEMORY. I am not sure what the difference of them. I use VideoMemory tool in DX sample to check the memory, and it r...

Copying animation sets to different .x files?

Say I have multiple DirectX .x files each with the same bone hierarchy but different animations. What would I have to copy from one to the other to transfer the animtions over? Is it just everything listed under animation sets in it or is their something else I need as well? ...

Using DirectX DLL (C++) from C#

I have a native C++ DLL using DirectX, that I want to be able to use through C# to be able to create content creation tools. Adding COM would require quite an effort it seems. Can P/Invoke be used to maintain classes using polymorphism, or would it require me to wrap most of the code to facilitate use of P/Invoke? It there a better sol...